Title: The IFIP AGORA Initiative http:www.ifiptc3.netarticle.php3id_article146
1The IFIP AGORA Initiativehttp//www.ifip-tc3.net/
- Planning committee
- Bernard Cornu, Raymond Morel, Tom van Weert and
Jan Wibe. - Reminder the spirit of this initiative
- The IFIP Agora initiative is part of a process of
revitalisation of the strategy of the
International Federation for Information
Processing. - As we start moving from an informatics society to
an information or knowledge society we see
transversal themes emerging, that are not just
technology based. Examples are the themes of
Lifelong learning, Security and Trust, Ethics and
Citizen Education that have been discussed at the
Summit on the Information Society, both in Geneva
and Tunis.
2The IFIP AGORA Initiativehttp//www.ifip-tc3.net/
- The Agora initiative aims
- to implement a dynamic methodology for initiating
cooperation projects on Lifelong Learning with
stakeholders such as - UNESCO,
- the Digital Solidarity Fund
- and other IFIP Technical committees.
- The methodology takes into account that there is
not one solution to Lifelong Learning and also
that a lot of preliminary work still has to be
done on issues such as reference competencies for
LLL, e-portfolio and competency recognition,
before effective implementation of LLL can be
made a reality.
3The IFIP AGORA Initiativehttp//www.ifip-tc3.net/
- Agora planning meetings provide a forum for
- Sharing knowledge,
- Facilitating networking of stakeholders and
developing synergy, - Outlining cooperative projects to address the
issues in the framework of main international
programmes, - Defining a work process for continued planning
and cooperation.
4The first AGORA conference Poitiers, France
October 26 27, 2006
- Participants
- Klaus Brunnstein, IFIP President
- Bernard Cornu, Secretary of TC3 (organiser)
- Dong Yoon Kim, IFIP Vice-President
- Mike Kendall, Vice-chair SIG 3.8
- Zdena Lustigova, Vice-Chair WG 3.6
- Johannes Magenheim, WG 3.1
- Raymond Morel, special consultant to TC3
(moderator) - Vittorio Midoro, Programme Chair WCC 2008
- Sindre Røsvik, Chair WG 3.5 and Programme Chair
WCCE 2009 - Sigrid Schubert, Vice-chair elect WG 3.1
- Marta Turcsanyi-Szabo, Vice-chair WG 3.5
- Tom van Weert, Vice-chair of TC3 (moderator)
- Jan Wibe, Chair IFIP Technical Committee 3.
- Full Reporthttp//www.ifip-tc3.net/ecrire/article
5Projects (after the first AGORA conference)
- Three project proposals
- A digital solidarity (crossing the digital
divide) - Chair Sigrid Schubert, vice-chair WG 3.1
- http//www.ifip-tc3.net/ecrire/articles.php3?id_a
rticle149 - B an IFIPWIKI as demonstration within IFIP
- Chair to be appointed.
- http//www.ifip-tc3.net/ecrire/articles.php3?id_a
rticle150 - C IFIP Seminar on Lifelong Learning (in
connection with WITFOR 2007 - Chair Mike Kendall, vice-chair SIG 3.8.
- Preliminary draft by Jan Wibe
6Projects A and B
- 1 Establish a project group.
- Responsible Project chair.
- 2 Involving other TCs
- Responsible TC3 chair.
- 3 Project plan with timeschedule
- 4 Budget and funding
7A dynamic Agenda for AGORA in 2007http//www.ifip
- Planning meeting for WITFOR seminar, Paris,
France - April 18 20, 2007
- Bernard Cornu and Jan Wibe
- 2nd AGORA conference, Seoul, Korea
- June 4 6, 2007
- Dong Yoon Kim and Jan Wibe
- IFIP Seminar, Addis Abeba, Ethiopia
- August 13 18, 2007
- Mike Kendall
- TC 3 meeting, Praha, Czech Republic
- September 29 30, 2007
- Bernard Cornu and Jan Wibe
8A dynamic Agenda for AGORA http//www.ifip-tc3.ne
- Third AGORA conference, Poitiers, France
- October 22 27, 2007
- Core Committee
- WCC 2008
- WCCE 2009
- IFIP 50th Anniversary 2010
- Thanks for your attention
9AGORA documents
- To be found at http//www.plu.ntnu.no/ansatte/
janwib/ifip/Agora/ - It contains the following documents
- Report Poitiers
- Events
- Draft Budget - 2007
- Project A Description
- Project A
- Project B
- Meeting and Seminar in Korea
- Handout Council
- AGORA seminar before WITFOR 2007.
- Draft proposal
- Budget
- Event Request Form
10(No Transcript)