Grande Forge India Manufacture staircase railing, handrails, and gates. The Company ever-expanding network and provide across services in India. – PowerPoint PPT presentation
The Grande Forge India specializes in manufacture staircase railing, handrails, balcony, and gates. The Grande Forge Company designs steel/iron, brass staircase railing, brass, Stainless steel, glass and Crystal staircase railing. Staircase railing design comprised of starting posts and finials. We design Classic, contemporary and romantic products. Today we consist of a highly professional designer, craftsman, blacksmith, and polisher.
2 Projects
Staircase Railing
Balcony Grills
3 Staircase Railing
The Grande Forge Company designs steel/iron, brass staircase railing, brass, Stainless steel, glass and Crystal staircase railing. Staircase railing design comprised of starting posts and finials. The Company Design staircase railings in balusters or structure that lines one or both side of a staircase. A staircase railing is both decorative and functional it is prevent to failing people in both acceding and descending. A staircase railing is design comprised of starting posts, balusters and cover. Our range is included classic European and Modern railing designs to truly effect your design and style you like traditional, modern and eclectic.
4 Staircase Railing Design
The Grande Forge India Design many type in staircase railing like brass, iron/steel, glass, crystal and stainless steel. In Brass Royal line in Painted brass and royal in antique brass with brass handrails. In Iron/steel staircase railing black diamond line and Mozart line are present as fig. you can see that.
5 Balcony Grills 6 Gates
The Grande Forge India Design gate with Mozart line and balcony and gate with Mozart and iron cast line. The iron gates is a popular choices. This material is used thousand of year to create beautiful entrance for all type of properties. We custom design our wrought iron gates specially for your properties.
7 Handrails
The Grade Forge India design handrails in brass and aluminum. The Handrail is a rail and a horizontal bar designed to gasped by hand support. It is used to while ascending and descending to support, stability and failing injures. Brass handrail is provide in painted brass and polishes brass.
8 Balusters
We design brass, steel/iron and stainless steel balusters. Baluster are a set of closed spaced vertical post and column that support the handrail of a staircase railing. Baluster can be made of wooden, metal, stone and glass. All the brass are highly polishes and protected by a special lacquer.