Title: NACO Training for OCLC Libraries
1NACO Training for OCLC Libraries
- University of Washington Libraries
- October 2007
- Instructor Adam L. Schiff
2DAY 1 - NACO Foundations
- Authorities in a Shared Database
- PCC NACO Principles
- Searching
- Normalization
- MARC 21 Authority Format
- Practicum and exercises
3DAY 2 - Personal Names
- Review AACR2 focus on LCRIs
- Chapter 22 Personal Names
- Chapter 26 References
- Exercises and practicum
4DAY 3 - Corporate Names
- Review AACR2 focus on LCRIs
- Chapter 24 Corporate/Conference Names
- Chapter 26 References
- Exercises and practicum
5DAY 4 - Geographic Names and Uniform Titles
- Review of corporate names
- Chapter 23 Geographic names
- Chapter 25 Uniform titles
- Exercises and practicum
6Day 5 - Changes and Wrap-up
- Review of geographic names, UTs
- Evaluation of headings and references
- Changes to NARs
- Exercises and practicum
- NACO administrative details
7NACO Foundations Course Summary
- This course is designed to introduce
- NACO participants to
- The shared database environment
- NACO principles
- MARC 21 Authority Format
- LC Guidelines Supplement in MARC 21 (blue
pages) - DCM Z1 (yellow pages)
8Learning Objectives
- At the end of the course, participants will be
able to - Consult and use MARC 21 Authority Format, LC
Guidelines Supplement, DCM Z1 as tools for name
authority creation - Search the database for relevant access points
- Create and revise name authority records
according to AACR2 and the LCRIs
9Learning Objectives (2)
- Apply content designation in accordance with the
MARC 21 Authority Format - Evaluate, update, and modify existing name
authority records - Determine if a named entity is established
through NACO or SACO - Understand NACO administrative details
10Serving the Users
- The catalog serves the users
- A principle of cataloging
- All works of an author should be found under a
standardized name. Variant forms of the title of
a work should be found under a standardized
(uniform) title.
11NARs and the NAF
- Name authority record (NAR) shows authorized form
and variants - LC/NACO Authority File (NAF) includes all NARs
- Libraries choose levels of authority control
- LC requires NARs for most of its bib records,
except MLC (minimal level cataloging)
12Standards in Card Catalogs
- Catalog card sales formed a basis for
standardization among library catalogs - LC sold cards for about 100 years
13Exchanging Records
- Local systems/utilities are different
- Earlier MARC formats were diverse (US MARC,
CanMARC, UK MARC) - More standardization required
- MARC 21 is more universal
14Program for Cooperative Cataloging
- Over 500 partners in PCC
- NACO partners contribute name authority records
to LC database via utilities - Records are re-distributed via utilities, etc.
15Maintaining LCs Database
- Catalogers keep the database clean by
- Searching for related records before contributing
a record - Reporting records that need changes to headings
(BFM Bibliographic File Maintenance)
16Special Agreements
- PCC contributors honor LCs special agreements
- Library and Archives Canada (formerly National
Library of Canada) - See DCM Z1 1XX instructions for Canadian headings
17Authority Record Contribution and Distribution
OCLC members and the British Library cataloguers
contribute authority records, which are then sent
via FTP to LC.
British Library
Each morning all contributed authority records,
including LCs, are redistributed to the BL,
OCLC, and all CDS customers.
18Principles of NACO
- A Few Guidelines for NACO Practice
19High Value-Low Effort
- NACOs goal
- To build a name authority file
- For the greatest good of all
- With the least amount of effort by participants
20Wide Distribution
- Many contributors to NACO database
- It is LCs local name authority file, linked to
LC bibliographic records - LC Cataloging Distribution Service (CDS) and
utilities distribute widely - Changes to LC records affect many others
21Use Both AACR2 and LCRIs
- AACR2 gives the basic rules
- LCRIs tell which AACR2 options to apply
- A new heading may apply options differently than
an existing heading (e.g. LCRI 22.17, Dates) - LCRIs give further explanations, additional
applications, and examples
22Catalogers Judgment
- Use judgment when applying some rules
- A different choice isnt always an error
23Unique, Not Exhaustive
- NAR gives a unique heading as an access point for
a bibliographic record - NAR is not an encyclopedia entry
- Information should be brief and pertinent
24Specific Practices
- A practice may not apply equally to all parts of
NACO work - Geographic names always require research, but
personal names seldom do
25Dynamic File
- The NACO authority file is a dynamic file
- Any record may be changed by another NACO
participant for appropriate reasons
26 Fix It When You See It
- If the first person to see the problem fixes the
parts he or she can fix, time is saved for all - Consult the reviewer and LC liaison if additional
action is needed
27Focus on Work in Hand
- NACO (and LC) catalogers are discouraged from
cruising the database to find errors to report - Focus on records related to an item being
28Avoid Changes to Save Effort
- A ripple caused by one small name change in an LC
record can generate a tidal wave of bibliographic
maintenance in many other catalogs - But you may now add death dates to close an
already unique headingLCRI 22.17
29Go to the Source
- Ask the other librarys NACO contact
- NACO liaisons
- http//www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco/pccliaisons.ht
30PCC Program Overview
31NACO Parameters
- Documentation
- Contribution guidelines
