Receptor theory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Receptor theory


Rf is the fractional response for any concentration of agonist. ... If the agonist concentration is expressed in log terms then the resultant dose ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Receptor theory

Receptor theory
  • First postulated by John Langley (1878)
  • Established after his experiments using nicotine
    and curare analogues on muscle contraction.
  • Isolated muscle fibers pilocarpine (contraction)
    and atropine (inhibition).
  • Two compounds competing for a third, but unknown
  • Furthered by Paul Ehrlich (1854-1915)
  • Demonstrated that stereoselectivity was
    imperative in drug-receptor signaling.

John Langley
  • In 1901, Langley challenged the dominant
    hypothesis that drugs act at nerve endings by
    demonstrating that nicotine acted at sympathetic
    ganglia even after the degeneration of the
    severed preganglionic nerve endings.
  • That year, Langley also discovered for himself a
    tool in the form of renal extract (containing
    adrenaline) which produced sympathomimetic
    responses when applied to tissues exogenously.
  • But it was not until 1905 that Langley published
    the results of the decisive experiments using
    systemic injections of curare and nicotine given
    to chicks. It was through these experiments that
    Langley concluded the existence of a receptive
    substance in striated muscle.

Nerve/Muscle Endings
John Langley
  • Langley concluded that a protoplasmic "receptive
    substance" must exist which the two drugs compete
    for directly. He further added that the effect of
    combination of the receptive substance with
    competing drugs was determined by their
    comparative chemical affinities for the substance
    and relative dose.

Intercellular Signaling
Classes of cell-surface receptors
Criteria for hormone-mediated events
  • Receptor must possess structural and steric
    specificity for a hormone and for its close
    analogs as well.
  • Receptors are saturable and limited (i.e. there
    is a finite number of binding sites).
  • Hormone-receptor binding is cell specific in
    accordance with target organ specificity.
  • Receptor must possess a high affinity for the
    hormone at physiological concentrations.
  • Once a hormone binds to the receptor, some
    recognizable early chemical event must occur.

  • Affinity The tenacity by which a drug binds to
    its receptor.
  • Discussion a very lipid soluble drug may have
    irreversible effects is this high-affinity or
    merely a non-specific effect?
  • Intrinsic activity Relative maximal effect of a
    drug in a particular tissue preparation when
    compared to the natural, endogenous ligand.
  • Full agonist IA 1 (equal to the endogenous
  • Antagonist IA 0
  • Partial agonist IA 01 (produces less than
    the maximal response, but with maximal binding to
  • Intrinsic efficacy a drugs ability to bind a
    receptor and elicit a functional response
  • A measure of the formation of a drug-receptor
  • Potency ability of a drug to cause a measured
    functional change.

Receptors have two major properties Recognition
and Transduction
  • Recognition The receptor protein must exist in a
    conformational state that allows for recognition
    and binding of a compound and must satisfy the
    following criteria
  • Saturability receptors exists in finite
  • Reversibility binding must occur non-covalently
    due to weak intermolecular forces (H-bonding, van
    der Waal forces).
  • Stereoselectivity receptors should recognize
    only one of the naturally occurring optical
    isomers ( or -, d or l, or S or R).
  • Agonist specificity structurally related drugs
    should bind well, while physically dissimilar
    compounds should bind poorly.
  • Tissue specificity binding should occur in
    tissues known to be sensitive to the endogenous
    ligand. Binding should occur at physiologically
    relevant concentrations.

The failure of a drug to satisfy any of these
conditions indicates non-specific binding to
proteins or phospholipids in places like blood or
plasma membrane components.
Receptors have two major properties Recognition
and Transduction
  • Transduction The second property of a receptor
    is that the binding of an agonist must be
    transduced into some kind of functional response
    (biological or physiological).
  • Different receptor types are linked to effector
    systems either directly or through simple or
    more-complex intermediate signal amplification
    systems. Some examples are
  • Ligand-gated ion channels nicotinic Ach
  • Single-transmembrane receptors RTKs like
    insulin or EGF receptors
  • 7-transmembrane GPCRs opioid receptors
  • Soluble steroid hormones estrogen receptor

Predicting whether a drug will cause a response
in a particular tissue
  • Factors involving the equilibrium of a drug at a
  • Limited diffusion
  • Metabolism
  • Entrapment in proteins, fat, or blood.
  • Response depends of what the receptor is
    connected to.
  • Effector type
  • Need for any allosteric co-factors THB on
    tyrosine hydroxylase.
  • Direct receptor modification phosphorylation

Receptor theory and receptor binding.
  • Must obey the Law of Mass Action and follow
    basic laws of thermodynamics.
  • Primary assumption a single ligand is binding
    to a homogeneous population of receptors

  kon/k1 ligand receptor
ligand ? receptor
  • kon of binding events/time (Rate of
    association) ligand ? receptor kon M-1
  • koff of dissociation events/time (Rate of
    dissociation) ligand ? receptor koff min-1
  • Binding occurs when ligand and receptor collide
    with the proper orientation and energy.
  • Interaction is reversible.
  • Rate of formation L R or dissociation LR
    depends solely on the number of receptors, the
    concentration of ligand, and the rate constants
    kon and koff.

