Title: Behaviour Management Plan
1Moura State School
Behaviour Management Plan
- All behaviour is chosen and purposeful.
Individuals choose behaviour that they believe
will meet their needs - All behaviour has natural or logical
consequences. Experiencing consequences for
chosen behaviours is an important learning tool. - The school assists students to identify
appropriate behaviours and support them to use
new and unfamiliar behaviour in appropriate ways - Everyone has rights and responsibilities in
maintaining a supportive school environment - Effective communication is essential between the
home and school to cater for student needs
3At Moura State School, a Level based
Behaviour Management System operates that
identifies specific behaviours and related
consequences along a continuum from
Level 0 to Level 5.
4Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
5Level 1 Students have been involved in minor
Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
6Level 2 Students have repeatedly displayed
inappropriate behaviours
Level 1 Students have been involved in minor
Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
7Level 3 Students have been involved in serious
Level 2 Students have repeatedly displayed
inappropriate behaviours
Level 1 Students have been involved in minor
Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
8Level 4 Students have repeatedly been involved in
serious incidents
Level 3 Students have been involved in serious
Level 2 Students have repeatedly displayed
inappropriate behaviours
Level 1 Students have been involved in minor
Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
9Level 5 Students have been involved in severe
Level 4 Students have repeatedly been involved in
serious incidents
Level 3 Students have been involved in serious
Level 2 Students have repeatedly displayed
inappropriate behaviours
Level 1 Students have been involved in minor
Level 0 Every student starts at Level 0
10Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
11Level 1 Consequences Teacher applied
consequences Time Out Room (1 week)
Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
12Level 2 Consequences Time Out Room Referral (2
Level 1 Consequences Teacher applied
consequences Time Out Room (1 week)
Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
13Level 3 Consequences In School Suspension (1 to 5
Level 2 Consequences Time Out Room Referral (2
Level 1 Consequences Teacher applied
consequences Time Out Room (1 week)
Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
14Level 4 Consequences Official Suspension (1 to 20
Level 3 Consequences In School Suspension (1 to 5
Level 2 Consequences Time Out Room Referral (2
Level 1 Consequences Teacher applied
consequences Time Out Room (1 week)
Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
15Level 5 Consequences Official Suspension (1 to 20
days) pending exclusion
Level 4 Consequences Official Suspension (1 to 20
Level 3 Consequences In School Suspension (1 to 5
Level 2 Consequences Time Out Room Referral (2
Level 1 Consequences Teacher applied
consequences Time Out Room (1 week)
Level 0 Consequences Continued positive behaviour
Bronze, Silver and Gold
16- Level Zero
- All students (other than those on a higher level)
commence school at this level - You have the opportunity to participate in all of
the schools activities - You will be eligible for the positions of School
Captain, House Captain and School Leader
17Level One Students on Level One, may be doing one
or more of the following
18- Level One
- Not observing classroom rules negotiated with
Classroom Teacher - Name calling and bullying
- Swearing
- Throwing objects
- Wearing clothing that is not sun safe
- Rough and inappropriate play
- Playing in out of bounds areas
19- Minor Offences
- No hat
- Not walking on concrete or asphalt
- Not sitting to eat
- Being in an out of bounds area
- Not following a supervisors directions
- Being in classrooms without permission
- Inappropriate/rough play
- Swearing
20- Level 1 Consequences
- Teacher Applied
- Warnings
- Time Out
21Level Two Your teachers and peers have not
noticed an improvement in your behaviour or
attitudes. You have failed to improve your
attitude or behaviour.
22- Level Two
- Repeated bullying
- Refusal to follow directions
- Insolent behaviour and rudeness to staff,
visitors or peers - Truancy
- Persistent disruption in class
- Possession of banned items
- Consistent failure to wear sun safe clothes and
attire in line with school prospectus - Graffiti in school
- 5 minor incidents in 2 weeks
23- Level 2 Consequences
- Time Out Room Referral no play for two weeks
- Parent contact
24Level Three Your teachers and peers have not
noticed an improvement in your behaviour or
attitudes. You have failed to improve your
attitude or behaviour.
