Title: Quantified Invariant Generation using an Interpolating Saturation Prover
1Quantified Invariant Generationusing
anInterpolating Saturation Prover
- Ken McMillan
- Cadence Research Labs
TexPoint fonts used in EMF AAAAA
- Interpolants derived from proofs can provide an
effective relevance heuristic for constructing
inductive invariants - Provides a way of generalizing proofs about
bounded behaviors to the unbounded case - Exploits a provers ability to focus on relevant
facts - Used in various applications, including
- Hardware verification (propositional case)
- Predicate abstraction (quantifier-free)
- Program verification (quantifier-free)
- This talk
- Moving to the first-order case, including FO(TC)
- Modifying SPASS to create an interpolating FO
prover - Apply to program verification with arrays, linked
3Invariants from unwindings
- Consider this very simple approach
- Partially unwind a program into a loop-free,
in-line program - Construct a Floyd/Hoare proof for the in-line
program - See if this proof contains an inductive invariant
proving the property - Example program
x y 0 while() x y while(x ! 0)
x-- y-- assert (y 0)
4Unwind the loops
- Assertions may diverge as we unwind
- A practical method must somehow prevent this kind
of divergence!
5Interpolation Lemma
- If A Ù B false, there exists an interpolant A'
for (A,B) such that - A implies A
- A is inconsistent with B
- A is expressed over the common vocabulary of A
and B
A variety of techniques exist for deriving an
interpolant from a refutation of A Ù B, generated
by a theorem prover.
6Interpolants as Floyd-Hoare proofs
2. Each is over common symbols of prefix and
3. Begins with true, ends with false
7Need for quantified interpolants
for(i 0 i lt N i) ai i for(j 0
j lt N j) assert aj j
- Existing interpolating provers cannot produce
quantified interpolants - Problem how to prevent the number of quantifiers
from diverging in the same way that constants
diverge when we unwind the loops? - For linked structures we also require a theory of
reachability (in effect, transitive closure)
Can we build an interpolating prover for full
FOL than that handles reachability, and avoids
8Clausal provers
- A clausal refutation prover takes a set of
clauses and returns a proof of unsatisfiability
(i.e., a refutation) if possible. - A prover is based on inference rules of this form
P1 ... Pn
- where P1 ... Pn are the premises and C the
conclusion. - A typical inference rule is resolution, of which
this is an instance
p(a) p(U) ! q(U)
- This was accomplished by unifying p(a) and P(U),
then dropping the complementary literals.
9Superposition calculus
- Modern FOL provers based on the superposition
calculus - example superposition inference
Q(a) P ! (a c)
P ! Q(c)
- this is just substitution of equals for equals
- in practice this approach generates a lot of
substitutions! - use reduction order to reduce number of
10Reduction orders
- A reduction order  is
- a total, well founded order on ground terms
- subterm property f(a) Â a
- monotonicity a  b implies f(a)  f(b)
- Example Recursive Path Ordering (with Status)
(RPOS) - start with a precedence on symbols a  b  c Â
f - induces a reduction ordering on ground terms
- f(f(a)  f(a)  a  f(b)  b  c  f
11Ordering Constraint
- Constrains rewrites to be downward in the
reduction order
Q(a) P ! (a c)
P ! Q(c)
example this inference only possible if a  c
12Local Proofs
- A proof is local for a pair of clause sets (A,B)
when every inference step uses only symbols from
A or only symbols from B. - From a local refutation of (A,B), we can derive
an interpolant for (A,B) in linear time. - This interpolant is a Boolean combination of
formulas in the proof
13Reduction orders and locality
- A reduction order is oriented for (A,B) when
- s  t for every s ? L (B) and t 2L(B)
- Intuition rewriting eliminates first A
variables, then B variables.
oriented x y c d f
x y f(x) c f(y) c
f(y) c f(y) d c d
c d c ? d ?
14Orientation is not enough
a c
Q  a  b  c
b c
- Local superposition gives only cc.
- Solution replace non-local superposition with
two inferences
Second inference can be postponed until after
resolving with Q(b)
This procrastination step is an example of a
reduction rule, and preserves completeness.
15Completeness of local inference
- Thm Local superposition with procrastination is
complete for refutation of pairs (A,B) such that - (A,B) has a universally quantified interpolant
- The reduction order is oriented for (A,B)
- This gives us a complete method for generation of
universally quantified interpolants for arbitrary
first-order formulas! - This is easily extensible to interpolants for
sequences of formulas, hence we can use the
method to generate Floyd/Hoare proofs for inline
16Avoiding Divergence
- As argued earlier, we still need to prevent
interpolants from diverging as we unwind the
program further. - Idea stratify the clause language
Example Let Lk be the set of clauses with at
most k variables and nesting depth at most k.
