LifeSpan Sexual Development - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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LifeSpan Sexual Development


Infant boys and girls can feel pleasure from this and may continue to stimulate themselves. ... Notice that at this stage girls as well as boys experience an ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: LifeSpan Sexual Development

Life-Span Sexual Development
  • Early Infancy (Ages 0-1)
  • Early Childhood (Ages 2-6)
  • The Initial School-age Years (Ages 7-11)
  • Puberty (Ages 7-15)
  • Adolescence (Ages 13-17)
  • Young Adulthood (Aged 26-36)
  • Middle Age (Ages 40-59)
  • The Elderly Years (Age 60)

Early Infancy (Ages 0-1)
  • Many physicians and psychologists strongly
    encourage parents to hold their babies
    immediately after birth and to continue to give
    large amounts of hugging and cuddling throughout
  • This process is called bonding.

  • As soon as infants gain sufficient control over
    their movements, they begin to touch all parts of
    their bodies. As part of this exploration,
    infants also touch their genitals.
  • Infant boys and girls can feel pleasure from
    this and may continue to stimulate themselves.
  • However, it is important to remember that
    infants do not comprehend adult sexual behavior.

Early Childhood (Ages 2-6)
  • This means that they cannot consider other
    peoples points of view. Egocentric children do
    not play games together, because most play
    requires cooperation, and cooperation in turn
    requires respecting or anticipating someone
    elses point of view. Bodily exploration during
    this time is confined mainly to self-exploration.
    After the age of 2, however, children
    increasingly play together, and their natural
    curiosity now extends not only to their own
    bodies but to those of others.

  • Sexual exploration games will not harm a childs
    development. What may be harmful is parents
    reacting to strongly when they catch their
    children engaging in sex play.
  • Punishment or negative messages may lead to a
    poor body image and later sexual problems. It is
    okay to teach your children that it is not
    appropriate to touch their genitals in certain
    situations in public, for example. According to
    one child expert, The attitude of the parent
    should be to socialize for privacy rather than to
    punish or forbid.

  • From the earliest period in life, the childs
    family will reciprocally influence the sexual
    characteristics of the child. The family
    establishes a psychosexual equilibrium that is
    a function of the parents sexual adjustment, the
    childs developing sexuality, and the impact of
    the childs sexual development on parental sexual
    development. The way parents react to the
    sexuality of their children is often an
    indication of the way they feel about their own

The Initial School-age Years (Ages 7-11)
  • By the time children begin kindergarten or first
    grade, children generally have developed a sense
    of modesty and inhibition about undressing in
    front of others and for the first time may start
    demanding privacy in the bathroom.
  • Several recent studies of recollections by adults
    recalled sexual interactions with other children
    prior to puberty. This included exposing oneself
    for others, looking at others, touching,
    fondling, and various sexual games.

  • Children tend to segregate by sex by age 9.
  • Contrary to our cultures expectations, there is
    an abundance of evidence that sexuality develops
    steadily throughout childhood.

Puberty (Ages 7-15)
  • Traditionally, the physical and sexual changes
    that occur during puberty have been attributed to
    the maturation of the testicles or ovaries.
    However, puberty is at least a two-part
    maturational process. In the first part, the
    adrenal glands start to mature when children are
    between the ages of 6 and 8. The adrenal glands
    secrete the androgen hormone DHEA which is then
    converted to testosterone and estrogen. Thus,
    the first increase in sex hormones is not due to
    the maturing gonads, but to the maturing
    adrenals. Notice that at this stage girls as
    well as boys experience an increase in androgens.

