Title: Familiarisation Australia | Hosted Buyer – Familclub
Whether youre looking to launch a new product,
increase brand awareness, build relationships
with qualified potential new customers,
attend/hold an expo or roadshow, attend overnight
familiarizations and events then Familclub is
your one stop shop.
Business Invitation, Events, Marketing, product
launches, Road Show, Expos, Overnight
Familiarisations and Networking
- Whether youre looking to launch a new product,
increase brand awareness, build relationships
with qualified potential new customers,
attend/hold an expo or roadshow, attend overnight
familiarizations and events then Familclub is
your one stop shop. - Familclub is a professional network for the
Business Events industry, where subscribers have
the opportunity to network and connect with
industry professionals, buyers, planners,
organisers, decision-makers and venue referrers
through a unique well established database of
over 23,800 qualified business event industry
4- Familclub
- Business Events Australia
- Conference NZ
- Promoting meeting and event venues and conference
and services to meeting and event planners and
5Familclub- Familiarisation Australia, Hosted
BuyerFamilclub Business Events is a professional
network for the business events industry, where
you'll find networking opportunities to meet
thousands of industry professionals, buyers,
planners, organisers, decision-makers and venue
referrers. Familiarisation Australia Hosted