Title: Used Tenney Jr Oven
1Used Tenney Jr Oven
2Buy Used Tenney Jr Oven at great prices from
Certified Genetool. The Tenney Junior Oven
(also known as the temperature test chambers)
have been in the market for over 50 years. It is
specifically designed for benchtop and floor
chambers to have a compact exterior yet an ample
interior workspace to maximize valuable floor
3Benefits Space saving design available as
upright or bench versions Low total cost of
ownership Field proven reliability with
thousands in use worldwide Vapor-tight,
continuously welded interior Easy to use
4For details, contact us todayADDRESSCertified
GeneTool, Inc.- Headquarters 7074 Commerce
Circle, Suite A Pleasanton, CA 94588 Tel (925)
737-0800 Fax (925) 737-0900 Email
info_at_cgenetool.comCertified Genetool, Inc.-
Boston Cambridge, MA 02138 Phone (301) 814-4216
5Dont forget to visithttps//cgenetool.com/prod
6Thank You