Title: Believing In The Power Ministries
1Believing In The Power Ministries
September '06
Remember ye not the former things, neither
consider the things of old. Behold, I will do a
new thing now it shall spring forth shall ye
not know it? I will even make a way in the
wilderness, and rivers in the desert.
(Isaiah 4318-19)
Believe Only!
By Elder Gail Moss
Let the record show there is nothing too hard for
God! Mark 923 informs us If thou canst believe,
all things are possible to him that believeth.
The word further states that with men, things may
be impossible, but not with God, for with God
all things are possible. (Mark 1027 KJV) Having
faith in God is believing the supernatural. God
is a supernatural God. I encourage you to believe
the word of God, speak the word of God, live the
word of God and you will receive the promises of
God. Mark 1617-18 tells us of five supernatural
signs that should follow every believer, not just
preachers. Sign 1 Believers will cast out
demons in the Name of Jesus Christ. Sign 2
Believers will speak with new tongues. Sign 3
Believers will take up serpents, meaning, we will
demonstrate satans defeat. Sign 4 Believers
will have divine protection from danger and harm.
Sign 5 Believers will lay hands on the sick,
and the sick will be healed. Unfortunately,
people in the world today are turning to the
occult, dabbling in witchcraft, spiritism, ouija
boards, psychics, and fortune tellers. Why?
Because the normal Christian church is void of
supernatural power. Religious tradition has
strangled the true gospel and stopped the
anointing of God from flowing in many
churches. Making the word of God of no effect
through your tradition which you have handed
down. And many such things you do. (Mark 713
NKJV) People today are tired of religion They
have had enough of preachers preaching dead
sermons to congregations that no longer exhibits
the life and light of Christ.
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Psalm 91 Confession
1. I dwell in the secret place of the Most High
so I abide under the shadow of the Almighty. 2.
I will say of the Lord, "He is my refuge and my
fortress My God, in Him I will trust." 3.
Surely He shall deliver me from the snare of the
fowler and from the perilous pestilence. 4. He
shall cover me with His feathers, and under His
wings I shall take refuge His truth shall be my
shield and buckler. 5. I shall not be afraid of
the terror by night, nor of the arrow that flies
by day, 6. Nor of the pestilence that walks in
darkness, nor of the destruction that lays waste
at noonday. 7. A thousand may fall at my side,
and ten thousand at my right hand but it shall
not come near me. 8. Only with my eyes shall I
look, and see the reward of the wicked. 9.
Because I have made the Lord, who is my refuge,
even the Most High, my habitation, 10. No evil
shall befall me, nor shall any plague come near
my dwelling 11. For He shall give His angels
charge over me, to keep me in all my ways. 12.
They shall bear me up in their hands, lest I dash
my foot against a stone. 13. I shall tread upon
the lion and the copra, the young lion and the
serpent I shall trample under foot. 14. Because
I have set my love upon Him, therefore He will
deliver me He will set me on high, because I
have known His name. 15. I shall call upon Him,
and He will answer me He will be with me in
trouble He will deliver me and honor me. 16.
With long life He will satisfy me, and show me
His salvation.
Compromising the Bible message will grieve the
Holy Spirit and will stop the anointing of God
from flowing. We must preach the full
uncompromised gospel of Christ! Psychology,
degrees in theology, human opinions, and
religious tradition WILL NOT set the captives
free! God cannot confirm man made religion,
philosophies of men, or opinions and theories of
the carnal mind GOD ONLY CONFIRMS HIS WORD -
THE GOSPEL! The promises of God are Yes and in
Him Amen (2 Corinthian 120). Its in Him that
our hearts desires are received (Psalms 374).
Its in him that we are connected to all the
blessings promised to Abraham (See Deuteronomy
28) If you are not experiencing the supernatural
power of God and are caught up in the traditions
of men, simply repent and move on from your
past, forgetting those things which are behind,
reach forth unto the prize (Philippians
314). Find out what the Word of God has to say
pertaining to your life. You can walk in the
Promises of God today!
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3Disaster Relief
SUPPORT FOR INDIA Then the disciples, every man
according to his ability, determined to send
relief unto the brethren (Acts 1129) One of our
Covenant Partners, Pastor Prasad, an anointed man
of God who ministers seven days a week, and other
pastors in India are currently in the middle of a
public crisis dealing with people who are gripped
with fear due to a devastating hurricane and
heavy floods in their area. (You may see photos
of his ministry on our website). Hundreds of
villages have been drowned in the flood waters.
Over 216 people have lost their lives, thousands
of people have become homeless. The unexpected
floods have cost them their livestock and
suffering due to lack of grain to eat.
Communication and transportation structures have
failed. We are moved with compassion for all the
people, as well as the hundreds of Christian
families who have been hit with this
calamity. This is a time for us to show godly
love to the people of India who are in pain and
suffered loss. Several churches have been drowned
and their pastors and evangelists are crying out
for help. Believing In The Power Ministries has
already given financially and continues to give
support to our dear friends in India. We extend
the invitation for you to get involved as well
through the Flood Relief Ministry. Christ
responded to the needs of the people, as His
Ambassadors, we are to do the same. The Bible
says we have not, because we ask not. Normally
we dont ask, as a ministry, we just meet the
need. This time, we will ask and give everyone
an opportunity to be blessed. For it is written,
it is more blessed to give than to receive (Acts
2035). Therefore, we humbly request you to join
your hands with us to help the flood victims of
India with your financial support. Just 20 US
Dollars can help a family in India who has lost
their home. At that time of this printing, the
flood waters were beginning to settle down. We
believe God will move in a mighty way. We wait
prayerfully for this urgent need to be met, to
manifest the love of Christ through the Flood
Relief Ministry. On page 4 there are a few
photos of the Ministry Team in India assisting
flood victims.
My Flood Relief Ministry
Donation Name Address City/ State/
Zip Amount of Check or Money Order
(payable to Believing In
The Power) (Mail to BITP, P.O. Box 44248,
Washington, DC 20026)
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Prayer of Salvation
Dear God in Heaven, I come to You believing that
Jesus Christ died on the cross for mans sins. I
invite Jesus to come into my heart and be my
personal Lord and Savior. Jesus, forgive me for
all my sins and cleanse me from all
unrighteousness. Teach me Gods Word, and fill
me with the power of Your Holy Spirit. Give me a
victorious life. I thank You, Jesus, because I
am born again and saved through Your shed blood
on the cross at Calvary. Eternal life is now
mine, in the Name of Jesus. Amen.
Pastor Mrs. Prasad blessing the grain.
Our Thanks To You For your love gift or donation
of any amount, you will receive a CD of a book of
the Bible as our thanks to you for sowing into
this ministry in support of missions outreach.
Remember, faith comes by hearing and hearing by
the Word of God. We believe the CD will bless
Elders Marcus Gail Moss Dear Readers and
Partners, your prayer requests, comments and
testimonies are always welcomed. Visit us online
at www.BelievingInThePower.org and sign our
guest book or write to us at Believing In The
Power Ministries P.O. Box 44248, Washington, DC
20026 Email BelieveThePower_at_yahoo.com Voicemail
(202) 331-4468
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