  • In the second stage, the testicles and ovaries
    mature, usually several years after adrenarche.
    In this stage, the pituitary gland begins to
    secrete FSH in high doses, stimulating the
    production of sperm in seminiferous tubules in
    boys and the maturation of ova in girls.
  • In girls, the maturing ovary produces estrogen
    and progesterone, while increased levels of
    luteinizing hormone from a boys pituitary
    stimulates production of testosterone in the
    testes. The increased levels of hormones lead to
    a variety of physiological changes in girls and

  • These are often referred to as secondary sex
  • Changes in Girls
  • Usually the first sign that puberty is beginning
    in girls is the development of breast buds. Soon
    afterwards, a growth spurt starts.
  • Puberty may be a process that takes several

  • The vagina and uterus begin to enlarge about the
    time that pubic hair appears. The first
    menstrual period occurs at an average age of
    between 12 and 13. There is considerable
    variability, however, and it is normal for the
    cycles to be very irregular during the first
    couple of years after menarche. The rise in
    estrogen levels causes the vaginal wall to become
    thicker and more elastic and also results in
    lubrication during sexual arousal.

  • The reaction of a young woman to her first
    menstrual cycle will be influenced primarily by
    what she has been told. It can be viewed as
    something very positive, a simple fact of
    nature, or a curse and something disgusting.

  • Changes in Boys
  • As mentioned earlier, pubertal development in
    boys lags about 2 years behind development in
    girls. The first noticeable change in boys is
    usually growth of the testicles and scrotum, the
    result of increased levels of testosterone.
    Testosterone then stimulates growth of the penis,
    prostate gland, and seminal vesicles. The growth
    of the genitals begins, on average, about the age
    of 11 to 12 and is completed, on average, by
    about the age of 15. Boys generally become
    capable of ejaculation about a year after the
    penis begins to grow.

  • The first experience many boys have with
    ejaculation is a nocturnal emission, or wet
    dream. Some boys have nocturnal emissions
    frequently, while others have only a few
  • Nocturnal emissions are not under voluntary
    control, there is no reason for shame. It is
    therefore important to educate children about
    nocturnal emissions before they begin to occur.

  • Gynecomastia usually disappears by the mid-teens,
    but unless boys are told why this is happening
    and that it is a normal, temporary condition,
    they may feel confused, embarrassed, or shamed.

  • Another change that is obvious to others is a
    deepening of the voice, a result of testosterone
    stimulating the growth of the larynx. This
    occurs today at an average age of about 12 to 13,
    but it may have occurred at a later age in past
    centuries. It was not uncommon in Europe at one
    time for boys who sang in the great church choirs
    to be castrated before puberty in order to
    preserve their soprano voices.

  • Precocious and Delayed Puberty
  • When sexual development begins before the age of
    8 in girls and 9 in boys, it is called precocious
    puberty. This is often due to premature
    activation of pituitary hormones. The youngest
    girl known to have given birth was only 5 years

  • Studies have found that childrens first sexual
    attraction occurs at age 10, about the fourth or
    fifth grade. By age 13, the sexual exploration
    games commonly played by young teens have greater
    erotic content than the games of early childhood.

Adolescence (Ages 13-17)
  • Masturbation
  • For most people, the first experience with orgasm
    occurs during masturbation.
  • Most adults have masturbated and started doing so
    during adolescence. This is truer for men than
    women, but there seems to be a trend indicating
    that more women also are masturbating to orgasm
    during adolescence.

  • Many sex therapists believe that masturbation
    serves important functions in adolescence.
    Because sexual activity among adolescents is not
    condoned in our society, masturbation can serve
    as an outlet for sexual tensions. Masturbation
    also can serve as a way to sexually experiment,
    gain sexual self-confidence, and control sexual
    impulses. Kinsey thought that masturbation to
    orgasm was especially important for girls. He
    felt that familiarity with orgasm during
    masturbation made it easier for them to
    experience orgasm during intercourse as adults.

  • Sexual Intercourse
  • About one-fourth of teenage girls who engage in
    their first experience of sexual intercourse say
    that they did not really want to engage in it.
    This was particularly true when first intercourse
    was with a much older partner.
  • Parental involvement also plays a role. The
    quality of the communication between parents and
    teenage children is positively related to the
    teenagers values about sexual abstinence.

