Title: Turbo Codes
1Turbo Codes Vidya T Ramachandran April 22, 2008
- In 1993, group of French researchers, Berrou,
Glavieux and Thitimajshima presented a new class
of error correction codes, termed as Turbo
Codes. These codes were shown to achieve a
performance in terms of Bit Error Rate (BER)
within 0.7 dB of the Shannon capacity limit.
Turbo-codes promise the attainment of the Holy
Grail of communication theory. They have a very
wide range of applications mainly in wireless
communications, ranging from the third generation
mobile systems to deep-space exploration.
- Introduction
- Channel Capacity
- Why turbo codes perform so well
- Review of Convolutional codes
- RSC Encoding
- Turbo Code Architecture
- Encoder
- Interleaver
- Decoder
- Example UMTS Turbo Encoder-Interleaver-Decoder
- Performance
- Practical Issues
- Applications
- Conclusion
- Powerful class of error correcting codes
- Iterative decoding
- Discovered by Berrou, Glavieux and Thitimajshima
in 1993 at ICC, Genève, Switzerland - Advantages
- Come closest to approaching the Shannon capacity
limit on maximum achievable data transfer rate
over a noisy channel - For a certain BER, power can be decreased
- Drawbacks
- High decoder complexity
- Relatively high latency due to interleaving and
iterations when decoding - Applications in areas where power saving is
required or low SNR is available
Claude Berrou
Alain Glavieux
5 From http//userver.ftw.at/7Ejossy/turbo/2004/
Coding Timeline
- Clearly, the coding world can be divided into 2
time zones BTC ATC Before and After Turbo
6Channel Capacity Shannons Limit
- Claude Shannon, A mathematical theory of
communication, Bell Systems Technical Journal,
1948 - Every channel has associated with it a capacity
C - Measured in bits per channel use
(modulated symbol) - The channel capacity is an upper bound on
information rate r - There exists a code of rate r lt C that
achieves reliable communications. - Showed that the Bit Error probability
approaches zero as block length n of the code
goes to infinity by selecting a rate r lt C
code at random. -
Shannon playing with mechanical mouse
Shannon in his office at Bell Labs
7Why Turbo codes perform so well
- Linear Code - code for which the modulo-2 sum of
two valid code words (XOR-ing each bit position)
is also a valid code word. - Good linear code
- has mostly high-weight code words except, all-
zeros code word. - Desired as they are distinct, so easier for
decoder to distinguish. - Use turbo encoder with Interleaver to reduce
low-weight code words - One of the two encoders will occasionally produce
a low-weight output, the probability that both
encoders simultaneously produce a low-weight
output is extremely small. - Random codes achieve the best performance
- Shannon showed that as n?8, random codes achieve
channel capacity. - However, not feasible because code must contain
enough structure so that decoding can be realized
with actual hardware. - With turbo codes
- The non-uniform Interleaver adds apparent
randomness to the code. - Yet, they contain enough structure so that
decoding is feasible.
8Review Convolutional codes
- Input data shifted into and along shift register
k bits at once - k binary inputs
- n binary outputs
- K-1 delay elements (linear shift registers)
- Coefficients are either 1 or 0
- Operation - Addition XOR
- rate r k / n
- K Constraint length number of bits that
each output depends on. - Non-systematic codes
- encoders input bits do not appear at its output
- Correct by using systematic RSC codes
Rate r ½ Convolutional encoder with constraint
length K 3 From M.C. Valenti, Turbo
Codes and Iterative Processing, in Proc. IEEE
New Zealand Wireless Communications Symposium,
(Auckland New Zealand), Nov. 1998
9RSC - Recursive Systematic Convolutional Encoding
- An RSC encoder is constructed from a standard
convolutional encoder by feeding back one of the
outputs. - An RSC code is systematic.
- The input bits appear directly in the
output. - An RSC encoder is an Infinite Impulse
Response(IIR) Filter. - An arbitrary input will cause a good
(high weight) output with high probability - Some inputs will cause bad (low
weight) outputs.
From M.C. Valenti, Turbo Codes and Iterative
Processing, in Proc. IEEE New Zealand Wireless
Communications Symposium, (Auckland New
Zealand), Nov. 1998.
10Turbo Encoder
- Two constituent parallel RSC encoders to
interleaved versions of the same information u to
be transmitted. - A non-uniform Interleaver scrambles the ordering
of bits at the input of the second encoder. - Uses a pseudo-random interleaving pattern.
- Increase the code rate via a puncturing technique
which enables to select the coded bits following
a particular pattern.
- From A study of turbo codes for UMTS third
generation cellular standard by
Teodor Iliev, University of Rousse, ACM
International Conference Proceedings, 2007,
Volume 285.
