Title: Begin with the Teacher
1Begin with the Teacher
- Professional Development for Teacher Learning
and Cooperative Learning - Celeste M. Brody
2Understand how teachers learn CL
- Coach
- Assist
- Support
- Teach
- Research with The Teacher
3I am a teacher ..
4Teaching is a relational craft
- Cooperative learning sets the standard for
relational pedagogy - CL serves multiple educational goals
5Two element standard for what is essential to
cooperative learning
- Positive interdependence
- Individual accountability
- Tremendous variability in how these are expressed
in CL
6Cooperative Learning is a System which
Re-structures Classroom and School
- Relationships
- Management
- Teachers Role
- Student Outcomes
7Programs and Approaches in Cooperation that
provide teachers with the community view
- Allow teachers to move more easily into
cooperative learning - Sustain cooperative learning efforts
8Understand how Teachers Naturally Adapt
Cooperative Learning
- Within the Framework of their Beliefs
9Teacher Beliefs are Personal Practical Theories
of Teaching
- Authority
- The Nature of Knowledge and Knowing
- The Teachers Role
- Conceptions of Cooperative Learning
10Beliefs about Authority
- Control in the classroom rests solely with the
teacher? - Authority is shared with students?
- Authority is co-constructed between students and
11The Nature of Knowledge and Knowing.
- Is knowledge fixed or given?
- Cover curriculum directed through textbooks?
- Is knowledge/knowing is dynamic changing?
- Is knowledge knowing a result of a community of
12Teachers Role.
- Performer?
- Facilitator?
- Something else?
13Conceptions of cooperative learning
- Is it a technique? Is it a tool?
- Is it a vehicle for problem solving?
- A philosophy?
- Some combination of the above?
- Often unconscious
- Guide actions in face of dilemmas
- Change through reflection and professional
development - Change through wedge of dissatisfaction
15Listen to your beliefs for making decisions..
- How did you first learn CL?
- What keeps you going with it?
- How have you adapted what you learned?
- Is what you are doing CL?
16Listen to your beliefs for making decisions
- Tasks you assign to CL groups?
- What do you see happening when groups go well?
- Not well?
17Listen to your beliefs for making decisions.
- .A memorable problem with CL that you solved?
- ..Advice to another interested in starting CL?
18Interview a partner.
- Two minutes each..
- How did you first learn cooperative learning?
What drew you to it?
20Educational Shift in Beliefs From Transmission to
Transactional Models
- Cooperative learning is best sustained by
beliefs - --students are actively involved in learning
- --authority for knowledge is shared
- --teacher is facilitator
- --CL fosters problem-solving
21Build collaborative school cultures with and
through teachers that support the change process
and foster continuous learning
- --Carol Rolheiser Laurie Stevahn, 1998
22Live cooperative learning
- Collaborative planning
- Faculty and Department meetings
- Peer Coaching
- Action Research
23Professional Development for Teachers..
- Experience programs that foster the skills of
community building - Stay with an approach for 3-5 years with support
24Professional Development for Teachers
- Introduce new programs
- --How do programs interface?
- --How do beliefs coincide with program?
- --What is the timeline for improving student
learning? - --What kind of organization are we creating?
25Approach Teacher Learning from the Heart
- Meaningful and enduring change cannot happen
without individuals convening in community to
speak to those potent hopes and concerns that
live in the center of our hearts and minds. - -Sam Intrator, Teaching with Fire, 2003
26Teaching is Heart-Work
- Heart-work
- Relationship
- Deep Change
- Cooperation