  • Peer Pressure
  • Peer pressure is your peer groups expectations
    of how you are supposed to behave.
  • Many groups want to take credit for the drop in
    teenage pregnancy, but the credit truly goes to
    teenagers, said Jacqueline Darroch. The
    reasoning is that when fewer teens engage in
    sexual intercourse, they set examples for close

Emerging Adulthood (Ages 18-25)
  • The median age at which people first get married
    today is 25 for women and 27 for men. This is an
    increase of more than 2 years of age since 1980
    and more than 4 years since 1960.
  • By the age of 20, approximately 90 of emerging
    adults are sexually experienced and having sex
    regularly, and most emerging adults have had
    multiple serial sexual partners during their
    short lifetimes.

  • Thus, for many emerging adults, their sexual life
    style can be called serial monogamya series of
    relationships in which sex is reserved for just
    on other person.
  • The period of emerging adulthood is also a time
    in which most people gradually become less
    influenced by peer pressure and gain a better
    understanding of their own sexual motivations.
  • By the end of this stage, individuals have
    generally established cognitive views about
    sexual aspects of themselves.

Young Adulthood (Aged 26-36)
  • Marriage
  • Numerous studies have found that adults who get
    and stay married have higher levels of
    psychological well-being than individuals who
    stay single.
  • The frequency of sexual intercourse in the first
    year of marriage is usually high, an average of
    about 15 times a month in the first year.

  • The decrease in sexual relations after the first
    year or two of marriage occurs for a variety of
    reasons. Sex has to compete with other time
    demands, such as career advancement. Parenthood
    means less privacy and more demands, and often
    results in exhaustion at the end of the day.
  • Living Together
  • Nearly half of all American women aged 25 to 39
    years old have cohabited with a man outside of
    marriage at some time in their lives. About
    one-fourth of unmarried women aged 25 to 39 are
    currently cohabitating.

  • Single Parenthood
  • About 25 of white children and 65 of black
    children lived with a single parent. Some adults
    become single parents through divorce or
    separation, but nearly 25 of never-married women
    are also mothers.

  • Extramarital SexIn Supposedly Monogamous
  • Thats a male definition of adultery. If you
    look at emotional involvement and sexual
    involvement short of intercourse, you add another
    20. Whereas men may have solely sexual
    affairs, womens affairs are almost always
    emotional or a combination of sexual and
    emotional. It is not uncommon for married
    persons to have emotional affairs over the
    telephone or on the Internet.

  • Men are more upset at the idea of their partners
    getting physical with someone else than they are
    about an emotional attachment. Women, on the
    other hand, are more concerned about emotional
    infidelity on the part of their mates and are
    much more likely than men to forgive a partner
    for sexual infidelity.
  • Extramarital SexConsensual Arrangements
  • One such arrangement is open marriage, where both
    partners agree that it is okay to have sex with

Middle Age (Ages 40-59)
  • Christian and Victorian views of sex emphasized
    that sex within a marriage was for procreation
    only, and excluded sexual activities for
    pleasure. Thus, Western culture came to view
    older individuals who were no longer able to
    conceive as asexual.
  • Many parents may appear to be nonsexual because
    they hesitate to discuss the topic of sexuality
    in any way with their children or because they
    are not inclined to exhibit loving, affectionate
    responses, let alone sexual behavior, in the
    presence of their children.

  • Frequency of Sexual Intercourse
  • The baby-boomer generation is now in their 50s
    and, having been raised during the sexual
    revolution, they do not accept the old
    stereotypes of aging and sexuality.
  • Although most surveys do show a decline in sexual
    activity for people in their 40s and a further
    decline in the 50s, the drop-off is very gradual.