11Parallel Concatenated Encoding
- It consists of two conventional feedback
shift-register-based convolutional encoders whose
inputs are separated by an Interleaver. - The key to this technique lies in the recursive
nature of the encoder and the impact of the
Interleaver on the data bits. - The two constituent encoders are coding the same
information sequence u but in a different order. - For each input binary information symbol ui , we
keep the systematic output of xsi ui of the
first RSC encoder, and the parity outputs, x1pi
and x2pi of both RSC encoders - All these symbols are then multiplexed in order
to form the following turbo-coded
sequence ...,ui ,x1pi ,x2pi ,ui1 ,x1pi 1
,x2pi1 ,ui2 ,x1pi 2 ,x2pi1,... - Code rate is thus R1/3.
- Increase the code rate via a puncturing technique
to say, ½ as follows ...,ui , x1pi ,
ui1 , x1pi 1 , ui2 , x1pi 2 ,... - Uses tail bits (sequence of 3 zeros) to return
encoders back to the all-zeros state
12UMTS Turbo Encoder
From M.C. Valenti and J. Sun, Turbo Codes,
Chapter 12 of Handbook of RF and Wireless
Technologies, (editor F. Dowla), Newnes, 2004,
Pages 375-78.
13Output Stream Format
- Input three feedback bits generated immediately
after encoding k-bit code word - Output stream format
- X1 Z1 Z1X2 Z2 Z2 XL ZL ZL XL1 ZL1 XL2
ZL2 XL3 ZL3XL1ZL1 XL2ZL2 XL3ZL3 - L data bits and
3 tail bits for 3 tail bits
for - their associated upper
encoder lower encoder - 2L parity bits
their 3 parity bits their 3 parity bits - (total of 3L bits)
- Total number of coded bits 3L 12
- Code rate r L / (3L 12) ? 1/3
14UMTS Interleaver
- Device that rearranges the order of the data bits
in a prescribed, but irregular, manner. - Although the same set of data bits is present at
the output of the Interleaver, the order of these
bits has been changed, much like a shuffled deck
of cards - Without the Interleaver, the two constituent
encoders would receive the data in the exact same
order and thusassuming identical constituent
encoderstheir outputs would be the same. - Thus, the output of the second encoder will
almost surely be different than the output of the
first encoder - Quite different than the rectangular interleaves
that are commonly used in wireless systems to
help break up deep fades - Rectangular channel Interleaver tries to space
the data out according to a regular pattern, a
turbo code Interleaver tries to randomize the
ordering of the data in an irregular manner.
15UMTS Interleaver Inserting Data into Matrix
- Data is fed row-wise into a R by C matrix.
- R 5, 10, or 20.
- 8 C 256
- If L lt RC then matrix is padded with
dummy characters. - Slide from Iterative Solutions Coded Modulation
Library (ISCML) - Theory of Operation ppt, Oct.
3, 2005, Matthew Valenti at http//www.iteratives
16UMTS Interleaver Reading Data From Matrix
- Intra-Row Permutations
- Data is permuted within each row.
Data is read from matrix column-wise. X1
X38 X24 X2 X26
X39 X16 X3 X18
X40 X8
Slide from Iterative Solutions Coded Modulation
Library (ISCML) Theory of
Operation ppt, Oct. 3, 2005, Matthew Valenti at
17UMTS Interleaver Inter-Row Permutations
- Rows are permuted.
- If R 5 or 10, the matrix is
reflected about the middle row. - For R20 the rule is more
complicated and depends on L.
Slide from Iterative Solutions Coded Modulation
Library (ISCML) Theory of
Operation ppt, Oct. 3, 2005, Matthew Valenti at
18Turbo Decoder
- Divide-and-conquer approach
From M.C. Valenti and J. Sun, Turbo Codes,
Chapter 12 of Handbook of RF and Wireless
Technologies, (editor F. Dowla), Newnes, 2004,
Pages 375-78.
