Title: California Black Health Network, Inc.
1California Black Health Network, Inc.
- Denise Adams-Simms, M.P.H.
- Executive Director
- April 2, 2008
2 The California Black Health Network Mission
- To Improve the Health Status of People of
African Descent in California by Influencing
Policies and Developing Programs that Promote
Health and Prevent Disease
3History and Mission of CBHN
- Founded in 1978
- First statewide conference in 1980
- Instrumental in creating Office of Multicultural
Health - Co-Founder of the California Pan-Ethnic Network
(CPEHN) - Currently CBHN is comprised of 6 chapters and 2
affiliate organizations
- Previous and current grant projects
- Quality Assurance Project
- Sweet Heart Project
- African American Tobacco Education Network/
African American Tobacco Education Partnership - Smoke Free Living for African Americans
- Personal Health Record
- Tobacco Related Diseases Research Project
5The Message
- How to Reach African Americans in Community
- Advocacy for Culturally Competent Outreach
- Utilization of Data and Research to Promote
Social Marketing - Partnership Opportunities
6Quality Assurance Project
- Funded by the California Healthcare Foundation
- Purpose to develop an Afrocentric framework for
defining health care quality and to establish
capacity to educate consumers about ensuring high
quality medical services - San Diego and Inland
- Empire service areas
7Quality Assurance Activities
- Completed approximately 250 knowledge attitude
and behavior surveys defining health care quality
and documenting health care experiences of
African Americans - Conducted Training of 40 persons as health
advocates in San Diego and Inland Empire in 2003.
8Sweet Heart Project
- REACH 2010 Grant from Center for Disease Control
(CDC) Foundation, funded by The California
Endowment - Designed interventions to reduce cardiovascular
disease and diabetes among African Americans in
Central San Diego - Partners with CBOs, faith-based organizations,
Community Health Center and health professionals.
9Sweet Heart Interventions
- Disease Management, what to do, when to do it and
why. How to live with the disease, not die from
it! - Nutrition Education Classes
- Physical Activity Education Classes and Groups
10Sweet Heart American Diabetes Association Tour
De Cure Team
11African American Tobacco Education Network
(AATEN)Partnership (AATEP)
- Funded by CDHS - Proposition 99
- Originally there were four ethnic networks
evolved into six Priority Population partnership - Networks consist of administrative agency,
advisory committee, other subcommittees and
general membership
12AATEN /AATEP Goals and Activities
- Build leadership
- Provide training and technical assistance
- Assess Health Education materials for cultural
appropriateness - Disseminate ethnic-specific information
- Community Education campaigns
- Mini-grant program
13Not in Mamas Kitchen
- Advocacy campaign to reduce exposure to
secondhand smoke - Participants commit to smoke free environments
- Campaign ran Mothers Day to Fathers Day each
year - Solicited recipes and personal stories for
inclusion in a cookbookl
14Smoke Free Living for African Americans (SLAA)
- Funded by the County of Sacramento through
Tobacco Settlement Monies - To reduce second hand smoke in the cars and homes
of African Americans in Sacramento - To Provide Services and Support resources to help
African Americans in Sacramento Stop Smoking - To Conduct a Social Marketing Campaign to reduce
second hand smoke exposure for children
15Tobacco Related Disease Research Program
- Funded by UC Regents
- Collaboration between CBHN and San Diego State
University - Conducting Surveys to assess the health needs of
African Americans in six areas of California and
assist in tobacco use prevention and cessation.
16Personal Health Records for African Americans
- Planning Grant funded by The California Endowment
- Encourage African Americans to utilize electronic
personal health records - To improve health status of persons with chronic
illness such as diabetes - Looking for 250 persons willing to be diligent
record keepers.
17Networking OpportunitiesCBHN Chapters
- African American Health Consortium Beverly
Jones-Wright (909) 473-3002 - Bay Area Consortium for Quality Health Care Inc.
Gwen Rowe-Lee (510) 763-1872 - Black Health Leadership Council of Los Angeles
Donzella Lee (323) 299-2227 - North County African American Health Consortium -
Natasha Riley - 760-407-1220 ext 167 -
18Networking OpportunitiesCBHN Chapters
- Sacramento Black Health Network - Rhonda
West-Peters - (916) 448-7900 - San Diego Black Health Associates -Lottie Harris
- President - 619-299-0411 ext,7420,
19Contact Us
- www.cbhn.org
- Email das_at_cbhn.org
- Executive Office
- 7851 Mission Center Court 260
- San Diego, CA 92108
- Phone (619) 295-5413/
- Fax (619) 295-5749
- Sacramento Office
- 1330 21 st Street 205
- Sacramento, Ca 95814
- Phone (916) 448-7900
- Fax (916) 448-7977
2030th Anniversary CelebrationSymposium and
DinnerHilton Los Angeles Airport Hotel5711
West Century Blvd.Los Angeles September 25,
21Another Thought for Today
- History will have to record that the greatest
tragedy of this period of social transition was
not the strident clamor of the bad people, but
the appalling silence of the good people. - Martin Luther King, Jr.