- Changes to extant NARs
- Guidelines for cancellations
- Bibliographic File Maintenance (BFM)
- Normalization rules
- 053s (LC Classification numbers)
- AACR2 (2nd ed., 2002 revision and updates) -
Chapters 22-26 - LCRIs - Chapters 22-26
- MARC 21 Authority Format (white pages)
- LC Guidelines Supplement to the MARC 21 Authority
Format (blue pages) - Descriptive Cataloging Manual (DCM) Z1 (yellow
33MARC 21 Format in Catalogers Desktop
34Links to LC Guidelines DCM Z1
Links to additional documentation
35LC Guidelines (blue pages)
36DCM Z1 (yellow pages)
37LC Guidelines
38Additional Documentation
- DCM Z1 Appendix 1 Headings for Ambiguous
Entities - Another version of this document
- SCM Instruction Sheet H 405 (Division of the
World list) - ALA-LC Romanization Tables
- Policy announcements from CPSO
- NACO home page (FAQs, NACO Participants Manual,
39Tabular Version of Z1 Appendix
40ALA-LC Romanization Tables - linked from NACO
Home Page
41(No Transcript)
42Source of Latest Documentation CPSO Home Page
43Contribution Guidelines--PCC
- NACO libraries decide which NARs to contribute
- Series and music uniform title authority records
may be contributed only after completing
additional training - When creating certain types of NARs, other
related NARs must be established
441. Parent-Subordinate Hierarchies
- For this NAR
- 1XX a Parent body. b Subordinate body
- Another NAR is required for
- 1XX a Parent body
451. Parent-Subordinate Hierarchies
- So, for this NAR
- 110 2_ a Universidad Complutense de Madrid. b
Biblioteca - Another NAR is required for
- 110 2_ a Universidad Complutense de Madrid
462. Bodies in Cross References
- For this NAR
- 1XX a Government agency
- 4XX a Jurisdiction. b Government agency
- Another NAR is required
- 1XX a Jurisdiction
472. Bodies in Cross References
- So, for this NAR
- 110 2_ a London Metropolitan Archives
- 410 1_ a London (England). b Metropolitan
Archives - Another NAR is required
- 151 a London (England)
483. See Also References (5XX)
- 1XX a Previous name of business
- 5XX a Current name of business w b
- 1XX a Current name of business
- 5XX a Previous name of business w a
Any 5XX references must also be established as
1XX headings in another NAR.
493. See Also References (5XX)
- 110 2_ a Computing-Tabulating-Recording Company
- 510 2_ a International Business Machines
Corporation w b
- 110 2_ a International Business Machines
Corporation - 510 2_ a Computing-Tabulating-Recording
Company w a
504. Name/Title Uniform Titles
- For this NAR
- 1XX a Author. t Title
- Another NAR is needed
- 1XX a Author
514. Name/Title Uniform Titles
- So, for this NAR
- 100 1_ a Shakespeare, William, d 1564-1616. t
Romeo and Juliet - Another NAR is required
- 100 1_ a Shakespeare, William, d 1564-1616
52Changes to Existing NARs
- All headings in the NAF are eligible to be
changed by all NACO participants
DCM Z1 Section 1XX catalogers are urged to
refrain from making unnecessary changes to 1XXs
53Cancellation of NARs
- Only LC catalogers can cancel NARs
- NACO libraries notify LC to cancel
- NACO database is redistributed daily in the
54Bibliographic File Maintenance(BFM)
- LC bibliographic records (as distributed by CDS)
must remain in synch with the NAF
NACO partners must notify LC when changes to NARs
affect headings used on LC bibliographic records
55BFM Guidelines Online
- Streamlined BFM details at
- http//www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco/bfmguide.html
- BFM for older records
- http//www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco/bfmfaq.html
56NACO Normalization
- A program requirement
- Agreed by all copy holding participants of the
NAF (LC, OCLC, and the BL) - All contributors must follow Normalization rules
DCM Z1 Introduction p. 4-6 - Non-unique or Undifferentiated Personal Name
NARs may be needed
57Classification/Cutter numbers (053s)
- Libraries with large collections of literature
find 053s on NARs helpful - 053 LC Classification number for literary
authors - LC teams do their own 053s
- PCC libraries may use online request form
58Name Authority Record Components
59Similarities NARs vs. bibliographic records
- MARC 21 indicators and variable field tag numbers
are the same - i.e., corporate 110 - conference 111 - personal
100 - title 130 - EXCEPTION 151s (place names) convert to 110s
when used as jurisdictions (cf. AACR2 24.3E1) - MARC 21 subfield codes are the same
60Similarities NARs vs. bibliographic records
- Both are FORMULATED by AACR2 rules and LC Rule
Interpretations (Chapters 22-24) - EXCEPTION Additions to ongoing conference
heading are not included in NARs (cf. LCRI 24.7B)
61Differences NARs vs. bibliographic records
- No periods at the end of 1XX, 4XX or 5XX fields
(unless field ends with initials or abbreviation) - Note If making a change to a NAR, delete
period(s) - Fixed field (008) values are different
62008 authority fields are different from bib format
Delete period only if modifying record for
another reason
63Differences NARs vs. bibliographic records
- Some variable fields are used differently
- use 4XX for variants, NOT series fields
- use 5XX for linking NARs, NOT as note fields
- use 6XX as notes and source data, NOT subject
64Differences NARs vs. bibliographic records
- Subfield w in authority records is used to
denote "special relationships" in the 4XX or 5XX
fields - 4XX w nne previous AACR2 heading
- 5XX w a earlier heading
- 5XX w b later heading
65Division of the WorldName vs. Subject file
Subject Authority File
Name Authority File
66(No Transcript)
67Alphabetic List of Ambiguous Headings
- Is the entity a name or a subject?