  • Relationship quality is high when there is
    emotional intimacy, there is some independence
    without too much distance, and stress is under
    control. There must also be a sexual
    equilibrium, a balance of sexual capacities
    between two people and their perceptions of those

  • Loss of a Mate By Divorce or Death
  • Over half of all marriages in the United States
    now end in divorce. According to the 2000
    census, 40 of Americans aged 45 or older are
    single. Reentry into the singles world and
    dating are often difficult, particularly if a
    prior relationship had been a long-lasting one.
  • Resuming sexual activity is often an important
    part of letting go of the former bonds. However,
    more recent studies have found that three fourths
    of divorced persons have either a single sexual
    partner or no partner in the first year
  • By the time people reach their early 40s, there
    are over 200 single women for every 100 single

  • Female Sexuality Physical Changes With Age
  • Four-fifths of women experience menopause between
    44 and 55, with a median age of 50 to 52.
  • How a woman and her partner react to these
    changes can affect other aspects of a
    relationship, so it is important for everyone to
    understand their physical basis.
  • The Rise and Fall of the Medicalization of
    Menopause. Postmenopausal women have become a
    large segment of society that seeks health care,
    or, depending on your perspective, that is
    targeted by health care professionals.

  • Medicalization refers to the process whereby the
    normal processes of pregnancy, childbirth,
    menstruation and menopause have been claimed and
    redefined by medicine. Opponents of the
    medicalization of menopause claim that the
    negative expectations of deteriorating health are
    the result of culturally determined attitudes,
    promotions by drug companies, and media pressure,
    and point out that older women in our country are
    already healthier than older men and outlive men
    by many years.

  • Let us examine the evidence. There is no
    question that hormone replacement therapy can
    help alleviate the symptoms of menopause such as
    vasomotor symptoms and vaginal atrophy symptoms.
  • For women who show a drop in sexual desire,
    testosterone replacement therapy helps many.

  • Female Sexual Behavior
  • For most women, menopause causes no change in
    interest in sex. Some women actually show an
    increased interest in sex after menopause,
    possible because they no longer have to worry
    about getting pregnant.
  • The best predictor of sexual activity for
    middle-aged women is their sexual activity when
    younger. Positive personal attitudes about
    sexuality and past positive experiences regarding
    the importance of sex are important determinants
    of sexual functioning in aging women.

  • Male Sexuality Physical Changes With Age
  • Men normally do not experience a sudden loss of
    hormones as experienced by women. Although the
    term male menopause is commonly used, this
    generally refers to the midlife psychological and
    emotional reactions that some men have as a
    response to changing family relationships.
  • Men do show a gradual decline in testosterone
    levels that begins in their late teens. By age
    55, 20 to 50 of men have testosterone levels
    that are below the normal range for young adult

  • If the drop in testosterone is large enough, it
    will also affect a mans interest in sex. The
    production of sperm continues into old age, but
    it, too, declines after age 40. Nevertheless,
    many men in their 70s and 80s have fathered

The Elderly Years (Age 60)
  • Sex is something enjoyed only by the young and
    healthy MYTH.
  • A sexually active man is seen as a dirty old
    man and a sexually active older woman is
    considered preposterous or embarrassing. This
    culturally embedded denial may be rooted in
    peoples difficulty accepting the sexuality of
    their own parents.

  • Among people in their 60s who have partners, over
    70 are having sex regularly. Over 50 of them
    have sexual intercourse at least once a week. In
    their 70s, about one third of men and women with
    partners are having sexual intercourse at least
    once a week. In their 80s, only about one fourth
    of men and women are having sex at least once a

  • Older women frequently express strong sexual
    desires and interests,engage in sexual activity
    in many instances until extreme old age,and may
    form liaisons with much younger men.
  • The older population really has the better deal.
    This is a time when people have the best sex in
    their lives, and it all has to do with maturity.
  • Thus, for women, there is a real partner gap.
    Many women may be interested in sex, but there is
    no opportunity.

  • However, many people experience serious medical
    problems and disabilities as they grow older.
    Heart disease, stroke, arthritis, diabetes,
    prostate problems, and problems due to alcohol,
    smoking, and overeating are common.
  • The third major factor preventing some elderly
    people from enjoying sexual relations is the
    opportunity for privacy when one is dependent on
    others for care.
  • However, opportunities for sexual relations are
    very limited for elderly people with disabilities
    who are dependent on others for their care.

  • Perhaps the biggest problem for elderly people
    interested in physical relations is our cultures
    negative stereotypes of the aged as sexless.
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