Title: Sakura Muskmelon- F1 Gulkhand-84
1Welcome to
2What is a Seed
- A seed in an embryonic plant waiting to
get out. It's the pleasurable task of the
gardener to turn the seed from dormancy into a
living thing by providing warmth, light, air and
moisture. - Seeds even have their own food supply to
start them off, at least until they can put down
roots and draw food and water from the soil.
3How to Sow Seeds - 10 Easy Steps!
- Find some trays or pots
- Fill the seed tray with seed compost
- Moisten the surface of the compost
- Sprinkle the seeds evenly over the compost
- Cover the seed Tray
- Place the seed tray in a warm place
- Uncover the seedlings once they germinate
- Transplant the seedlings
- Keep transplanted seedlings in the shade
- Plant out into the flowering position and enjoy!
4What Does Germination Mean?
- Seeds are dormant once they "leave" their parent.
- A seed is an embryonic plant in a capsule, with
all the DNA - This means that they do nothing and in effect are
asleep as long as they are kept in a cool dry
place. - Some seeds have a "best before date" in the sense
that they eventually deteriorate over time. - This process is known as germination.
5The Essential Requirements for Seed Germination
Seeds have three major requirements for
germination water, oxygen and warmth (the
temperature depends on the specific seed). Some
seeds also require light but others require dark
6How Do You Sow Seeds Outside?
- Seeds should usually be sown in early spring as
recommended on the packet. - Loosen the soil with a fork or use a chopping
motion with a spade to break it up. - Use a line as a guide if you're sowing vegetable
seeds. This helps to keep things neat and it's
easier to walk between rows. Space the seeds and
sow to the recommended depth. - If you're sowing flower seeds, you can scatter
seed and rake in rather than sowing in rows. - Use a fine spray mist to moisten the ground.
- Thin seedlings once they germinate
7Contact Us
- Address-
- 18, Doddaballapur Integrated Textile
Park Ltd, SW 51, Apparel Park, Phase - 11.
KIADB Industrial Area, Doddaballapur-Bangalore-561
203 Karnataka,INDIA
E-Mail- sakuraseed_at_gmail.com
Mobile No- 91-8884261708