- SCM H 405 or DCM Z1 Appendix 1
- Alphabetic List of Ambiguous Entities linked from
NACO and SACO home pages http//www.loc.gov/catdir
68MARC 21 Authority Format
- Structure for name, subject, and subject
subdivision authorities - 00X variable control fields
- 0XX-9XX variable data fields
- Content designators
- Input conventions
- Examples
69LC Guidelines Supplement to MARC 21 AF (Blue
- Instructions for LC, NACO, SACO, series, subjects
practices - Many statements Do not use this field/subfield
70Descriptive Cataloging Manual Z1Name and Series
Authority Records(Yellow Pages)
- Instructions on NAR and SAR practices
- LC and PCC practices where they differ
- NACO normalization discussion
- Alphabetic list of ambiguous entities (Appendix
1) - Examples
- 24 Hour Rule to Avoid Duplicate Headings
OCLC Member institutions CONSER LC-SRD LC-OO
Member Institutions LC-JACKPHY
NAF 010 n 85 n 2003 nb 90 nb 2003 no 95 no
2003 005 200310281302.1
British Library
73 Why Search? (1)
- To prevent duplicate NARs
- - Is heading for entity already established?
- - Report deletions to Coop. Cat.
- To avoid conflict in HEADINGS
- - Headings
- - References
- - Normalization rules
74 Why Search? (2)
- To gather additional information from existing
bib records to assure proper choice and form of
heading and xrefs - To identify bib records that will need BFM
75 Searching
- Search bib and authority files
- Maybe even subject files
- Search more than one form
- Fowler, Esther Miller
- Fowler, E. M.
- Fowler, E.
- Miller, Esther
- Miller, E.
- Search both the heading and the xrefs
76 Searching Where?
- LC/NACO Authority File
- OCLC bibliographic records
- Your local files
- Optionally LC OPAC via WWW
- For Canadian names AMICUS
- Occasionally other reference sources, databases,
WWW, etc.
77 Searching
- Revising existing NAR
- - Personal name changes
- - Corporate earlier-later
- - Other revisions
78 Searching
- Dont leave authority records in the save file
too long - Search again if 24 hours pass
- Avoid conflicts
- Avoid duplicates
79NACO Normalization
- OCLC runs its database against a computer program
using NACO Normalization rules - Error reports on duplicates and conflicts come to
LC - Coop catalogers handle them
80Whats a Heading String?
- Line of characters that are part of the tagged
field - 100 1 Le Bret, c Monsieur q (Alexis-Jean), d
81What does the computer do?
- Converts all letters to upper case
- Converts all modified letters to unmodified
letters - Removes all diacritics
82What else does the computer do?
- Removes most punctuation (except the first comma
in a) - Keeps subfield delimiters
- Removes subfield codes
- Compares contents of 1XX, 4XX, and 5XX fields
83Normalized Heading
- Catalog form
- 151 a Ile-de-Montréal (Québec)
- Normalized form
84What happens to symbols?
- Deleted with no space (if pertinent) remaining
- ? ? ? ? ?
i.e. all diacritics - Replaced by a blank space
- ? - / _at_
- ( ) ! . ,
- Unchanged
- ? and also first
comma in a
85Normalization Sources
- DCM Z1 Introduction, NACO
- Normalization
- NACO website
- http//www.loc.gov/catdir/pcc/naco/normrule.html
86What is a conflict?
