Title: Emotional Support Animal
2- How Can You Save Your Emotional Support Animal
From COVID-19?
- If you have a dog then you should take some steps
to save your emotional support animal from
COVID-19. Yet, there is no evidence that people
are getting coronavirus from their domestic
animals. Recently, some cases have come where
pets are infected with the virus but there were
very little effects.
3Still, you can follow some precautions to safe
your dog such as
- If you are sick then stay away from your dog and
ask another member of the family to take care of
the dog. - Avoid any contact with your pet if you are
exposed to the virus. - Wear a cloth on your face and also wash your
hands before and after you interact with your
dog. - Try to keep your dog indoors most of the time.
4If you want to walk with your dog then walk it on
a leash but maintain at least six feet distance
from it and also avoid dog parks or public places
because at these places a large number of people
and dogs gather.
5- You can carry a pocket-sized bottle of
hand-sanitizer while walking. Do not allow anyone
to pet your Emotional Support Dog. Consult PDSC
professionals who can help you in protecting your
emotional support animal. By talking with them,
you will get various ways to save your dog from
- Toll Free (800) 925-2182
- Fax (866) 753-4277
- Snail Mail
- 704 South Street 703
- Philadelphia, PA 19147
- or NY Office
- 2131 Sawyer Dr. 4
- N. Falls, NY 14304
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