Title: Leveraging Oracle Portal for Enterprise Identity Management
1Leveraging Oracle Portal for Enterprise Identity
2Greg Pike (Associate Partner)
- History 15-year Oracle solution provider
- Home Chicagoland
- Focus Business Intelligence, Data Warehousing,
Portal, web applications - Author and moderator www.SingleQuery.com
- Alternative provisioning solutions using Oracle
Portal constructs (10.1.2/10.1.4). - Manage data security and the graphical user
experience for external applications. - Manage user security with out-of-the-box portal
Administration screens. - Create an Enterprise Provisioning API.
4User Provisioning and Oracle Portal
- Employing scattered islands of user information
is inefficient. - Many products fill the Provisioning void (i.e.
Oracle Identity Management). - Oracle Portal can also fill many Provisioning
roles without the costs associated with more
robust solutions.
5Understanding Groups and Items
- Groups
- Empower administrators to craft comprehensive and
efficient security models for accessing Portal
content. - Relatively static objects, but include an
inheritance feature. - Items
- Designed to represent any type of content found
on a web page. - May include custom metadata content and can be
exposed to Groups for security.
6Creating a Group
Builder ? Administer Tab ? Create Group
7Case Study 1 Limiting Access in Oracle Reports
- Restrict the viewable information in Oracle
Reports based upon a location (facility). - Traditional Approach User/Privilege schema,
alter queries and add administration system. - Portal Approach Virtual Private Database (VPD)
and provisioning through Portal.
8Corporate Location Hierarchy
- Model the location hierarchy as a set of Portal
- Parent Groups are added as members to the
immediate child Groups. - Create a unique naming convention to facilitate
queries (LOC-NN).
9LOC-NN Naming Convention
Direct Group Membership
Inherited Group Membership
10Create a Simple Portal API
- FUNCTION get_user_locations(f_in_username IN
VARCHAR2) RETURN VARCHAR2 IS - csv_locations VARCHAR2(32767)
- CURSOR LOC_cur (c_in_username IN VARCHAR2) IS
- FOR loc_rec IN loc_cur(f_in_usernane) LOOP
- IF length(csv_locations) gt 1 THEN --
append a comma to the list - csv_locations csv_locations ','
- csv_locations csv_locations
loc_rec.location_id - END LOOP
SELECT to_number(regexp_replace(wug.group_name,'L
OC-','')) location_id FROM
wwv_user_groups WHERE user_name
c_in_username AND group_name like 'LOC-'
11Create a VPD Function
- VPD Functions Allow dynamic WHERE clauses to be
added to queries at the table level. - FUNCTION request_user_locations RETURN VARCHAR2
IS - allowed_location_ids VARCHAR2(32767)
- END -- function request_user_locations
- Attach VPD function to the table
- DBMS_RLS.add_policy (object_schema gt
'XYZ_DW', object_name gt
'LOCATIONS_D', policy_name
policy_function gt 'REQUEST_USER_LOCATIONS)
allowed_location_ids get_user_locations_at_ASDB(US
ER) RETURN location_id IN (allowed_location_i
Request allowed locations from Portal.
12System Architecture
13Case Study 2 Dynamic Web Menus
- Web-based reporting interface includes
hierarchically-structured menu items. - Menus are constructed dynamically based upon
privileges from the users Portal group
membership. - All menu metadata is contained in Portal Items.
14Web Menu Structure (Bottom-Up)
- Users gain access to the individual lowest-level
menu items. - Child Groups are added as members to the parent
Groups. - Upward inheritance preserves the menu visual
15Combining Groups and Items
- Portal Groups provide a powerful framework for
developing hierarchical access. - Items serve as a repository for dynamic web menu
metadata. - The combined Group-Item object provides a
powerful tool for applying a highly-customizable
user security model to menus.
16Group-Item Constructs
Item-level Security provides the glue
Portal Groups provide hierarchical access.
Portal Items describe individual menu items.
17Add Custom Attributes
Navigator ? Page Groups ? Shared Objects ?