- Normalized match between
- 1XX vs. 1XXs
- 4XX vs. 1XXs 5XXs
- But
- 5XX must normalize to 1XXs
- And
- 4XX to 4XX is fine
87Six Rules on Conflicts and Duplicates
881. 1XX Duplicates
- A 1XX may NOT normalize to the same string as
another 1XX
- 100 Smith-Jones, Barb
- 100 Smith Jones, Barb
- (This is a duplicate)
892. 1XX-4XX Conflict
- A 4XX may NOT normalize to the same string as a
1XX or 5XX
- 100 OBrien, John
- 400 OBrien, Jack
- 100 OBrien, Jack
- 400 OBrien, J. (Jack)
- (This is a conflict)
903. Conflict Within a Record
- A 4XX may NOT normalize to the same string as
another string in the same NAR
- 110 Winston-Salem Sunrise Hiking Club
- 410 Winston-Salem Hiking Club
- 410 Winston/Salem Hiking Club
- (This is a conflict)
914. No Conflict Between Records
- 100 Potter, Harold
- 400 Potter, Harry
- 100 Potter, Henry
- 400 Potter, Harry
- (No conflicts here!)
- A 4XX MAY normalize to the same string as a 4XX
in another NAR
925. Mandatory Match 5XX-1XX
- 110 Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport
- 510 w a a Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport
- 110 a Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport
- 510 w b a Dallas/Fort Worth International
- 5XX MUST match 1XX on another NAR in the same
authority file
93LCRI 26.3B-C
- Create reciprocal see also references to connect
headings for heads of state, ecclesiastical
officials, etc., to the corresponding official
heading instead of explanatory references.
- 110 1 a Iran. b Shah (1941-1979 Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi) - 500 0 a Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, c Shah of Iran,
d 1919-1980 - (Subfield w not needed)
- 100 0 a Mohammed Reza Pahlavi, c Shah of Iran,
d 1919-1980 - 510 1 a Iran. b Shah (1941-1979 Mohammed
Reza Pahlavi) - (Subfield w not needed)
956. Tags Are Not Compared
- MARC tags are NOT considered when the computer
compares heading strings for uniqueness - Name heading tags 100, 110, 111, 151, 130 do not
make a heading unique
96Normalization Exercises
Look at each record and decide if any of the
cross-references would normalize to the heading.
97Exercise 1
- 151 a T'bilisi (Georgia)
- 451 a Tiflis (Georgia)
- 451 a Tbilisi (Georgia)
- 451 w nnaa a Tiflis
- 451 w nne a Tbilisi (Georgian S.S.R.)
- 451 a T'blisi (Georgia)
98Exercise 2
- 110 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical
Genealogical Society - 410 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical and
Genealogical Society - 410 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical-Genealogical
99Exercise 3
- 110 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense, Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Under Secretary of
Defense, Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense (Acquisition)
100Exercise 4
- 100 1 Torrealba Ramos, Isabela
- 400 1 Torrealba-Ramos, Isabela
- 400 1 Ramos, Isabela Torrealba
101Exercise 5
- 100 1 Epard, Jean-Luc
- 400 1 Epard, J.-L. q (Jean-Luc)
- 400 1 Epard, Jean Luc
102Exercise 1
- 151 a T'bilisi (Georgia)
- 451 a Tiflis (Georgia)
- 451 a Tbilisi (Georgia)
- 451 w nnaa a Tiflis
- 451 w nne a Tbilisi (Georgian S.S.R.)
- 451 a T'blisi (Georgia)
103Exercise 2
- 110 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical
Genealogical Society - 410 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical and
Genealogical Society - 410 2 Ballard-Carlisle Historical-Genealogical
All OK!