  • At equilibrium, the rate of formation equals that
    of dissociation so that
  • L ? R kon LR koff
  • KD k2/k1 LR
  • LR
  • this ratio is the equilibrium dissociation
    constant or KD.
  • KD is expressed in molar units (M/L) and
    expresses the affinity of a drug for a particular
  • KD is an inverse measure of receptor affinity.
  • KD L which produces 50 receptor occupancy

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  • Once bound, ligand and receptor remain bound for
    a random time interval.
  • The probability of dissociation is the same at
    any point after association.
  • Once dissociated, ligand and receptor should be
  • If either is physically modified, the law of mass
    action does not apply (receptor phosphorylation)
  • Ligands should be recyclable.

Receptor occupancy, activation of target cell
responses, kinetics of binding
  • Activation of membrane receptors and target cell
    responses is proportional to the degree of
    receptor occupancy.
  • However, the hormone concentration at which half
    of the receptors is occupied by a ligand (Kd) is
    often lower than the concentration required to
    elicit a half-maximal biological response (ED50)

Receptor Fractional Occupancy
  • F.O. LR____ LR___
    now substitute the KD equation.
  • Total Receptor Rf LR
  • R KD LR ? F.O. Ligand
  • L Ligand KD
  • Use the following numbers
  • L KD 50 F.O.
  • L 0.5 KD 30 F.O.
  • L 10x KD 90 F.O.
  • L 0 0 F.O.

Fractional Occupancy
Ligand Concentration
Assumptions of the law of mass action.
  • All receptors are equally accessible to ligand.
  • No partial binding occurs receptors are either
    free of ligand or bound with ligand.
  • Ligand is nor altered by binding
  • Binding is reversible
  • Different affinity states?????

Studies of receptor number and function
  • We can directly measure the number (or density)
    of receptors in the LR complex.
  • Ligand is radiolabeled (125I, 35S. or 3H).
    Selection of proper radioligand
  • Agonist vs. antagonist (sodium insensitive)
  • Higher affinity for antagonists
  • Longer to steady state binding
  • Saturation binding curve-occurs at steady state
    conditions (equilibrium is theoretical only).
  • Demonstrates the importance of saturability for
    any selective ligand.
  • Provides information on receptor density and
    ligand affinity and selectivity.

Scatchard transformation
  • Y-axis is Bound/Free (total radioligand-bound)
  • X-axis Bound (pmol/mg protein)
  • Straight lines are easier to interpret.

  • The amount of drug bound at any time is solely
    determined by
  • the number of receptors
  • the concentration of ligand added
  • the affinity of the drug for its receptor.
  • Binding of drug to receptor is essentially the
    same as drug to enzyme as defined by the
    Michelis-Menten equation.

However, not every ligand is radiolabeledWhat to
Competition binding assays
  • Allows one to determine a rough estimate of an
    unlabeled ligands affinity for a receptor.
  • Competitive or non-competitive.
  • Introduction into the incubation mixture of a
    non-radioactive drug (e.g. drug B) that also
    binds to R will result in less of R being
    available for binding with D, thus reducing the
    amount of DR that forms. This second drug
    essentially competes with D for occupation of R.
    Increasing concentrations of B result in
    decreasing amounts of D R being formed.
  • Method
  • Single concentration of labeled ligand
  • Multiple (log-scale) concentrations of the
    unlabeled/competing ligand.

Competition binding assays
  • The concentration of inhibitor which displaces
    50 of the radiolabeled ligand is known as the
    IC50 for that drug.
  • IC50 cannot be viewed as the KD of the
    inhibitor because it is just an estimate.
  • Ki the equilibrium inhibitor dissociation
  • It is the concentration of the competing ligand
    that would bind to 50 of sites in the absence of
    the radioligand.
  • Ki can only be determined after the IC50 is
  • Uses the equation of Cheng and Prusoff.

Ki IC50 1 radiolabeled
ligand Kd
Example Find Ki of morphine in a preparation
with 3H-diprenorphine.   IC50 100 nM Ki 25
nM L 3 nM KD 1 nM
Dose-response experiments.
  • Measures the functional response of a drug, which
    is an indirect assessment of receptor binding.
  • Can be in vitro, in vivo, or ex vivo.
  • Is response directly proportional to receptor
  • Clarkes Theory the effect of a drug is
    proportional to the fraction of receptors
    occupied by the drug and maximal response occurs
    when all receptor are bound. Is this true????
  • Actually, more is not necessarily better.

