Title: Kentucky
1Kentuckys Curriculum Documents
- A driving force behind education in Kentucky
2AgendaGeneral Overview
- The Big Picture Curriculum, Instruction,
Assessment - Reasons for Recent Changes
- The Critical Documents and Their Relationships
- The Impact of the Documents on Schools and KDE
3Guiding Questions
- What do I know about the state curriculum
documents? - What do I know about recent revisions and
refinements in the documents? - How do the documents impact schools?
- How do the documents impact my work with
pre-service teachers?
4Overall Outcome
- A general understanding of the state curriculum
documents, their role in Kentucky education, and
how they impact schools, education providers, and
5Part I Historical Perspective
- In the beginning there was
6Name the 6 Learning Goals of KERA
- Basic communication and math skills
- Ability to apply core concepts
- Ability to become self-sufficient
- Ability to become responsible members of family,
work group, community - Ability to think and solve problems
- Ability to connect and integrate experiences and
7Learning Goals National Standards Academic
Combined Documents
Program of Studies
Core Content
District and School Curriculum
Curriculum Hierarchy
8Part II Why Revise the CCA and POS?
- To assure alignment with emerging national and
international standards and research in all areas - The Kentucky Board of Education determined that
the Program of Studies should be reviewed and
revised accordingly
9Part II Why The Revisions? (cont.)
- To better organize, clarify and focus the Core
Content Assessment standards to guide
instruction and assessment - To draft the Blueprint for the 2007 assessment
and beyond (new NCLB requirements)
10Part III A Closer Look
- Program of Studies
- Core Content for Assessment
- Relationships
- Depth of Knowledge
11Learning Goals National Standards Academic
Combined Documents
Program of Studies
Core Content
District and School Curriculum
How are the documents organized?
12Whats The Big Idea?
- Why is the Program of Studies organized around
big ideas?
13Test 1
- Learn these numbers
- 9217053
- 4915082637
14Types of Memory
- Short term memory
- 5 to 20 seconds
- Working memory
- Varies but temporary/chunking
- Long Term Memory
- Can be retrieved indefinitely/large relevant
concepts (big ideas)
15Test 2
- Learn these letters
16Big Ideas
- Current brain research suggests a key factor that
distinguishes expert learners from novice
learners is ones ability to organize thinking
by big ideas (National Research Council 2000)
17Big Ideas
- Big ideas bring relevance to the classroom and
have enduring value beyond the classroom
(Wiggins and McTighe) - Big ideas help promote transfer of learning from
year to year.
18What do I know about the Program of Studies
Revised 2006 and Core Content for Assessment,
Version 4.1?
19The Program of Studies
20Purpose of the POS
- The Program of Studies defines the minimum
standards for all students in Kentucky
21POS Organization
- Big Ideas
- Related Academic Expectations
- Enduring Understandings
- Skills and Concepts
22The Core Content for Assessment
23Purpose Core Content for Assessment 4.1
- Represents Kentuckys Academic Expectations and
is a subset of the content standards in the
Program of Studies - Is not a comprehensive curriculum or course of
24Purpose CCA 4.1
- Identifies content for inclusion on state
assessment and provided focus for 2007 item
development - Provides parameters for KY teachers and
assessment contractors to design the state
assessment items
25CCA Organization
- Domains (e.g., SC Science)
- Grade Span and Level (Elementary, Middle, High
and Primary-EP, 04, 05, 06, 07, 08, High School -
HS) - Subdomains (e.g., Physical Science)
- Organizers (e.g., Motion and Forces)
- Specific numbered assessment standards
- Depth of Knowledge ceiling for state assessment
26Organized by Levels
- End of primary, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh,
eighth, high school - Ensures continuity and conceptual development in
a content area across levels
27Organized using Bold and Italicized Statements
- Bold state assessed
- Italicized supporting content
28Organized using Parentheses
- If there is a list inside parentheses with an
e.g., preceding it, that means the examples
included are meant to be just that, examples. - (e.g., car, airplane, train)
29Organized using Parentheses
- If the list is NOT preceded by an e.g., the list
is to be considered exhaustive and only those
items will be assessed. - (car, airplane, train)
30Addition of Verbs for each content area
- Represents how students will be expected to
demonstrate their knowledge, concepts and skills
on the state assessment - Contributes to understanding the depth of
knowledge and cognitive complexity expected for
the state assessment
31Sample CCA Standard
- AH-05-1.1.1
- Students will analyze or explain the use of
elements of music in a variety of music. - DOK 3
- Under this standard are listed the elements
of music (rhythm, tempo, melody, harmony, form,
timbre, dynamics) and specifically what will be
tested regarding each element.
32Combined DocumentsCompleting the structure
- Look at the example combined documents.
- Share what you find with others at your table.
33Depth of Knowledge (DOK) is
34Contact Information nlwebb_at_wisc.eduPhone (608)
263-4287Office 783 Ed SciencesMail Drop
78Website http//facstaff.wcer.wisc.edu/normw
Norman Webb Senior Scientist
35Depth of Knowledge (DOK)
- Indicates the cognitive demand limits for the
state assessment - Defines the ceiling or highest DOK level for
each Core Content for Assessment Standard for
the state assessment - Guides item development for the state assessment,
classification of test items, and alignment to
Kentucky standards
36DOK (cont.)
- No Child Left Behind (NCLB) requires assessments
to measure the depth and breadth of the state
academic content standards for a given grade
level (U.S. Department of Education, 2003, p.
37Remember Depth of Knowledge
- Is descriptive, not a taxonomy
- Focuses on how deeply a student has to know the
content in order to respond - Is not the same as difficulty
38Depth of Knowledge
- Assigning depth-of-knowledge to content standards
and assessment items is an essential requirement
of alignment analysis - Four levels of depth of knowledge were used for
assessment analysis and alignment - Recall and Reproduction Level 1
- Skills Concepts Level 2
- Strategic thinking- Level 3
- Extended thinking Level 4
39Depth of Knowledge Activity
- Look at the DOK Support Materials.
- In groups, use the Support Materials to sort the
sample assessment items into DOK levels.
40Final Exam!Questions?