Title: Process, thread and multitasking
1Process, thread and multitasking
2What OS does?
- Process management
- Memory management
- File management
- Input and output control
- Networking
- And more.
3Process management
- What is a process?
- Process state
- Process scheduling
- Process communication
- Process creation and termination
4What is a process
- A process is a program in execution
- It has an environment which has
- Text (code), data, and stack
- It has a state running, waiting, ready, etc
- It may open a number of files, sockets, etc.
- The data it is using may be in registers
- PC register points to the next instruction
5Process in Memory
6Diagram of Process State
7Process Control Block (PCB)
- Information associated with each process
- Process state
- Program counter
- CPU registers
- CPU scheduling information
- Memory-management information
- Accounting information
- I/O status information
8Process Control Block (PCB)
9CPU Switch From Process to Process
10How to create processes
- Using system calls
- Fork create an identical twin
- Exec load an executable to overwrite the caller
- All processes form a family tree
- Parent can control children
- How is the first process created??
If(idfork()) running parent code
else child code
If(idfork()) parent code else
child code
If(idfork()) parent code else
running child code
12Process Creation
13Process communication
- Apart from socket, processes can communicate by
files (pipe is a special file) - Parent and child can communicate by
- Wait() and exit()
- Scheduler (or job scheduler) selects which
processes should be brought into the ready queue. - If there are multiple processes ready, scheduler
decide which process should be executed next and
when to allocates CPU to it.
15Scheduling Criteria
- CPU utilization keep the CPU as busy as
possible - Throughput of processes that complete their
execution per time unit - Turnaround time amount of time to execute a
particular process - Waiting time amount of time a process has been
waiting in the ready queue - Response time amount of time it takes from when
a request was submitted until the first response
is produced, not output (for time-sharing
First select
16Optimization Criteria
- Max CPU utilization
- Max throughput
- Min turnaround time
- Min waiting time
- Min response time
17Scheduling methods
- FIFO --- First in first out
- Shortest job first
- Time sharing
- Priority scheduling
- Real-time scheduling
- Earliest deadline first
18First-Come, First-Served (FCFS) Scheduling
- Process Burst Time
- P1 24
- P2 3
- P3 3
- Suppose that the processes arrive in the order
P1 , P2 , P3 The Gantt Chart for the schedule
is - Waiting time for P1 0 P2 24 P3 27
- Average waiting time (0 24 27)/3 17
19FCFS Scheduling (Cont.)
- Suppose that the processes arrive in the order
- P2 , P3 , P1 .
- The Gantt chart for the schedule is
- Waiting time for P1 6 P2 0 P3 3
- Average waiting time (6 0 3)/3 3
- Much better than previous case.
- Convoy effect short process behind long process
20Shortest-Job-First (SJR)Scheduling
- Associate with each process the length of its
next CPU burst. Use these lengths to schedule
the process with the shortest time. - Two schemes
- nonpreemptive once CPU given to the process it
cannot be preempted until completes its CPU
burst. - preemptive if a new process arrives with CPU
burst length less than remaining time of current
executing process, preempt. This scheme is know
as the Shortest-Remaining-Time-First (SRTF). - SJF is optimal gives minimum average waiting
time for a given set of processes.
21Example of Non-Preemptive SJF
- Process Arrival Time Burst Time
- P1 0.0 7
- P2 2.0 4
- P3 4.0 1
- P4 5.0 4
- SJF (non-preemptive)
- Average waiting time (0 6 3 7)/4 4
22Context Switch
- When CPU switches to another process, the system
must save the state of the old process and load
the saved state for the new process. - Context-switch time is overhead the system does
no useful work while switching. - Time dependent on hardware support.
23Process Synchronization
- Processes can communicate with each other by
shared variables - If using shared variables, there must have
synchronization facility -- hard
24Synchronization problem
If two processes (A and B) want to update
count A wants to count may be implemented
in machine language asregister1
counter register1 register1 1counter
register1 B wants to count may be
implemented asregister2 counterregister2
register2 1counter register2
25Synchronization problem (cont)
- Assume counter is initially 5. One interleaving
of statements isA register1 counter
(register1 5)A register1 register1 1
(register1 6)B register2 counter
(register2 5)B register2 register2 1
(register2 4)A counter register1 (counter
6)B counter register2 (counter 4) - The value of count may be either 4 or 6, where
the correct result should be 5.
- Disable interrupt
- Using monitor
- Using semaphore
- Wait(sema) --- lock
- Signal(sema) unlock
27Be aware of deadlock
- public static Object cacheLock new Object()
- public static Object tableLock new
Object() ...
- public void oneMethod() synchronized
(cacheLock) synchronized (tableLock)
28Deadlock (cont)
- public void anotherMethod() synchronized
(tableLock) synchronized (cacheLock)
doSomethingElse() -
29Single and Multithreaded Processes
- Responsiveness
- Resource Sharing
- Economy
- Utilization of MP Architectures
31User Threads
- Thread management done by user-level threads
library - Examples
- - POSIX Pthreads
- - Mach C-threads
- - Solaris threads
32Kernel Threads
- Supported by the Kernel
- Examples
- - Windows 95/98/NT/2000
- - Solaris
- - Tru64 UNIX
- - BeOS
- - Linux
33Multithreading Models
- Many-to-One
- One-to-One
- Many-to-Many
- Many user-level threads mapped to single kernel
thread. - Used on systems that do not support kernel
35Many-to-One Model
- Each user-level thread maps to kernel thread.
- Examples
- - Windows 95/98/NT/2000
- - OS/2
37One-to-one Model
38Many-to-Many Model
- Allows many user level threads to be mapped to
many kernel threads. - Allows the operating system to create a
sufficient number of kernel threads. - Solaris 2
- Windows NT/2000 with the ThreadFiber package
39Many-to-Many Model