Title: 3rd Grade CRCT Practice
13rd Grade CRCT Practice
- English/Language Arts
- Research Process
- Which book would be BEST to use as a source
for a report about alligators? Â - Animals in Swamps Â
- All about Alligators Â
- Reptiles of the World Â
- Ally the Alligator's Party
- Â
- The first and last words on a page of a
dictionary are poor and purse. Which word would
you find on that page? Â - pie Â
- pack Â
- pure Â
- pitcher Â
Which part of a book is like a dictionary? Â A.
index  B. glossary  C. title page  D.
table of contents Â
 Which book would be BEST for finding information
about the Creek tribe?  A. atlas  B.
thesaurus  C. dictionary  D. encyclopedia Â
Which word would you find between the dictionary
guide words deputy and deter?  A. deal  B.
design  C. delight  D. demand  Â
 Kim is doing a report about birds. Which step
should she do LAST?  A. take notes  B.
choose a topic  C. write the paper  D. make
an outline Â
    Devon needs to find out about yesterday's
weather for a science project. Â The BEST place
to find this information is  A. in a magazine.
 B. on the Internet.  C. in a library book.
 D. in an encyclopedia
Beverly is doing a report on tigers. What
information would she find in an encyclopedia?
 A. how to pronounce the word tiger  B.
basic information about tigers  C. recent news
stories about tigers  D. different opinions
about the danger of tigers  Â
Which is the BEST place to find information about
dogs?  A. a book about games  B. a book
about science  C. a book about animals  D.
a book about geography Â
Which resource would be MOST helpful to you if
you needed to find information about how to take
care of a goldfish?  A. an atlas  B. the
Internet  C. an almanac  D. the telephone
book Â
Jason is doing research on birds. Why would he
want to use a videotape in his research process?
 A. It would have a table of contents.  B.
It would let him see and hear birds. Â C. It
would list words and their definitions. Â D. It
would have information that was updated
Amanda is writing a paper on the violin for her
music class. She wants to find all of the pages
where the subject of violins appears in her music
book. Â Where would she find that information?
 A.   the index  B.   the glossary  C.   the
title page  D.   the table of contents
To find out which pages in your science book tell
how plants grow, you should look up plants in the
 A. index.  B. glossary.  C. title page.
 D. front cover. Â
The guide words on a page of the dictionary are
hand and hurt. Which word would you find on this
page?  A. halt  B. hour  C. habit  D.
husband   Â
- What information can be found in an atlas? Â
- phone numbers Â
- street names Â
- city mayors Â
- land and water features Â
17Answer Key
1. B 2. C 3. B 4. D 5. B 6. C
7. B 8. B 9. C 10. B 11. B 12. A 13.
A 14. B 15. D