104Exercise 3
- 110 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense, Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense for Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Under Secretary of
Defense, Acquisition - 410 1 United States. b Office of the Under
Secretary of Defense (Acquisition)
105Exercise 4
- 100 1 Torrealba Ramos, Isabela
- 400 1 Torrealba-Ramos, Isabela
- 400 1 Ramos, Isabela Torrealba
106Exercise 5
- 100 1 Epard, Jean-Luc
- 400 1 Epard, J.-L. q (Jean-Luc)
- 400 1 Epard, Jean Luc
107Creating a recordMARC fields
108Blank OCLC Authority Workform Connexion Client
109Blank OCLC Authority Workform Connexion Browser
110MARC Variable Control Fields
- Leader/17 Encoding level
- 001 Control number
- 005 Date and Time of Latest Transaction
- 008 Fixed Length Data Elements
111(No Transcript)
value most likely to be used by PCC library
113Unevaluated references
114Provisional level of establishment
115Provisional level of establishment
116Preliminary level of establishment
117Undifferentiated personal name
118Undifferentiated personal name
119Descriptive cataloging rules pre-AACR2
120Descriptive cataloging rules AACR2-compatible
121Descriptive cataloging rules AACR2 compatible
122MARC Variable Data Fields
- 010 LCCN
- 040 Cataloging Source
- 043 Geographic Area Code
- 053 LC Classification Number
123Numbers and Codes (1)
- 010 Library of Congress Control Number
- a LC control number
- z Canceled/invalid LC control number
- 4 prefixes used in NARs
- n 2004021004 no 89003876
- nr2001002281 nb2001030176
- 040 Cataloging Source
- a Original cataloging agency
- b Language of cataloging
- c Transcribing agency
- d Modifying agency
Both of these fields are system-supplied by OCLC
124010 and 040 Fields in OCLC
125Numbers and Codes (2)
- 043 Geographic Area Code
- Optional
- 053 LC Classification Number
- NACO libraries permitted to add for literary
authors - Second indicator value is always 0
- Web form on NACO home page for requesting
classification numbers - Repeatable for authors that write in more than
one language
126Record with optional 043
127Record with 053s
128HeadingsNames and Terms
- 100 Personal Name
- 110 Corporate Name
- 111 Meeting Name
- 130 Uniform Title
- 151 Geographic Name
129HeadingsPersonal Names
- 100 1_ a Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, d
1547-1616 - 100 1_ a Denny, G. A. q (George Alfred), d b.
1868 - 100 0_ a Edward, c King of England, d ca.
1003-1066 - 100 0_ a Mad Cobra c (Musician), d 1968-
- 100 0_ a Lady (undifferentiated NAR example of
phrase NAR) - 100 3_ a Adams family (family names are
established as subjects through SACO, not NACO) - 100 1_ a Brontë, Charlotte, d 1816-1855. t
Selections. f 1996 (uniform title)
130HeadingsCorporate Body Meeting Names
- 110 1_ ?a Brazil. ?b President
- 110 2_ ?a University of Aberdeen
- 111 2_ ?a Seminar on AACR2 ?d (1979 ?c
University of Nottingham) - 110 2_ ?a American Library Association. ?b
Conference - 111 2_ ?a Beagle Expedition ?d (1831-1836)
- 111 2_ ?a Olympic Winter Games ?n (15th ?d 1988
?c Calgary, Alta.). ?e Organizing Committee - 110 1_ ?a United States. ?t Endangered Species
Act of 1973 (uniform title)
131HeadingsUniform Titles
- 130 _0 ?a Gawain and the Grene Knight
- 130 _0 ?a Bible. ?p O.T. ?p Esther. ?l English.
?s New International. ?k Selections. ?f 1984 - 130 _0 ?a Crash (Motion picture 2004)
- 100 1_ ?a Homer. ?t Iliad
- 100 1_ ?a Morley, David. ?t My name is today. ?l
Thai - 110 1_ ?a Riverside (Ill.). ?t Zoning ordinance
- 110 1_ ?a Albania. ?t Treaties, etc. ?g United
States, ?d 1995 Jan. 11 - 110 2_ ?a Kenya African National Union. ?t
132HeadingsGeographic Names
- 151 __ ?a Seattle (Wash.)
- 151 __ ?a University District (Seattle, Wash.)
- 151 __ ?a McChord Air Force Base (Wash.)
- 151 __ ?a Kitsap Conservation District (Wash.)
- 151 __ ?a Public Utility District No. 1 of Pend
Oreille County (Wash.) - 151 __ ?a Kootenai Tribe of Idaho
- 151 __ ?a Bang Kruai (Thailand Amphoe)
133Tracings and References
- 4XX See From Tracings
- 5XX See Also From Tracings
- w control subfield appears in references
1344XX Tracing References
- 4XX See From Tracings
- 100 1_ a Smith, Jane Berry, d d. 1929
- 100 1_ a Frank, Anne, ?d 1929-1945. ?t
Achterhuis. ?l English - 151 __ a Recoleta (Buenos Aires, Argentina)
- 110 1_ a Paris (France). b Departement des
arts plastiques - 111 2_ a Conference on Thirteenth Century
England - 111 2_ a World Cup (Soccer)
- 130 _0 a Chanson de Roland
1355XX Tracings and References
- 5XX See Also From Tracings
- 100 1_ a Pinchard, Elizabeth Sibthorpe
- 110 2_ a College of Advanced Technology
(Birmingham, England) - 111 2_ a Conference on 1980 Presidential
Campaign Decisionmaking d (1980 c Cambridge,
Mass.) - 130 _0 a Publications on geodesy (Netherlands.
Rijkscommissie voor Geodesie) - 151 __ a Ceylon
136Most Subfield Codes
- Use only one letter
- Contain data transcribed from item
- 100 0_ a Gustaf b V, c King of Sweden, d
137w Control Subfield
- Uses 1-4 letter codes instead of transcribed
information - Shows relationship between heading and references
or other headings - Applied differently in
- 4XX w nnen Former AACR2 name
- 5XX w annn Earlier form of name
138(No Transcript)
139(No Transcript)
140Simple See Reference Linking Reference
141(No Transcript)
142 Later See Also Reference
143 Earlier See Also Reference
144Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
Fill in the MARC fields, indicators, and subfield
codes in the headings and cross-references.
