Title: ITIS 60108010 Wireless Network Security
1ITIS 6010/8010 Wireless Network Security
2- Location Privacy Issues
- The Competing Agendas Harming Privacy and
Innovation - Inference Attacks on Location Tracks
- There is a fight b/w the parties trying to
protect peoples location privacy and parties
trying to generate services and revenues on that - The Good News Technological initiatives can
enhance the privacy of location information - GeoPriv
- But other societal demands are threatening those
initiatives - e911 emergency call requirements
- Law enforcement surveillance demands
- This can harm privacy and innovation
- A technical standard aimed at protecting the
privacy of location information - Development started in 2001 by the Internet
Engineering Task Force (IETF) - Created in response to proposals about location
that ignored privacy implications of location
information - Generate 10 Internet-Drafts and 9 RFC
5The GeoPriv Standard
- Requires that basic privacy rules must be
transmitted alongside location information - Privacy rules and location information are
contained in the same electronic envelope - Basic privacy rules include
- Time limit on retention
- Retransmission consent (or lack thereof)
- Pointer to more robust externally-stored privacy
6Robust Rules Possible
- Robust rules can include conditions for
- Identity who can receive my location
- Validity when can my location be provided
- Sphere am I at work, at home, traveling?
- Allows for rules like if I am at work the
following people can learn my location - Does not assume that the network or access
provider will control location information --
allows third party privacy providers
7GeoPriv Deployment
- Intended by IETF to be used for all transmissions
of location info using IETF protocols, e.g., SIP
(VoIP/IM) - Initial plans to implement GeoPriv
- 3GPP -- wireless communications
- NENA (US) -- emergency communications
- Requires national/local laws to enforce privacy
rules conveyed by GeoPriv
8The Bad News
- Competing national/social agendas are setting
technical requirements that undermine GeoPriv and
other efforts to protect location privacy - Various proposals would have us skip straight to
the Orwellian surveillance society
- Highly problematic proposed requirements
- Demand for network-provided location
- Devices must be automatically locatable
- All IP-enabled devices covered
- Harm to privacy
- Takes control away from users
- Tracking can be done without user involvement
- More and more devices can be tracked
- Harm to innovation
- Some possible devices cannot meet requirements
10Law Enforcement Surveillance and Location Tracking
- On-going debate in U.S. about legal standard for
access to location info - Technical demands by law enforcement raise
serious privacy concerns (CALEA) - Cell tower location not adequate
- In VoIP and other IP-enabled contexts, U.S. law
enforcement wants to control initial design of
new technologies
11Concern about Both Privacy and Innovation
- Clear harms to privacy
- Loss of user control and knowledge
- Greater commercial access to location
- Always on tracking capability
- Limitations on innovation and new technology can
also harm or diminish privacy - May preclude simpler, less trackable devices
- May preclude third parties offering privacy
protection services
- New location technology can threaten privacy
- But technologies can also protect location
privacy - Well-intended societal goals can harm location
privacy - We need to balance other societal goals (911, law
enforcement) with need to protect privacy
13(No Transcript)
14Inference Attacks on Location Tracks
15Questions to Answer
- Do anonymized location tracks reveal your
identity? - If so, how much data corruption will protect you?
16Motivation Why Send Your Location?