19Iterative Decoding
- Ui - modulating code bit 0 or 1 hard value
- Yi - corresponding received signal any value
soft value - Log-Likelihood Ratio (LLR) is used as input to
decoder - R ( Ui ) ln
P(Yi Ui 1) -
P(Yi Ui 0) - For BPSK over AWGN channel with noise variance of
s2, -
LLR R (Ui ) 2 Yi / s2 - For each data bit Xi , decoder computes the
following LLR - ? ( Xi ) ln
P(Xi 1 Y1 . . . Yn) -
P(Xi 0 Y1 . . . Yn) - Soft input soft output (SISO) processors compute
2 LLR estimates.
- ? ( Xi ) ?1( Xi ) ?2 ( Xi )
- Final LLR estimate LLR from upper encoder
LLR from lower encoder
20 SISO Processor
- Iterative decoding
- first SISO processor passes its LLR output to the
input of the second SISO processor and vice versa - Improve performance by sharing LLR estimates
between the 2 SISO processors. - feedback operation reminiscent of the feedback
between exhaust and intake compressor in a turbo
engine. - Use extrinsic information w( Xi ) to prevent
positive feedback - subtract the systematic input of each SISO from
its output prior to sharing information with the
other decoder. - SISO processor uses a trellis diagram to
represent all possible sequences of encoder
states - sweeps through the labeled trellis in a
prescribed manner to obtain LLR estimates of each
data bit using - Soft output Viterbi algorithm (SOVA)
- maximum a posteriori (MAP) algorithm
- SISO processor uses logarithmic version of the
MAP algorithm called log-MAP -
21Log-MAP Algorithm
- Log-MAP is similar to the Viterbi algorithm.
- Multiplications become additions.
- Additions become special max operator
(Jacobi logarithm) - max(x, y) ln (ex ey)
- max (x, y) ln (1
e-y-x) -
max (x, y) fc (y - x) - Implementation
- Sweep through the trellis in forward direction
using modified Viterbi algorithm. - Sweep through the trellis in backward direction
using modified Viterbi algorithm. - Determine LLR for each trellis section.
- Determine output extrinsic info for each trellis
section. - Flavors of Log-MAP algorithm are max-log-MAP
algorithm, constant-log-MAP and linear-log-MAP
22Characteristics of Turbo Codes
- Turbo codes have extraordinary performance at low
SNR. - Very close to the Shannon limit.
- Due to a low multiplicity of low weight code
words. - However, turbo codes have a BER floor.
- This is due to their low minimum distance.
- Performance improves for larger block sizes.
- Larger block sizes mean more latency (delay).
- However, larger block sizes are not more complex
to decode. - The BER floor is lower for larger
frame/Interleaver sizes - The complexity of a constraint length KTC turbo
code is the same as a K KCC convolutional code,
where - KCC 2 KTC log2 (number decoder
23 Performance as a function of number of iterations
- Simulation Setup
- R ½ K 5
- N 256 X 256 Interleaver matrix
- G1 1 1 1 1 1 G2 1 0 0 0 1
- Expected Shannons Limit
- Binary Modulation
- R ½
- _at_ Eb/No 0 dB
- BER (Pe) 0 (or 10-5)
- Obtained
- For SNR gt 0, BER decreases as a function of
decoding step p - For p 18,
- _at_ Eb/No 0.7 dB
- BER (Pe) ? 10-5
- ? Performances are at 0.7 dB from Shannons Limit
From BERROU, C., GLAVIEUX, A., and
THITIMAJSHIMA, P. Near Shannon limit
error-correcting coding turbo codes, Proc. IEEE
International Conference Communication, Geneva,
Switzerland, 1993, pp.10641070
24Performance as a function of the Interleaver size
- R 1/2 K5 18 decoder iterations
- As frame size increases, performance improves.
- However, as Interleaver size increases, decoder
latency also increases. - High latency means low BER!
- Tradeoff between performance and latency
- Exploited in wireless communication systems.
From M.C. Valenti, Turbo Codes and Iterative
Processing, in Proc. IEEE New Zealand Wireless
Communications Symposium, (Auckland New
Zealand), Nov. 1998.
25Performance comparison of two rate ½ codes
- Convolutional code
- K 15 free distance (dfree) 18
- Turbo code
- K 5 L 65,536 free distance
6 - Error Floor effect at low BER for turbo
codes. - Increasing dfree improves bit error performance.
- Turbo codes have a comparatively lower dfree due
to small number of free distance code words. - Hence, it maybe better to use convolutional codes
at high SNR values.
From M.C. Valenti, Turbo Codes and Iterative
Processing, in Proc. IEEE New Zealand Wireless
Communications Symposium, (Auckland New
Zealand), Nov. 1998.
dfree - minimum hamming weight of all non-zero
code words
26Practical Implementation Issues
- Error floor
- BER curve begins to flatten at higher SNR
- due to the presence of a few low-weight code
words that become significant only at high SNRs. - hinders the ability of a turbo code to achieve
extremely small BERs. - Solution serially concatenated convolutional
codes (SCCC) - excellent performance at high SNR error floor
pushed way down to BER ? 10-10, but worse at low
SNR - Latency
- Increased delay due to large Interleaver sizes in
encoder/decoder - Encoder/Decoder Delay ( information bit period
) X ( latency ) - Example For 8kbps (speech transmissions), N
65,536 bits - delay 65536 / 8 8192 ms ? 8s
- unacceptable delay in voice services.
