Title: The Secret Fashion Network - About Us
1The Secret Fashion Network
2What is SFNSHOP?
- SFNSHOP is a revolutionary new Multi-Brand
Multi-Store online shopping platform and is the
internet's first "online" fashion store chain.
We're an invitation only network of online
fashion shops (just like this one) giving you
access to exciting new brands and collections
from Manufacturers, Designers and Wholesalers
throughout the UK, Europe and beyond!
3What this means for you.
- Our new online platform lets the brand owners
choose and upload their products themselves -
which means youll get to see everything from
source! Everything from their current seasons
creations, to their new forthcoming collections
and even on to their last seasons offers (a well
kept secret!) .
4Shopping with us.
- You can shop by collection, by category or visit
the brand owner's boutique to shop their styles
exclusively. - All the products from all our partnering brands
are available on all our online stores, so no
matter which online store you shop at youll
always find the same wide choice and value - and
no matter how many different brands you shop,
youll only ever need to contact us. We take care
of everything.
5Thank You