Consult the documentation as much as needed.
145Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a OConnor, Sandra Day, _ 1930-
146Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Jones, R. M. _ (Ronald Mervyn)
147Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Le Bret, _ Monsieur _ (Alexis-Jean),
_ 1693-1772?
148Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Al-Jamali, Abbas F., _ 1943-
149Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a West, _ Mrs. _ (Jane), _
1758-18524__ _ _ a Author of The loyalists, _
1758-18524__ _ _ a Loyalists, Author of the, _
1758-18524__ _ _ a Advantages of education,
Author of, _ 1758-1852
150Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Bonaventure, _ Father, O.F.M., _
151Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Presley, Elvis, _ 1935-1977 _ (Spirit)
152Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Doyle, Arthur Conan, _ Sir, _
1859-1930 _ (Spirit)
153Content Designation Exercise Personal Names
1__ _ _ a Davies, Edward J., _ II, _ 1947-
154Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names and
Uniform Titles
Fill in the MARC fields, indicators, and subfield
codes in the headings and cross-references.
Consult the documentation as much as needed.
1551__ _ _ a First African Baptist Church
(Tuscaloosa, Ala.)
Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
156Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Proust, Marcel, _ 1871-1922. _ Amour
de Swann. _ English4__ _ _ a Proust, Marcel, _
1871-1922. _ Du côté de chez Swann. _ Amour de
Swann. _ English
157Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Kenya. _ Constitution (1969)
1___ __ First African Baptist Church
(Tuscaloosa, Ala.)
158Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Western Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies (U.S.). _ Conference4__ _ _ a
Conference of the Western Association of Fish and
Wildlife Agencies
159Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a International Conference on
Transportation for the Nuclear Industry _ (1st
_ 1988 _ Stratford-Upon-Avon, England)
160Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a ELMIA-AVFALL 79 _ (1979 _ Jönköping,
Sweden)4__ _ _ a Congress Elmia-Avfall 79 _
(1979 _ Jönköping, Sweden)
1611__ _ _ a Lloréns Torres, Luis, _ 1876-1944. _
Selections. _ 1986
Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
162Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Poe, Edgar Allan, _ 1809-1849. _
Poems. _ French. _ Selections
1631__ _ _ a Trudeau, G. B., _ 1948- _ Doonesbury
book. _ Italian. _ Selections
Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
164Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Womens Week 1984 _ (1984 _
Montgomery College)
1651__ _ _ a Blake, Wendon. _ Seascapes in
watercolor4__ _ _ a Blake, Wendon. _ Watercolor
painting book. _ 3, _ Seascapes in watercolor
Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
166Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Biennale darte antica4__ _ _ a
Bologna. _ Biennale d'arte antica _ ___
pre-AACR2 hdg.
Hint Check MARC 21 Authority Format
167Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Hawick (Scotland)4__ _ _ a Hawick
(Roxburgshire) _ ____ previous AACR2
hdg.4__ _ _ a Hawick, Scot. _ ____
pre-AACR2 hdg.
168Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Thompson, Tommy George, _ 1941-5__ _
_ a Wisconsin. _ Governor (1987-2001 Thompson)
169Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a Giles, _ of Rome, Archbishop of
Bourges, _ ca. 1243-1316. _ Works. _ 1985
170 Content Designation Exercise Corporate Names
Uniform Titles
1__ _ _ a State Botanical Garden of Georgia4__
_ _ a Georgia. _ State Botanical Garden
171Other Reference Types
- 663/664 have explanatory text and headings
- 663 Complex See Also References
- 664 Complex See References
- 665 History Reference -- delete if record needs
other maintenance
172 173(No Transcript)
174667 Nonpublic General Note
- Attributes
- Repeatable
- Both indicators blank
- Non-repeatable subfield a is the only subfield
175Record with 667 note (1)
176Record with 667 note (2)
177Record with 667 note (3)
178670 Source Data Found
- Attributes
- Repeatable field
- Both indicators blank
- a and b non-repeatable
179Functions of the 670 Field
- 670 a Phone call to the airport, May 5, 1987
b (Dallas/Fort Worth Regional Airport changed to
Dallas/Fort Worth International Airport in 1986) - 670 a The day the earth stood still home
page, Aug. 10, 2000 b (Michael Rennie b. Dec.
