Title: Optimise The Space For Modern Home Office Design
1Optimise the Space for Modern Home Office Design
2Modern Home Office Design
The majority of people who work at company
offices still bring some workload home. But for
most people to reach high productivity levels,
its not enough to sit back on the couch with a
Mac on their lap. They require a separate room or
a specially designed corner.
3Create Focus Areas
Are you looking to run an entire business from
home? Then we recommend organising the space that
would be as functional as a commercial office
space. We propose positioning your home office
furniture in such a way that you get separate
focus areas for different activities in one room.
4Allow Movement
In recently years, a modern home office includes
a height adjustable desk that allows you to
either sit or stand regularly while working,
these allow you to get up from time to time and
stretch your legs even in the smallest of rooms.
5Set-Up a Dual Workstation
If you require a home workstation of your own,
and your small apartment cannot accommodate two
separate working spaces. You could benefit from a
large conference-size desk where both of you
could get the sufficient personal space and still
get to work together. Alternatively, if you
concentrate better when isolated, a desk mounted
screen divider can do the trick for a home office
6Declutter and organise
If you dont select the appropriate home office
storage furniture, it will be difficult to
organise the space correctly. Look at options
like an Edge Credenza and Hutch or an Edge
Storage Cupboard. These are very useful storage
7Contact Us
Telephone 1300 00 8258
Email sales_at_valueofficefurniture.com.au
Website valueofficefurniture.com.au
8Thank You...