Title: Breaking the Interference Barrier
1Breaking the Interference Barrier
- David Tse
- Wireless Foundations
- University of California at Berkeley
- Mobicom/Mobihoc Plenary Talk
- September 13, 2007
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2The Interference Barrier
- Lots of recent advances in physical layer
wireless communication (multiple antennas MIMO,
space-time codes, opportunistic scheduling,
turbo codes, hybrid ARQ.) - From theory to practice in a decade.
- Gains pertain mainly to point-to-point or
multiple access performance. - But performance of many wireless systems
ultimately limited by interference. - Breaking this interference barrier will be the
next step.
3Examples of Interference Barrier
- Cellular networks inter-cell interference
- Ad hoc networks interference from simultaneous
transmissions - Wireless LANS interference between adjacent
networks - Cognitive networks interference between primary
and secondary users and between multiple
secondary systems -
4Talk Outline
- We discuss several speculative approaches to
break the interference barrier - cooperative distributed MIMO
- exploiting mobility to localize interference
- interference alignment
- Key message
- Solving the interference problem requires a
combination of physical layer and architectural
5Traditional Interference Management in Cellular
- Narrowband (eg. GSM)
- Inter-cell interference made negligible at the
price of poor frequency reuse - Wideband (eg. CDMA, OFDM)
- Universal frequency reuse but system is
6Example WiMax is Interference-Limited
SIR 2 dB
SNR 20 dB
Universal Reuse 6 dominant interferers
SIR to SNR gap 18dB
Source Intel WiMax simulations
7Fractional Reuse A Partial Solution
- Universal reuse for cell-interior users.
- Orthogonal bands for cell-edge users.
- But cell-edge users are still the bottleneck.
8Tale of Two Cell-Edge Users
- keep users on orthogonal bands lose half the
effective bandwidth but avoid interference - Best of both worlds?
- Yes, base-stations can cooperate to form a
distributed MIMO array.
9MIMO in One Slide
Signal space at Rx array (M2)
direction of signal from Tx antenna 1
M by M MIMO system with a sufficiently random
channel supports M simultaneous data streams.
10Infrastructure Cooperation
- Base stations cooperate to form a macro-array to
jointly decode in the uplink and transmit in the
downlink. - Turns harmful inter-cell interference into useful
signals - High-speed connectivity to a central processing
11Simulation in a Hexagonal Cellular System
single-cell processing
(Alessandro et al 06)
Rise-over-thermal 6dB 2 Rx antennas per BS
12Cooperation in Ad Hoc Networks
- Capacity of ad hoc networks limited by mutual
interference between simultaneous transmissions. - How can cooperation between mobiles improve
capacity? - Unlike infrastructure-based cellular systems,
such cooperation comes at an over-the-air
transmission cost. - Will the overhead swamp the cooperation gain?
13 Scaling Law Formulation
- (Gupta-Kumar 00)
- n nodes randomly located in a fixed area.
- n randomly assigned source-destination pairs.
- Each S-D pair demands the same data rate.
- How does the total throughput T(n) of the network
scale with n?
14How much can Cooperation Help?
Courtesy David Reed
Can we get linear scaling with more sophisticated
Arbitrarily closely. (Ozgur,Leveque,T. 06)
15Gupta-Kumar Capacity is Interference-Limited
- Long-range transmission causes too much
interference. - Multi-hop means each packet is transmitted many
times. - To get linear scaling, must be able to do many
simultaneous long-range transmissions. - How to deal with interference?
- A natural idea distributed MIMO!
- But cooperation overhead is bottleneck.
- What kind of cooperation architecture minimizes
16A 3-Phase Scheme
- Divide the network into clusters of size M nodes.
- Focus first on a specific S-D pair.
- source s wants to send M bits to destination d.
Phase 1 Setting up Tx cooperation 1 bit to
each node in Tx cluster
Phase 2 Long-range MIMO between s and d
Phase 3 Each node in Rx cluster quantizes signal
into k bits and sends to destination d.
