Title: Sears Product Market Analysis
1SearsProduct Market Analysis
- Rohan Shah
- John Snyder
- Lani Wijaya
2Retailing Industry
- Two Product Segments
- Soft lines (clothing, apparel, other fabrics)
- Hard lines (Appliances, electronics, furniture,
home-decoration) - Sears
- Hard line accounts 69 of the total revenue.
- Soft line
3Sears Major Goods Categories
- Appliance
- Apparel
- Home-improvement
- Brand recognition
- Fierce competition
- Need to match price
- Broaden selection
- Location-Perceived Inferior
- Misconception Only carry Kenmore
- Product Life Cycle-Mature Market for Sears
- Fussy Target Market
- Deemed as low quality clothing provider
- Customer perception as hardware and appliance
stores - Lands End
- More confusion in target market
- Compete with discounted retailer (Wal-Mart)
- Location disadvantage
- Product Life Cycle-Growth Stage for Sears
- Targeting females with an income range of
50,000. - Lowes has better name recognition.
- Fewer Stores vs. Home Depot and Lowes
- Ineffective Sales and Promotion.
- Product Life Cycle-Growth Stage for Sears