25- Level Three
- Intentional body harm to self/others
- Serious vandalism
- Verbal abuse
- Gross insolence
- Stealing
- Serious offences against students or staff
- Malicious bullying and/or harassment
- Fighting
- Assault (first offence)
- Out of grounds without permission
- Little or no effort to improve behaviour or
attitude - Continued deterioration of Level 1 and 2
26- Level 3 Consequences
- Internal Suspension by Principal from 1 to 5 days
27Level Four Your teachers and peers have not
noticed an improvement in your behaviour or
attitudes. You have failed to improve your
attitude or behaviour. You have demonstrated an
unwillingness to cooperate as a member of Moura
State School.
28- Level Four
- Serious breaches of community standards
- Internet infringements
- Continued malicious bullying and fighting
- Smoking
- Possession of alcohol or other prohibited
substances/items - Assault the second offence within a term
- Willful destruction of property
29- Level 4 Consequences
- Suspension by Principal from 1 to 5 or 6 to 20
30Level Five Unfortunately, you have not shown any
willingness to improve at this school. As a
result, you have denied yourself the right to be
a student at Moura State School.
31- Level Five
- Assault with malicious intent
- Gross moral offences
- Illegal substances
32- Level 5 Consequences
- Exclusion by Principal
33- Bronze, Silver and Gold Levels
- On these levels, students have proven themselves
to be fine examples for others to follow. - Their efforts are always commendable.
- School and House Captains as well as Student
Leaders and other positions of trust can only be
taken up by students at this level - You are able to participate in all of the
schools activities
34- Bronze Certificate
- You have received 10 gold stars
35- Silver Certificate
- You have received an additional 15 gold stars
after Bronze
36- Gold Certificate
- You have received an additional 20 gold stars
after Silver
38At the beginning of each year and when necessary,
children are reminded of the schools policy
regarding bullying.
39- The children are told to
- Tell the person to stop what they are doing. Tell
them you do not like it and that you will report
it to an adult if they do not stop it right away.
40- If it continues, walk or run away. Go straight
away and tell an adult. We have many adults on
duty !
41- If they cannot find an adult, they should report
it to the Principal or the Teacher In Charge.
42- If this was not possible, they should
report it to their classroom teacher when they
get back to class.
43- If you stand there while someone is being a bully
and do nothing about it, you are also doing the
wrong thing !
44- At no stage are you told to stick up for
yourself If you do make physical contact with
another child, you too are in the wrong and will
be dealt with by the Principal.
45Mouras Bullying Policy is separate from physical
and serious injury that is dealt with immediately
by the Principal.
46Bullying Response Chart
47A student reports a Bullying Incident
48Step 1 A student reports an incident. If the
student has followed the correct process, the
incident is recorded in the Bully
Register. Step 1 Consequences The Bully is given
a warning and told they are on Step 1. They are
reminded of what the process will be if there
is another incident.
49Step 2 A student is on Step 2 when they have two
reports about them bullying. It does not have to
be the same person they are bullying. Step 2
Consequences The student misses play at big
lunch for one day.
50Step 3 A student is on Step 3 when they have
three reports about them bullying. It does not
have to be the same people they are
bullying. Step 3 Consequences The student misses
play at big lunch for five days. A letter will
be sent home to their parents or carers.
51Step 4 A student is on Step 4 when they have
another report about them bullying. It does not
have to be the same people they are
bullying. Step 4 Consequences Formal Interview -
Two teachers facilitate a specific interview with
the student and the students they have been
bullying. A letter will be sent home to the
parents or carers with a request for a meeting.
This is the last opportunity for the students
to resolve their issues.
52Step 5 A student is on Step 5 when there is
another report about them bullying. It does not
have to be the same people they are
bullying. Step 5Consequences Suspension
Internal or external at the Principal's
53Step by step, the ladder is ascended. George