Title: Forest infusion ayurvedic psoriasis and eczema cream
1Forest Infusion Ayurvedic Psoriasis and Eczema
- Forest Infusion Ayurvedic Cream Repair Your Skin.
The Essential Herbs Inside Of It Give You A
Soothing Sensation To Keep You Away From Each Day
Worry. While Its Ayurvedic Formulation Slowly But
Surely Heals Angry Patches On Your Skin. - We completely understand your discomfort and
sadness from this skin disease and therefore have
explored the best ways to treat Psoriasis. - We have combined some of the traditional
ingredients with 100 percent Authentic Ayurvedic
formulations tested for over 6 thousand years
before introducing this cream for you. Inclusion
of key ingredients like turmeric, neem, aloe
vera, etc.
2Forest Infusion Ayurvedic Psoriasis Cream
- Forest Infusion Ingredients
- Mahua bark (Madhuca Indica.
- Manjishtha (Rubiacordifolia).
- Yastimadhu (Glycyrrhizaglabra).
- Willow (Salix caprea).
- Aloe (Aloe Barbadensis).
- Sea Buckthorn (HippophaeRhamnoides).
- Zinc oxide.
- Jojoba (Simmondsia Chinensis).
- Calendula (Calendula Officinalis).
- Neem (Azadirachtaindica).
- Sarpan (Calophylluminophyllum).
- Matricaria (Matricaria chamomilla).
- Lavender (Lavandula Officinalis).
- Tea Tree (Melaleuca leucadendron).
- Coconut (Cocos Nucifera).
- Olive (Olea Europaea).
- Psoralea Corylifolia oil.
3Ayurvedic Psoriasis Cream Usage Instructions
- Apply Psoriasis cream directly on the skin.
- Apply the cream to a small area of skin to check
for any unwanted reactions. - If there is no reaction even after 24 hours as
well, then you can apply the gel or cream
directly to the affected skin. - People with Psoriasis are advised to apply the
cream three times a day for better and quick
4Contact Us
- Website https//forestinfusion.com/
- Email Id hello_at_forestinfusion.com
- Mobile WhatsApp 91 99900 06434
- Milling Add Forest Infusion, 904, 9th
FloorOcus Quantum, Sec 51,Gurugram,
HaryanaIndia 122002