Fractional response
  • Equation for fraction response for Drug A
  • Rf is the fractional response for any
    concentration of agonist.
  • The dose producing the maximum effect (Emax) is
    termed the maximum effective dose, whereas the
    concentration of agonist producing the
    half-maximal response is termed the EC50.
  • If the agonist concentration is expressed in log
    terms then the resultant dose-response curve is
    sigmoid shaped.
  • A concentration of agonist 10 fold higher than
    its EC50 would produce a response that is 90 of
    Emax whereas a concentration of agonist 100 fold
    higher than its EC50 would produce a response 99
    of Emax.

However, not all agonists acting at the same
receptor produce the same maximal response.
Dose nM
A. Three drugs with presumably different B.
Inverted U-shaped curve. receptor affinities and
potencies. -Same maximal effect.
Partial agonists
  • Some agonists never elicit a maximal response
    (compared to the endogenous agonist) even when
    nearly all of the receptors are occupied.
  • However, the EC50 for these are remarkably close
    to full agonists
  • Similar potency, but lower efficacy Intrinsic
    activity 01
  • High efficacy drug need to occupy fewer
    receptors to produce a response than one with
    lower efficacy.
  • Why????
  • several conformation changes can occur by
    different agonists.
  • Similarly, partial agonists will elicit a very
    low or no measurable functional response even
    when a significant number of receptor are

Partial agonists can act as functional
antagonists when in competition with higher
efficacy agonists.
  • Methadone for heroin abuse treatment.
  • Used to wean off abused drugs.
  • Basically competition between the full and
    partial agonist.

Receptor antagonists.
  • Prevent agonist-mediated responses by preventing
    a drug from binding and eliciting its normal
  • Intrinsic activity 0.
  • No sensitivity to Na or GTP.
  • Antagonists are measured by the selectivity,
    affinity for their receptor, and potency.

Receptor antagonists
  • Competitive antagonist.
  • Reversible or irreversible.
  • Bind to the same site as the endogenous ligand or
  • Can be over come!
  • Their presence produces a right-ward shift in
    both the binding and dose-response curves.
  • No change in Emax or Bmax.
  • Similar dose-response curve shapes indicates the
    presence of a competitive agonist (competing for
    the same binding sites).

A agonist alone B antagonist (one
concentration) AB agonist antagonist
Non-competitive antagonist
  • Does not prevent formation of the DR complex, but
    impairs the conformation change which triggers a
  • Bind to a site different than the agonist binding
    site at an allosteric site (use a hemoglobin
  • Cannot be overcome by adding more agonist
  • Emax and Bmax are reduced but EC50 remains the
    same for the unaffected receptors.
  • Dose-response curves will have different shapes
    indicating different binding sites.

Irreversible antagonists.
  • Binds in an irreversible manner, usually by
    covalent modification of the receptor.
  • EEDQ (non-selective)
  • N-ethylmalemide (NEM) or other sulfhydryl or
    alkylating agents (non-selective).
  • Antibodies
  • Molecular control (mutation) EXAMPLE
  • Prevents binding at the atomic level.
  • Effectively and practically lowers the number of
    receptors capable of binding an agonist.
  • Adding more agonist is useless
  • Only cure Make New Receptors by Protein

Receptor subtypes
  • First learned for the histamine receptor.
  • histamine activation by agonist produces smooth
    muscle contraction.
  • The residual activity in gastric secretion, even
    in the absence of muscle contraction, indicated
    the presence of histamine-sensitive receptors.
  • Conclusion Receptor Subtypes.
  • Receptor subtypes are characterized by
  • Binding differences (selective ligands)
  • Function
  • Molecular cloning analysis revealing amino acid

Contraction antagonist
Opioid receptor subtypes

Stopping the GPCR signal
  • Endogenous GTPase within Ga subunit
  • Proteolysis of receptor-rare
  • NT re-uptake or enzymolysis
  • RGS proteins-regulators of GTPase
  • Receptor internalization/down-regulation.

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Receptor desensitization
  • A loss of agonist affinity, but not receptor
    number after chronic agonist stimulation.
  • Best example is b2-AR.
  • Activation of PKA/GRKs
  • Phosphorylation
  • - b-arrestin
  • uncoupling of receptor and G-protein
  • results in a rightward shift of the binding
  • KD of isoproterenol (1 ? 100 nM) goes up
  • affinity goes down
  • number of receptors does not change (Bmax does
    not change).
  • b-arrestin binds with clathrin AP-2 binding site.
  • Complex internalizes into membrane-bound
  • Endosomes internalizes
  • transient decrease in surface receptor number.

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Receptor desensitization
100 50 0
Chronic treatment
0 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3
-log agonist M
Receptor desensitization
Adapted from Lefkowitz, 1998 (JBC, vol., 273)
Receptor down-regulation
  • Proteolytic degradation of receptor
  • producing a net loss in total cell receptor
  • PKC involvement during endocytosis
  • Bmax can decreases (60) KD remains the same
  • Use of endosomes and lysosomes.

Receptor down-regulation
100 50 0
Chronic treatment
0 10 9 8 7 6
5 4 3
-log agonist M
Receptor down-regulation
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