Note that each Lk is a finite language.
- Stratified saturation prover
- Initially let k 1
- Restrict prover to generate only clauses in Lk
- When prover saturates, increase k by one and
The stratified prover is complete, since every
proof is contained in some Lk.
17Completeness for universal invariants
- Lemma For every safety program M with a 8
safety invariant, and every stratified saturation
prover P, there exists an integer k such that P
refutes every unwinding of M in Lk, provided - The reduction ordering is oriented properly
- This means that as we unwind further, eventually
all the interpolants are contained in Lk, for
some k. - Theorem Under the above conditions, there is
some unwinding of M for which the interpolants
generated by P contain a safety invariant for M.
This means we have a complete procedure for
finding universally quantified safety invariants
whenever these exist!
18In practice
- We have proved theoretical convergence. But does
the procedure converge in practice in a
reasonable time? - Modify SPASS, an efficient superposition-based
saturation prover - Generate oriented precedence orders
- Add procrastination rule to SPASSs reduction
rules - Drop all non-local inferences
- Add stratification (SPASS already has something
similar) - Add axiomatizations of the necessary theories
- An advantage of a full FOL prover is we can add
axioms! - As argued earlier, we need a theory of arrays and
reachability (TC) - Since this theory is not finitely axiomatizable,
we use an incomplete axiomatization that is
intended to handle typical operations in
list-manipulating programs
19Simple example
for(i 0 i lt N i) ai i for(j 0
j lt N j) assert aj j
20Unwinding simple example
note stratification prevents constants
diverging as 0, succ(0), succ(succ(0)), ...
21List deletion example
a create_list() while(a) tmp a-gtnext
free(a) a tmp
- Invariant synthesized with 3 unwindings (after
some simplification)
8 x (rea(next,a,x)! x nil _ alloc(x))
- That is, a is acyclic, and every cell is
allocated - Note that interpolation can synthesize Boolean
22More small examples
This shows that divergence can be controlled.
But can we scale to large programs?...
- Interpolants and invariant generation
- Computing interpolants from proofs allows us to
generalize from special cases such as loop-free
unwindings - Interpolation can extract relevant facts from
proofs of these special cases - Must avoid divergence
- Quantified invariants
- Needed for programs that manipulating arrays or
heaps - FO equality prover modified to produce local
proofs (hence interpolants) - Complete for universal invariants
- Can be used to construct invariants of simple
array- and list-manipulating programs, using
partial axiomatization of FO(TC) - Language stratification prevents divergence
- Might be used as a relevance heuristic for shape
analysis, IPA
24Expressiveness hierarchy
Canonical Heap Abstractions
Indexed Predicate Abstraction
Predicate Abstraction
Interpolant Language
Parameterized Abstract Domain
25Interpolants for sequences
- Let A1...An be a sequence of formulas
- A sequence A0...An is an interpolant for
A1...An when - A0 True
- Ai-1 Ai ) Ai, for i 1..n
- An False
- and finally, Ai 2 L (A1...Ai) \ L(Ai1...An)
In other words, the interpolant is a
structured refutation of A1...An
26Need for Reachability
... node a create_list() while(a)
assert(alloc(a)) a a-gtnext
8 x (rea(next,a,x) x ? nil ! alloc(x))
- This condition needed to prove memory safety (no
use after free). - Cannot be expressed in FO
- We need some predicate identifying a closed set
of nodes that is allocated - We require a theory of reachability (in effect,
transitive closure)
Can we build an interpolating prover for full
FOL than that handles reachability, and avoids
27Partially Axiomatizing FO(TC)
- Axioms of the theory of arrays (with select and
8 (A, I, V) (select(update(A,I,V), I) V
8 (A,I,J,V) (I ? J ! select(update(A,I,V), J)
- Axioms for reachability (rea)
8 (L,E) rea(L,E,E)
8 (L,E,X) (rea(L,select(L,E),X) ! rea(L,E,X))
if e-gtlink reaches x then e reaches x
8 (L,E,X) (rea(L,E,X) ! E X _
if e reaches x then e x or e-gtlink reaches x
Since FO(TC) is incomplete, these axioms must be