Congestion Pricing
Pay As You Drive (PAYD) Insurance
Location Based Services
Collaborative Traffic Probes (DASH)
Research (London OpenStreetMap)
17GPS Data
Microsoft Multiperson Location Survey (MSMLS)
Garmin Geko 201 115 10,000 point memory median
recording interval 6 seconds 63 meters
55 GPS receivers 226 subjects 95,000
miles 153,000 kilometers 12,418 trips Home
addresses demographic data
Seattle Downtown
Greater Seattle
18People Dont Care About Location Privacy
- 74 U. Cambridge CS students
- Would accept 10 to reveal 28 days of measured
locations (20 for commercial use)
- 226 Microsoft employees
- 14 days of GPS tracks in return for 1 in 100
chance for 200 MP3 player
- 62 Microsoft employees
- Only 21 insisted on not sharing GPS data outside
- 11 with location-sensitive message service in
Seattle - Privacy concerns fairly light
- 55 Finland interviews on location-aware services
- It did not occur to most of the interviewees
that they could be located while using the
19Documented Privacy Leaks
How Cell Phone Helped Cops Nail Key Murder
Suspect Secret Pings that Gave Bouncer Away
New York, NY, March 15, 2006
Stalker Victims Should Check For GPS Milwaukee,
WI, February 6, 2003
A Face Is Exposed for AOL Searcher No.
4417749 New York, NY, August 9, 2006
Real time celebrity sightings http//www.gawker.co
20Pseudonimity for Location Tracks
- Pseudonimity
- Replace owner name of each point with
untraceable ID - One unique ID for each owner
- Example
- Larry Page ? yellow
- Bill Gates ? red
21Attack Outline
22GPS Tracks ? Home Location Algorithm 1
Last Destination median of last destination
before 3 a.m.
Median error 60.7 meters
23GPS Tracks ? Home Location Algorithm 2
Weighted Median median of all points, weighted
by time spent at point (no trip segmentation
Median error 66.6 meters
24GPS Tracks ? Home Location Algorithm 3
Largest Cluster cluster points, take median of
cluster with most points
Median error 66.6 meters
25GPS Tracks ? Home Location Algorithm 4
Best Time location at time with maximum
probability of being home
Median error 2390.2 meters (!)
26Why Not More Accurate?
- GPS interval 6 seconds and 63 meters
- GPS satellite acquisition -- 45 seconds on cold
start, time to drive 300 meters at 15 mph - Covered parking no GPS signal
- Distant parking far from home
covered parking
distant parking
27GPS Tracks ? Identity?
Windows Live Search reverse white pages lookup
MapPoint Web Service reverse geocoding
Windows Live Search reverse white pages
29Why Not Better?
- Multiunit buildings
- Outdated white pages
- Poor geocoding
30Similar Study
Hoh, Gruteser, Xiong, Alrabady, Enhancing
Security and Privacy in Traffic-Monitoring
Systems, in IEEE Pervasive Computing. 2006. p.
- 219 volunteer drivers in Detroit, MI area
- Cluster destinations to find home location
- arrive 4 p.m. to midnight
- must be in residential area
- Manual inspection on home location (no knowledge
of drivers actual home address) - 85 of homes found
31Easy Way to Fix Privacy Leak?
Duckham, M. and L. Kulik, Location Privacy and
Location-Aware Computing, in Dynamic Mobile
GIS Investigating Change in Space and Time, J.
Drummond, et al., Editors. 2006, CRC Press Boca
Raton, FL.
- Location Privacy Protection Methods
- Regulatory strategies based on rules
- Privacy policies based on trust
- Anonymity e.g. pseudonymity
- Obfuscation obscure the data
32Obfuscation Techniques(Duckham and Kulik, 2006)
- Spatial Cloaking confuse with other people
- Noise add noise to measurements
- Rounding discretize measurements
- Vagueness home, work, school, mall
- Dropped Samples skip measurements
33Countermeasure Add Noise
s 50 meters noise added
Effect of added noise on address-finding rate
34Countermeasure Discretize
snap to 50 meter grid
Effect of discretization on address-finding rate
35Countermeasure Cloak Home
- Pick a random circle center within r meters of
home - Delete all points in circle with radius R
- Privacy Leak from Location Data
- Can infer identity GPS ? Home ? Identity
- Best was 5
- 5 is lower bound, evil geniuses will do better
- Obfuscation Countermeasures
- Need lots of corruption to approach zero risk
37Next Steps
- How does data corruption affect applications?
reverse white pages