2, 1962) - 670 a W. was W. Amer. Art, 1999 b (Cravath,
Dorothy Wagner Puccinelli, b. 1901)
180670 Required Elements(subfield a)
- Title proper of item being cataloged or
reference source - Date of publication or viewing
- 670 a OCLC, May 10, 2000 b (hdg. Rennie,
Michael James, 1925- usage Michael Rennie)
181670 Required Elements (Subfield b)
- Location
- Usage of name being established as found on chief
source or in a reference source - Other locations and data found
- 670 a On the globe, 2003 b t.p. (Thomas
Murdoch Riley) p. 3 (b. 1962)
182670 Subfield b Name not given
If the name being established is not found in the
work being cataloged (i.e., in the first 670
field for work cat.), give (name not given) in
the subfield b of that field.
183Heading vs. Usage
- Heading is the access point, as constructed by
cataloger - 110 1 a Gera (Germany Bezirk). b Rat
- Usage is the name as found on the piece
- t.p. (Rat des Bezirkes Gera)
184670 Things to Remember
- First 670 is the item being cataloged
- Information found within the same item is added
in the same 670 subfield b (e.g., variant forms,
dates, etc.) - Data must be given in romanized form if
transcribing a found romanization add in rom.
after it
185670 Things to Remember
- Information in 670s of existing NARs is rarely
changed (except for egregious errors) - Information is added to the 670 of a NAR
originally created for a CIP item when published
item shows variant forms, etc.
186670 Things to Remember
- Additional 670s are generally added in order of
work done, not inserted before existing 670s - Date of searching/consultation is added to all
non-print citations - Abbreviate the names of months follow AACR2
Appendix B.15
Nov. 5, 2007
187670 Things to Remember
- Subfield b is not necessary when the exact form
of name is included in subfield a (title) and no
other information needs to be given, e.g., date
of birth, fuller form of name, loc. of corporate
body or place - 670 a A biography of Ralph Waldo Emerson, 1921.
188670 Punctuation
- Except for the parentheses in the subfield b,
no prescribed punctuation in 670 - Punctuation helps set off information so that
data provided is clear to users of the authority
file - It is important to be concise and clear of the
two, clarity is the most important
189670 Punctuation
- Location data and other information in subfield
b may be abbreviated so long as it is clear what
is meant - t.p. jkt. pref. b. 1883 est. 1945
- If information provided is not in English avoid
abbreviations when these might be confusing
paraphrasing in English is ok to do
190670 for Reference Works
- Location information is not needed when citing a
database or alphabetical reference source -
- 670 a Internet movie database, May 21, 2004 b
(Michael Rennie b. 25 Aug. 1909, Bradford,
England d. 10 June 1971) - 670 a Columbia gaz. of the world, c1998 b
(Aleutians East, borough, SW Alaska)
191670 Database Citations
- When citing OCLC or other bibliographic
databases cite usage to reinforce choice of
heading (cf. DCM Z1 670 p. 7-8) - 670 a OCLC, May 10, 2000 b (hdg. Rennie,
Michael James, 1925- usage Michael Rennie)
192670 Economy of Resources
- An NAR is not a biographical or historical record
of person or corporate body - NACO encourages the use of macros and other time
saving, cost effective devices in the creation of
193675 Source Data Not Found
- Attributes
- Both indicators blank
- Field is not repeatable only one per NAR
- Subfield a is repeatable and is the only
subfield allowed (never a b) - 675 a Lippincott a Rand McNally a Web.
geog. a GEOnet, May 29, 2007
194Functions of the 675 Field
- To record bibliographic, and at times
non-bibliographic sources (e.g., phone calls,
letters) - To show the need for creating an undifferentiated
personal name authority record - To save other catalogers the time of checking the
same source - To show that no information was found to support
the choice/form of the 1XX (cf. LCRI 26.3 B-C p.
2, no. 3 b) - To justify a 5XX earlier/later reference
195675 b-Type Information
- Include 670 b-type data in a 675 a,
especially when justifying earlier/later links
(cf. LCRI 26.3 B-C p. 2, no. 3b) - 675 a Handbook of cardboard manufacture,
c1967 t.p. (Cardboard Factory Superintendents
196(No Transcript)
197(No Transcript)
198Other Fields
- 7XX Established Heading Linking Entry
- Only from national libraries, except
- 781 Subdivision Heading Linking EntryGeographic
Subdivision - May be added by NACO participants
- 952 Catalogers Permanent Note
- Good place for questions/comments
199781 in Name Authority Record
200DCM Z1 1XX Canadian Headings
- Library and Archives Canada (LAC)
- Formerly known as National Library of Canada
201Bibliographic File Maintenance(BFM)
202Why BFM?
- LC must keep its bibliographic records in synch
with the authority file - LC must re-distribute the revised records to the
rest of the world - Guidelines for reporting BFM on NACO home page
203Reporting Duplicates and BFM
- Dont send reports of duplicate NARs or NAR
errors to OCLC. As a NACO library, we can/should
fix errors in authority records ourselves.
