Title: ATA Assurance of Learning Survey
1ATA Assurance of Learning Survey
- Undergraduate Assessment and Curriculum Issues
3How long did it take to develop learning
objectives and formal assessment measures for
undergraduate accounting program?
4Undergraduate Accounting Learning Objectives and
Assessment Measures
5How is the assessment data used?
6Who was responsible for the development of the
assessment measures for the accounting program?
7Completed Rounds of Assurance of Learning Process
8Number of Required Tax Courses for Undergraduate
Accounting Major
9How were the departmental learning objectives and
assessment measures for the introductory tax
class developed?
10Introductory Tax Learning Objectives and
Assessment Measures
11Introductory Tax Learning Objectives and
Assessment Measures (cont.)
12Benefits of Assessment
- It provides direction for continuous improvement.
- The evaluation and structure forced me to stop
and think about how each assignment related to
the specific skills that the first tax course
should develop. - Tells students what we expect them to learn.
- Preparing students for careers after school with
consistence and excellence.