Title: Going the Distance
1 Going the Distance
Faculty Development and Instructional Design for
Web-based Courses E-BIR SIG Sessions AACP Annual
Meeting Kansas City, MO July 15, 2002
- Tracy Chapman, M.Ed.
- Director
- Office of Information Technology and Learning
Resources - School of Pharmacy and Health Professions
- Creighton University Medical Center, Omaha, NE
- Identify major pedagogical topics to be
considered in preparing faculty to teach in the
online environment - Summarize the course development process for
moving courses to the online environment - Summarize major instructional design guidelines
for course web sites and web pages - Summarize major faculty support issues to be
considered as courses are moved to the online
4If youre headed in the wrong direction,
technology wont get you to the right place.
5Information Provider
Where are you now and where do you want to be?
Course Provider
- Level 1 Course Marketing/Syllabi via the Web
- Level 2 Web Resources for Student Exploration
- Level 3 Publish Student Generated Materials
- Level 4 Course Resources on the Web
- Level 5 Repurpose Web Resources for Others
- Level 6 Web Component is Substantive and Graded
- Level 7 Graded Activities Extend Beyond Class
- Level 8 Entire Web Course for Resident Students
- Level 9 Entire Web Course for Offsite Students
- Level 10 Course within Programmatic Initiative
Bonk, 2001
6Major Topics of Faculty Development
- Prerequisites
- Development Teams
- Quality
- Netiquette
- Knowing Your Students
- Instructors Role
- Interactivity
- Spinning Your Web
- Basic computing technology skills
- Internet connection
- HTML creation software
- Hardware meets minimum specifications
8Course Teams You are not alone
- What are course development teams
- Team members and their functions
- What if you do not have a team??????
9Course Management Systems
- What are they?
- What is available at your institution?
- Do I have to use a CMS?
- Should I use a CMS?
10Quality in the Online Environment
- 7 Principles for Good Practice applied to the
online environment - Design basics
- Elements of instruction
- Web design
- Course review process
- What is it?
- Top 10 guidelines
12Knowing Your Students
- Characteristics of Successful Learners(Whitis,
2001) - Most are busy and need support to succeed
- Confident, motivated
- Assume responsibility for own learning
- Creative and risk takers
- Work well alone and together
- Good communicators
13Knowing Your Students
- Characteristics of Successful Online Students
- Ability to realistically evaluate personal and
professional schedule/determine if time allows - Strong written communication skills
- Proactive in solving problems as arise
- Online education way to further education, not
easier - Belief high quality learning can take place
without going to a classroom
14So Youre Going to Teach Online
- Characteristics of Successful Teachers (Whitis,
2001) - Lifelong learner
- Experienced teacher with a collaborative style of
teaching - Enjoys up front conceptual work
- Skilled at group process
- Explicit expectations
- Provides detailed and frequent feedback
15So Youre Going to Teach Online
- What is the instructors role in the online
educational environment - Pedagogical
- Social
- Technological
- Managerial
16Building in Interactivity
- Being visible
- Feedback
- Engaging reluctant students
- Discussion, chat, whiteboard
17Spinning Your Web
- The 4 steps to course development
- Timeline
- ADA compliance
18Course Development Process
19Initial Meeting
- Meet the team members
- Overview of course development process
- Assessment of current hardware/software
- Assessment of instructors IT, and online
pedagogical skills - Begin preparation of syllabus, schedule,
introduction, and web site structure
20Initial Meeting (cont.)
- Identify goals
- Instructional analysis
- Analysis of learners
- Write objectives
- Plan assessment instruments
21Development of the Course
- Develop instructional strategy
- Develop and select instructional materials
- Instructor creates content, and activities
- Designers put content online
- Frequent meetings to evaluate course web site
22Course Review
- Formative review of course web site
- Revisions
- Creation of online evaluation materials
23Piloting the Course
- Student group for feedback
- Tweaking as a result of student feedback
- Discuss course management strategies
- Tutorials
- HTML software use for editing
- Use of communication tools
- During semester course is taught - formative
assessment - Revisions
- Summative assessment as end of semester
- Revisions
25Faculty Support Issues
- Technical, Pedagogical, Moral
26Faculty Support Issues
- Technical
- JITT model works
- At faculty work location
- Easy access to assistance
27Faculty Support Issues
- Pedagogical
- ½ to full day seminars
- Away from faculty work location
- Opportunities to connect with other faculty
- Easy access to assistance
28Faculty Support Issues
- Moral
- Peers
- Administrative
- Rank tenure process
- Rewards
- Time
- Clerical
- Graham,C., Cagiltay,K., Lim,B., Craner,J., and
Duffy,T.M., (2001), Seven Principles of Effective
Teaching A Practical Lens for Evaluating Online
Courses, Technology Source, March/April 2002,
Retrieved June 2, 2002 from http//ts.mivu.org/def
ault.asp?showarticleid839 - Shea, V. Netiquette. San Francisco Albion Books.
1994 - Stamm,R., Howlett, B., (2002),Effective Course
Content by Design, Technology Source,
January/February 2002, Retrieved June 2, 2002
from http//ts.mivu.org/default.asp?showarticlei
30Thank you..
tchapman_at_creighton.edu http//spahp.creighton.edu/