Title: The Thai Experience on Achieving Universal Healthcare Coverage
1The Thai Experience on Achieving Universal
Healthcare Coverage
CHF best practice workshop Dar les Salaam 31 Jan
2 Feb 2007
- Samrit Srithamrongsawat
- Health Insurance System Research Office
2Thailand Country Background
3Thailand historical development
Establishment of prepayment schemes
Informal exemption
User fees
Expansion of prepayment schemes
1975 LIC
1980 CSMBS
1-3rd NHP 1962-76 Provincial hospitals
1983 HC(CHF)
1990 SSS
Universal Coverage
4th -5th NHP (1977-86) District
hospitals Health centers
1994 HC(PVHI)
2001 Universal Coverage
Health Infrastructure
4Coverage of health insurance 1991-2003
Source HWS 1991, 1996, 2001, 2003
5System design ensuring sustainability
- Close-end budgets Capitation
- Purchaser-Provider split
- Financial management reform
- Capitation for OP
- DRG weighted global budget for IP
- Capitation and performance for prevention and
promotion services - Reinsurance for accident and emergency services
and high cost services - Strengthening primary care establishment of
primary care unit (PCU) - Prevention and promotion services
- Quality improvement HA, service practice
guideline - Consumer protection no-fault liability, call
6Characteristic of the UCS
7Some policy achievements
- 80 of UC members are those residing in rural
areas and 60 are those in the two bottom
quintiles - Shifting utilization of service toward primary
care - Increase in access to high cost services i.e.
open-heart surgery, malignancy, cataract - Reduce catastrophic expenditure cases by 25 and
prevent impoverishment according to paying
medical care 300,000 people in 2003 - Decrease in the gap of burden of health
expenditure between the poor and the rich
8Utilization increase access and use of PCU and
district hospitals
source NSO HWS2001, 2003 and 2004
9Improved fairness of financial contributions
Declining of gap
Source Socio-Economic Survey 1992 - 2002
conducted by NSO.
10Declining of financial catastrophic illnesses in
Thailand 1996-2002
Source National Statistic Office, Household
Socio-economic Survey, 1996, 1998, 2000, 2002
11Major constraints and further development
- Competing with other social objectives as
depending totally government budgets - Inequitable distribution of health infrastructure
- Fragmentation of health insurance schemes?
harmonization - Long term financial sustainability of the scheme
need further exploration
12Approved vs estimated capitation 2002 - 2006
13Comparison of Tanzania Thai CHF_1
14Comparison of Tanzania Thai CHF_2
15Comparison of Tanzania Thai CHF_3