Title: Used Typhoon 8600
1Used Typhoon 8600
2Buy Used Typhoon 8600 at great prices from
Certified Genetool. The Typhoon 8600 Variable
Mode Imager storage phosphor autoradiography
technology with four color fluorescent labelling
techniques provides maximum data quality in a
single, high-throughput system.
3For DNA, RNA, and protein samples, users can
choose from storage phosphor
autoradiography direct green excited
fluorescence direct red excited fluorescence
4When one of the four scanning modes is selected,
the appropriate optical components are
automatically activated. Typhoon scans mounted
and unmounted storage phosphor screens, plus gels
and blots up to 35 43 cm. Typhoon exhibits
outstanding linearity and quantitative accuracy
and includes ImageQuant image analysis software.
5For details, contact us todayADDRESSCertified
GeneTool, Inc.- Headquarters 7074 Commerce
Circle, Suite A Pleasanton, CA 94588 Tel (925)
737-0800 Fax (925) 737-0900 Email
info_at_cgenetool.comCertified Genetool, Inc.-
Boston Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (301) 814-4216
6Dont forget to visit https//cgenetool.com/prod
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