Attributes ? Create New Attribute
18Create a Menu Item Type
Navigator ? Page Groups ? Shared Objects ? Item
Types ?Create New Item Type
19Add Attributes to the Item Type
Edit Item Type ? Attributes
20Create the Menu Items
Navigator ? Custom Menu Page
21Enable Item Level Security
Navigator ? Edit Page ? Access
22Apply Item Level Security
Edit Menu Item ? Access
23Consolidation Groups
- Granting access to individual menu items may lead
to a maintenance nightmare. - For menus with dozens or hundreds of menu items,
individual access is not feasible. - Consolidation groups simplify menu access
24Querying the menu items
Rows returned from the dynamic menu view for a
user with full access.
25Menu Item API Dynamic Menu Query
- WITH temp AS ( -- This query gets 1 row for
each item/attribute combination - SELECT t.masterthingid id,
- t.title,
- t.parentid,
- wa.name item_name,
- DECODE(ta.valuetype,'text',ta.value,ta.
numbervalue) item_value, - pg1.name parent_page
- FROM portal.wwv_things t,
- portal.wwpob_page pg1,
- portal.wwsec_group gp,
- portal.wwsec_sys_priv p,
- portal.wwv_user_groups wg,
- portal.wwsbr_item_types wit,
- portal.wwsbr_attributes wa,
- portal.wwsbr_item_type_attributes wita,
- portal.wwv_thingattributes ta
- WHERE t.siteid
SUBSTR(p.name,1,INSTR(p.name,'/')-1) - AND t.masterthingid
substr(p.name,instr(p.name,'/')1,8) - AND p.object_type_name 'ITEM' -- ITEM /
SELECT id,title, parentid, menu_item_type,
report_id, url, sort_order - Order the
result FROM ( -- A classic pivoting mechanism
to place all attributes in a single row
SELECT temp1.id, -- Needed
for the CONNECT BY temp1.parentid,
-- Needed for the CONNECT BY
temp1.title, -- The
menu item text temp1.item_value
menu_item_type, -- Is this a node or a leaf
temp2.item_value report_id, -- What
report to run temp3.item_value url,
-- What portal page to show
temp4.item_value sort_order -- Order of
the item in the menu FROM temp temp1,
temp temp2, temp temp3, temp temp4 WHERE
temp1.id temp2.id AND temp2.id
temp3.id AND temp3.id
temp4.id AND temp1.item_name
'MenuItemType AND temp2.item_name
'MenuItemReportID' AND temp3.item_name
'MenuItemURL' AND
temp4.item_name 'MenuItemSortOrder'
parentid 0 ORDER SIBLINGS BY sort_order
--Orders the menu items in the order displayed
Portal tables and views.
Custom item attributes to return.
User parameter
26Portal Objects Used in the Query
Table descriptions for a dynamic menu item query.
27System Architecture
28Case Study 3 The need for an Enterprise
Provisioning API (EP-API)
- Using the default Portal Administration screens
may hinder full integration with external
systems. - Included Portal APIs are complex and require a
deep understanding of Portal. - Exposing Portal APIs directly to external systems
is unwise from a security standpoint. - An EP-API eliminates the risk to external systems
when Oracle Portal is upgraded.
29Required Elements of the EP-API
- Create and delete/inactivate Portal users.
- Grant or revoke user access to Portal Groups.
- Inquire on the allowed Groups for a user.
- Create new Groups and modify their hierarchical
structures. - Create new Items and associate these to Groups.
- Modify the custom attributes for Portal Items.
- Inquire on existing Portal hierarchies.
30Selected Oracle Portal APIs
31Wrap-Up Advantages
- Portals out of the box functionality includes a
complete suite of support structures to start
provisioning immediately. - Centralizing user metadata with Portal enables a
help desk model for application support. - For current owners of Oracle Portal, in-house
skills and existing software is leveraged. - Compatible with BPEL when appropriate APIs are
32Wrap-Up Disadvantages
- The effort of creating duplicate users in Oracle
Portal may be greater than the perceived time
savings. - Default portal administration pages are not
efficient. - Exposing Portal privileges to external
applications requires careful security scrutiny. - Centralizing user privileges upgrades the Portal
to a mission-critical system.
- Oracle Portal can fill enterprise user
provisioning roles. - Combined, Portal Groups and Items become a very
powerful provisioning tool. - These case studies were derived from existing,
real-world implementations.
34(No Transcript)
35Thank You for attending!
- Contact Greg Pike at
- gpike_at_piocon.com
- (630) 579-0800
- Thanks to contributors
- John Weicher, Jeremy Simmons and Chip Dawes