Duplicates are reported to LC for deletion. - In Monographs, Adam is the liaison with LC. In
Serials, Kris is the liaison. - Report BFM to OCLC using the error report
function in Connexion or the Web form on the OCLC
site, or clean up the records in OCLC yourself.
204Reporting Duplicates and BFM
- Let your reviewer know that LC needs to do BFM by
recording it in your printout in a 952 field or
by writing on the printout. - LC only speaks LCCN, not OCLC , so indicate LC
record numbers needing BFM with LCCNs (field 010
of bib records) - Remember some types of BFM do not need to be
reported to LC (see Guidelines for Reporting BFM
for NACO on NACO home page)
205Reviewing after Training
- Save your records in OCLC
- Use 952 field for any comments, questions, notes
that you want the reviewer to see - Make printouts and insert in the publication
- Give to your reviewer (Adam in Monographs, Kris
in Serials) - Goal is to eventually have each cataloger free
from review. The reviewer will make that
determination based on the records we review,
errors found, demonstrated mastery of rules and
LCRIs, etc.
207OCLC Authority Creation and Changes
- Changing Existing Authority
- Call up authority record
- Lock it (optional)
- Edit record make changes, add fields, etc.
- Print out record
- Save record and note save file number
- Replace record once ready
- New Authority
- Call up blank authority workform (or use Derive
new record from existing one) - Key/input record
- Print out record
- Save record and note save file number
- Add record to authority file once ready
208Review questions
- What do you have to do if you havent finished
working on an NAR and need to finish it the next
day? - What is the purpose of the 670?
- What are three characters that are converted to
blank spaces in normalization? - What kinds of conflict are not acceptable?
- When is it appropriate to code an authority
record provisional?
209MARC fields exercise 1
- Create an appropriate 670
- On the t.p. The way things used to be by Brian
Keller - On t.p. verso published in 2007
- On p. 4 of cover short author biography,
giving Brian James Keller, born in 1967 in
Cranston, Illinois professor of American history
at University of Illinois with a list of other
works written by the author
210MARC fields exercise 2
- You are cataloging a book that has an NAR based
upon the CIP galley. The actual t.p. of the book
says the authors name is Evelyn James-OConnor
and gives a short biography on the dust jacket,
that tells you she was born in Abilene, TX during
the Depression, then became a Rosie the Riveter
during the WWII. What do you change and/or add?
670 _ _ a Memories of dark days, 2007 b CIP
t.p. (Evelyn James OConnor) dataview (b. 1929)
211MARC fields exercise 3
- You are cataloging a book by Ferrán Sánchez i
Agustí, an author who writes in both Catalan
Spanish. All of his previous works have been in
Spanish. A NAR is already set up for him, and
contains an 053 in the PQ class numbers. This is
the first time he has had a book published in
Catalan, which you have classed in PC3942.429.A65
after verification from LC Coop Cat that this
number is OK. What do you do to the record?
212MARC fields exercise 4
- You are cataloging a reprint of a pamphlet by
Bill de Caledonia, with accompanying commentary,
which claims that this is a pseudonym for Juan
Perón, who has his own NAR. You decide that,
according to the rules, this is not a separate
bibliographic identity, and therefore the
Caledonia NAR needs to be deleted in favor of the
Juan Perón NAR. What fields do you need to add?
213MARC fields exercise 5
- You have a book by an Anglican clergyman named
John Smith, who wrote in the 1870s. His name
heading is not yet established. You look in
Crockford's Clerical Directory from that time
period, but find nothing. The NAR must be based
upon the book in hand. What field in the
authority record will you use to show where you
214MARC fields exercise 6
- You are cataloging a book by Jean Smith, and
there is already an NAR with that name (n
42548265). In looking at the database, however,
you decide that the publication dates are all in
the 1930s, while this books author was born in
1925. What do you need to do?
215MARC fields exercise 7
- In cataloging a book by Terrance Jones, you
discover two NARs, one set up under Jones,
Terrance M. and another under Jones, Terrance,
1958- . They are clearly the same person. What
do you need to do?
216MARC fields exercise 8
- You are cataloging a book by Sidney Hook that has
been reprinted from 1935. Youve searched the
database today, and there is no NAR established,
but there is an old bibliographic record in OCLC
that is probably the same person. The 245 shows
Sidney Hook the 700 shows Hook, Sidney, 1902-.
What do you need to do?
217MARC fields exercise 9
- You have to set up an NAR for a corporate body in
Basque, but you dont know what the Basque form
of the name is. The book includes a Spanish form
of the name, so you decide to set it up under
that language. What else do you need to do?
218MARC fields exercise 10
- You are setting up a neighborhood called Bom
Retiro in the city of Curitiba, Brazil. Youve
searched in GEOnet and the Columbia Gazetteer,
but found nothing. Besides the appropriate 1XX
and 4XXs, what fields do you need? What optional
fields could you include?