Title: Does Fertilizer Matter
1Does Fertilizer Matter?
2Observation Some of my roses are growing taller
than others
3What I know
- The rose bed beside the road had cow manure added
to it last fall.
- The roses near the house were sprayed with Lowes
Grow Crazy last month.
- The roses by the patio had Wal-Mart Nitrogrow
sprinkled around them in May.
- The roses by the tree have been left alone all
- The type of fertilizer applied to roses will
affect how tall they grow.
- The application of Grow Crazy from Lowes will
cause my roses to grow tallest.
Buy 4 identical rose bushes
Plant the roses in identical pots
Each rose will get 14 hours of sunlight a day
Each rose will get 1 quart of water every other
- Allow the plants to grow for 6 months, measuring
the height of the roses on the 23rd of each month.
7Data Collected
8Graph of collected Data
- Did the Grow Crazy from Lowes cause the roses to
grow taller?
- No, the Grow Crazy from Lowes did not cause my
roses to grow tallest.
- The cow manure caused my plants to grow tallest.
11What do I do now?
12(No Transcript)
13What is the variable?
- The fertilizer is the independent variable
- The growth of the roses is the dependent variable
14What is the Control Group?
- The control group is the rose bush that has no
fertilizer because I made no changes to it.
15What are some constants?
- The amount of water
- The type of pot
- The amount of sun
- The time to grow
- The type of soil
16Think of a problem you have observed. Write a
hypothesis that would solve the problem. Design
an experiment that would test the hypothesis. Do
not do the experiment! Identify the constant, the
variable, and the control group for your