Title: MemoryModelSensitive Data Race Analysis
1Memory-Model-Sensitive Data Race Analysis
- Jason Yue Yang
- Microsoft Corporation
- Ganesh Gopalakrishnan, Gary Lindstrom
- University of Utah
2Shared-Memory Systems
A hardware perspective
Multiprocessor architectures - increasingly
- Multithreaded software - popular, BUT hard to
analyze - Thread libraries e.g., P-thread, Win32, Solaris
- Language level support of threads e.g., Java
3Memory Consistency Models
Defines the legal orderings of memory operations
that can be perceived at the user level
- Many have been developed
- Sequential Consistency (SC)
- Coherence
- Parallel Random Access Memory (PRAM)
- Causal Consistency
- Processor Consistency (PC)
- Release Consistency
- Location Consistency
- The Intel Itanim Memory Model
- Java Memory Model (JMM)
- and more!
4Sequential Consistency
- Exists a common total order
- Respects program order
- Read sees the latest write
Initially, x y 0. Finally, can r1 r2
1? Thread 1 Thread
r1 x y 1
r2 y x 1
Under Sequential Consistency No Under many weak
models Yes
5Concurrency-Related Properties
- Trace validity
- Whether a certain set of outcome is legal
- Atomicity
- Whether a block of code is executed atomically
- Race Freedom
- Whether the program is free of data-race
6What Is a Data-Race?
- Informally conflicting and concurrent accesses
Is this program race-free?
Initially, x y 0.
Are these two instructions conflicting and
Thread 1 r1 x if (r1 gt 0) y 1
Thread 2 r2 y if (r2 gt 0) x 1
- Control flow interwoven with memory consistency
requirements - Hence, the answer depends on the memory model
- - Under SC, this program is race-free
- - Under a weaker model, this program might
contain races
7A Subtle Variation
Is this program race-free?
Initially, x y 0.
Thread 1 r1 x if (r1 gt 0) y 1
Thread 2 r2 y if (r2 gt 0) x 1
This small change introduces a race-condition,
even under SC executions
- Properties satisfied under one memory model may
be broken under another - Thread semantics must be taken into account in
addition to program semantics - Informal intuitions may lead to inaccurate
results - Correctness properties need to be formalized
- Thread interleaving can be counter-intuitive
- Need an automatic tool with exhaustive coverage
Test Program
ProgramThread Semantics e.g., SC, Itanium,
Correctness Properties e.g., race, atomicity
(1) Define both intra-thread and inter-thread
semantics as constraints
(2) Model correctness properties as additional
(3) Reduce a verification problem to a
constraint satisfaction problem and solve it
10Formalizing SC Executions
- SC is most commonly assumed in SW development
- Critical in defining race conditions in the newly
proposed Java Memory Model - Apply happens-before order for acquire/release
11The Source Language
- Java-like (simplified but non-trivial)
- Local and global variables
- Computations
- Control branches
- Monitor-like mutual exclusion
- Instruction types
- Read e.g., r x
- Write e.g., x 1 or x r
- Control e.g., if (r0)
- Computation e.g., r1 r2 1
- Lock e.g., Lock m
- Unlock e.g., Unlock m
12Specification Techniques
(1) Apply declarative specifications - Easy to
understand, flexible (2) Make the rules higher
order - pass down the order relation
through all the rules - Compositional, reusable,
scalable, easy to compare (3) Make all rules
explicit - Executable using a constraint-programm
ing system
13Constraints of Sequential Consistency
(ops is the execution trace order is the
ordering relation)
- legalSC ops order
- requireWeakTotalOrder ops order ?
- requireTransitiveOrder ops order ?
- requireAsymmetricOrder ops order ?
- requireProgramOrder ops order ?
- requireReadValue ops order ?
- requireComputation ops order ?
- requireMutualExclusion ops order
Common total order
Respects program order
Read sees latest write
Program semantics
Lock/unlock semantics
requireWeakTotalOrder ops order ? ? i, j ? ops.