17Parallelization across S-D Pairs
Phase 1 Clusters work in parallel. Sources in
each cluster take turn distributing their
bits. Total time M2
Phase 2 1 MIMO trans. at a time. Total time n
Phase 3 Clusters work in parallel. Destinations
in each cluster take turn collecting their
bits. Total time kM2
18Back-of-the-Envelope Throughput Calculation
- total number of bits transferred nM
- total time in all three phases M2 n kM2
- Throughput
bits/second - Optimal cluster size
- Best throughput
19Further Parallelization
- In phase 1 and 3, M2 bits have to be exchanged
within each cluster, 1 bit per node pair. - Previous scheme exchanges these bits one at a
time (TDMA), takes time M2. - Can we increase the spatial reuse ?
- Can break the problem into M sessions, each
session involving M S-D pairs communicating 1 bit
with each other -
- cooperation communication
- Any better scheme for the small network can build
a better scheme for the original network.
- Lemma A scheme with thruput Mb for the smaller
network yields for the original network a
thruput -
21MIMO Hierarchical Cooperation-gt Linear Scaling
Long-range MIMO
Setting up Tx cooperation
Cooperate to decode
By having many levels of hierarchy, we can get as
close to linear scaling as we wish.
22Linear Scaling with Less Work?
- Linear scaling means that the capacity of the
network is not significantly limited by
interference. - But the hierarchical scheme requires tracking of
channel information as well as significant
cooperation between nodes. - Can one get linear scaling with less work?
- Yes, if nodes are mobile.
23Mobility Can Help!
- (Grossglauser and T. 01)
- Suppose nodes move randomly and independently.
- A linear throughput can be achieved
- if one is willing to wait.
- Throughput is averaged over the time-scale of
24Direct Communication Does Not Work
- The source and destination are nearest neighbors
only O(1/n) of the time.
25Detour Multiuser Diversity in Cellular Systems
By opportunistically scheduling transmissions to
users with instantaneously strong channels,
multiuser diversity gain is achieved.
26Multiuser Diversity via Relaying
- Multiuser diversity created artificially using
all other nodes as relays.
27Phase I Source to Relays
- At each time slot, source relays a packet to
nearest neighbor. - Different packets are distributed to different
relay nodes.
28Phase 2 Relays to Destination
- Steady state all nodes have packets destined for
D. - Each relay node forwards packets to D only when
it gets close.
29Phase I and II Staggered
- O(1) throughput from S to D
- Communication is confined to nearest neighbors,
but each packet goes through at most two hops - Load is distributed evenly between all relay
nodes, enabling every S-D pair to follow the same
30Linear Scaling without Cooperation?
- The two approaches rely on some sort of
cooperation to mitigate interference. - Is cooperation really necessary?
31Spectrum Sharing Revisited
- Working assumption
- only one transmission on each
- time-frequency-space resource.
- Implicit assumption
- spectrum is a common ether shared by all.
- But is this metaphor correct?
Rx 1
Tx 1
Tx 2
Rx 2
Tx n
Rx n
32Interference Alignment Example
- (Cadambe-Jafar 07)
- All direct channels delay transmission by 1
symbol time. - All cross channels delay by 2 symbol times.
- Each user can transmit every other symbol time,
yet no interference! - What matters is what happens at the receiver, and
each receiver sees a different picture. - So all the interference can be aligned onto one
symbol time and yet the signal is orthogonal to
the interference.
Rx 1
Tx 1
Tx 2
Rx 2
Tx n
Rx n
33Interference Alignment Geometry
Tx 1
Rx 1
Rx 2
Tx 2
Rx 3
Tx 3
34Recurring Theme
- Channel diversity is a key resource for breaking
the interference barrier. - The three approaches can be viewed as ways to
exploit this diversity - Hierarchical cooperation to exploit MIMO gain.
- Mobility and relaying to exploit multiuser
diversity gain. - Interference alignment to exploit diversity
between direct and cross channels.
- Breaking the interference barrier is the next
step in the evolution of wireless systems. - We focus on speculative ideas in this talk.
- Hopefully they provide some food for thought for
system builders.