- Complexity
- If max-log-MAP algorithm is used, then each
half-iteration would require that the Viterbi
algorithm be executed twice. - Example If 8 full-iterations are executed, then
the Viterbi algorithm will be invoked 32 times. - contrast to the decoding of a conventional
convolutional code, which only requires the
Viterbi algorithm to be executed once. - Solution
- Turbo decoding progresses until a fixed number of
iterations have completed. - However, the decoder will often converge early.
- Can stop once it has converged (i.e. BER 0).
- Stopping early can greatly increase the
throughput. - For a simulation, it is reasonable to
automatically halt once the BER goes to zero. - Simply halt the decoder iterations once the
entire frame has been completely corrected.
- Memory Limitations
- Storing the entire beta trellis can require a
significant amount of memory - 8L states
- For L5114 there will have to be 40,912 stored
values. - The values only need to be single-precision
floats. - An alternative is to use a sliding window
approach. - The metrics for only a portion of the code
trellis are saved in memory - Rather than running the MAP algorithm over the
entire trellis, it is only run over each window - Channel estimation
- For an AWGN channel, the SNR must be known.
- For a fading channel with random amplitude
fluctuations, the per-bit gain of the channel
must also be known. - complicated by the fact that turbo codes
typically operate at very low SNR.
- Development of other new codes
- Serial Concatenated Block Codes
- LDPC - Low-Density Parity Check Codes, or
Gallagher codes - RCA - Repeat-Accumulate Code
- Deep-space exploration
- At the cost of lower bandwidth efficiencies low
BER, delay not important - Used in the Mars Exploration Pathfinder
mission,1997 - FEC Coding in UMTS 3G third generation mobile
radio standard - for application both to speech services, where
latency must be minimized (BER 4 X 10-2) and to
data services that must provide very low BER
(10-5). - Turbo iterative decoding principle
- allows separate decoding and synchronization in
receivers without increasing complexity.
- Practical means of attaining the Shannon capacity
bounds for a communication channel - Parallel concatenated encoding
- Iterative decoding
- Interleaver design, heart of turbo coding.
- Significant latency introduced.
- Larger Interleaver size, means a longer decoding
delay, gives a lower bit error rate. - Best suited at low BER in the range of 10-4 to
10-6 - Applications ranging from mobile phones to
satellite systems. - Not the ultimate error correction codes, but
groundbreaking, giving rise to new codes.
P. Near Shannon limit error-correcting coding
turbo codes, Proc. IEEE International Conference
Communication, Geneva, Switzerland, 1993,
pp.10641070 - 2 M.C. Valenti and J. Sun, Turbo Codes,
Chapter 12 of Handbook of RF and Wireless
Technologies, (editor F. Dowla), Newnes, 2004,
Pages 375-78. - 3 Burr, A., Dept. of Electron., York Univ.,
Turbo-codes the ultimate error control codes?
JOURNAL, Aug 2001, Volume 13, Issue 4, Pages
155-165 - 4 M.C. Valenti, Turbo Codes and Iterative
Processing, in Proc. IEEE New Zealand Wireless
Communications Symposium, (Auckland New
Zealand), Nov. 1998. - http//www.csee.wvu.edu/mvalenti/turbo.htm
l - 5 Iterative Solutions Coded Modulation
Library (ISCML ) - open source toolbox for
simulation of modern communication systems -
Theory of Operation power presentation, Oct. 3,
2005, Matthew Valenti. http//www.iterativesolut
ions.com/idownload.htm - 6 Bernard Sklar, A primer on turbo code
concepts, IEEE Communications Magazine, vol. 35,
no. 12, pp. 94-102, Dec. 1997. -
- 7 Lecture at TU Vienna Theory and Design of
Turbo and Related Codes, Jossy Sayir and
Gottfried Lechner, Senior Researchers at Vienna
Research Center for Telecommunications (FTW) - 8 S. A. Barbulescu and S. S. Pietrobon, "Turbo
codes A tutorial on a new class of powerful
error correcting coding schemes, Part 2 Decoder
design and performance," J. Elec. and Electron.
Eng., Australia, vol. 19, pp. 143-152, Sep. 1999 - 9 Application and standardization of turbo
codes in third-generation high-speed wireless
data services by Lee, L.-N. Hammons, A.R., Jr.
Feng-Wen Sun Eroz, M.Vehicular Technology,
IEEE Transactions on Volume 49, Issue 6, Nov.
2000 Page(s)2198 - 2207 - 10 Turbo code performance and design trade-offs
by Achiba, R. Mortazavi, M. Fizell, W.MILCOM
2000. 21st Century Military Communications
Conference ProceedingsVolume 1, 22-25 Oct. 2000
Page(s)174 - 180 vol.1 - 11 Class presentation slides on LDPC Codes
and Trellis Coded Modulation by Dr.Sam
Shanmughan in EECS 865 (Wireless Communication),
Fall 07.