(fb i ? fb j ? id i ? id j) ? (order i j ??
order j i)
order is repeatedly refined
Hidden rules are explicit
14Constraints for Control Flow
- Treat control operations similar to memory
operations - Imagine assigns and uses of control
variables - Add an auxiliary control variable ck for each
branch statement k, and convert the if-statement
to an auxiliary assign of ck - E.g. if(r1gt0) becomes c1r1gt0
- Every op k has a path predicate ctrExpr
- K is a use of those control variables in ctrExpr
- k is feasible if ctrExpr evaluates to ture
- Feasibility of ops are checked when setting the
15Read Value Rules
- Consistent values across reads and writes
- Intuitively, a read should see the latest write
- Local data/control flow can be treated similar to
global reads - Global Reads forall r x, exists a latest write
on x - Local Reads forall x r, exists a latest write
on r - Control Reads forall op that depends on c,
exists a most recent write on c - requireReadValue ops order
- globalReadValue ops order ?
- localReadValue ops order ?
- controlReadValue ops order
16Computation Rules
- Program semantics
- Not directly related to memory ordering, but
needed for analyzing real code - Two types
- Local variable computation r1 r2 1
- Control evaluation c1 r1 gt 0
- Predicate eval follows standard program semantics
- requireComputation ops order ? i ? ops.
- (isControl i ? data i eval (ctrExpr i)) ?
- (isCmp i ? data i eval (cmpExpr i))
17Constraints of Race Conditions
- detectDataRace ops ? ? scOrder, hbOrder.
- legalSC ops scOrder ?
- requireHbOrder ops hbOrder scOrder ?
- mapConstraints ops hbOrder scOrder ?
- existDataRace ops hbOrder
- requireHbOrder ops hbOrder scOrder ?
- requireProgramOrder ops hbOrder ?
- requireSyncOrder ops hbOrder scOrder ?
- requireTransitiveOrder ops hbOrder
- existDataRace ops hbOrder ? ? i, j ? ops.
- conflictingAccess i j ?
- (hbOrder i j) ? (hbOrder j i)
Under SC execution
Respects happens-before
Mutually consistent
Exists data-race
18Making It Executable
- Encode the test case as a Constraint Logic
- Program (CLP) that interprets executions and
checks - conformance with the rules
- Implementation in FD-Prolog is straightforward
- Universal quantification handled via enumeration
- Existential quantification handled via
backtracking - Built-in constraint solver from FD-Prolog
- - Logical variables
- - Finite-domain (FD) variables
19How to Encode the Ordering Relation?
The Method
- Given a test program with N operations, use a 2D
precedence matrix with N2 constraint variables - Interpret the symbolic execution, impose
constraints to the 2D matrix - When interpretation finishes, x values reveal
latitude in weak order - When an x changes to a 1, an attempt to set it to
0 later triggers backtracking -
20Example of Prolog Implementation
Formal Specification (e.g., requireWeakTotalOrder)
requireWeakTotalOrder ops order ? ? i, j ? ops.
(fb i ? fb j ? id i ? id j) ? (order i j ??
order j i)
SICStus Prolog Code
forEachElem(Ops,Order,FbList,doWeakTotalOrder). e
const(feasible,Feasible), length(Ops,N),
nth(I,FbList,Fi), nth(J,FbList,Fj),
(Fi Feasible /\ Fj Feasible)
/\ I \ J) gt (Oij \/ Oji).
21Interactive and Incremental Analysis
Test Program
Execution (ops)
Initially, x y 0.
Tinit Thread 1 Thread 2 (1)
wr(x,0) (3) rd(x,r1) (6)
rd(y,r2) (2) wr(y,0) (4)
ctr(c1,r1gt0) (7) ctr(c2,r2gt0)
(5) wr(y,1,c1) (8)
Thread 1 r1 x if (r1 gt 0) y 1
Thread 2 r2 y if (r2 gt 0) x 1
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
0 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 1 0
0 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0
0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1 1 1 0 1 1 0 0 1
1 1 0 0 1 0 0 1 1 1 0 0 0
Possible interleaving 1 2 6 7 8 3 4 5 Data-race
operations 3 and 8
The adjacency matrix
Existing Approaches
- Scalable, but not formal
- Based on simplifying assumptions
- Or formal, but not executable
- Paper-and-pencil approach is error-prone
Our Approach
- Formal and executable (although not quite as
scalable) - Allows rigorous analysis of a program pattern
under - an exact memory model
- Generic
- Not limited to specific synchronization
mechanism - Can define concurrency properties under other
memory models
23Rigorous Concurrency Analysis
More Exhaustive
More Scalable
Memory-model sensitive
Memory-model insensitive
24 Thank You !
Papers and prototype tools are available
at http//www.cs.utah.edu/yyang/research.html