Title: CIS 524 Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
1CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
2CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CIS
524 Week 2 Case Study 1 User Interfaces CIS 524
Week 3 Assignment 1 Accessibility CIS 524 Week 4
Case Study 2 Design Process CIS 524 Week 6
Assignment 2 Menu Selection
3CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week
1 Discussion 1 "Creating an Interface Please
respond to the following
4CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week
1 Discussion 2 Early computers were only usable
by experts with strong technical knowledge.
Examine how interactive systems have changed
throughout the years to accommodate
5CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Case
Study 1 User Interfaces Due Week 2 and worth 90
6CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Week
2 Discussion 1 "Interface Design Guidelines"
Please respond to the following Imagine you are
leading a team of designers for a new software
product. During the kickoff meeting, the team
starts to discuss design guidelines. About half
of the team complains that guidelines can be too
specific, incomplete, hard to apply, and
sometimes wrong. The other half feels that
building on experience from design leaders
contributes to steady improvements. Take a stance
7CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "HCI
Theories" Please respond to the
following Imagine you are the manager of a
medium-sized IT department. While walking through
the hall one day, you overhear a senior-level
software developer telling
8CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Assi
gnment 1 Accessibility Due Week 3 and worth 80
points Building a user interface that meets the
9CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Ele
ctronic Ballots" Please respond to the
following One criticism of electronic ballots
for elections is that while intuitive for younger
voters who are familiar with using a mouse to
point and click, elderly voters and
motor-impaired users will have difficulty
controlling a mouse. Discuss how you would
correct this issue so
10CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Int
erface Design Models" Please respond to the
following Evaluate interface design models and
describe design issues across human-computer
interaction environments associated with these
models. Support your response.
11CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Case
Study 2 Design Process Due Week 4 and worth 90
points You have recently started your own
software design company. You discover that your
local DMV is looking to build a system
12CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Dir
ect Manipulation and Virtual Environments" Please
respond to the following Your software
development company has been
13CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Com
mand and Natural Language" Please respond to the
following The president of your company
approached you with his iPhone in one hand and
his iPad in the other. He has just purchased the
iPhone 4S and is fascinated with
14CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Dev
eloping Commands" Please respond to the
following You have just finished reviewing a
design project your team has submitted to you and
noticed that the team members used a great deal
of command abbreviations
15CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com Assi
gnment 2 Menu Selection Due Week 6 and worth 80
points Despite being a fairly old technology,
menu-driven interfaces are very common in user
interface design. Menu-driven interfaces consist
of a series of screens which are navigated by
choosing options from lists. Write a four to
five (4-5) page paper in which you
16CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Int
eraction Devices" Please respond to the
following Touch screens are becoming extremely
popular input devices for phones and tablets.
Assess the value of touch screen devices related
to human-computer interaction systems. Identify
at least two advantages and two
17CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Col
laboration and Social Media" Please respond to
the following While planning for a new project,
a young developer mentions that she used Facebook
as a collaborative group
18CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Col
laboration and Social Media" Please respond to
the following While planning for a new project,
a young developer mentions that she used Facebook
as a collaborative group
19CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com 1)
Your design team presents a project to you, in
which most inputs seem to have about a 1.5-second
delay before a response. The lead designer has
decided this response is acceptable. Analyze
response-time models and decide if the response
time in the presented project is acceptable.
Explain why it is or is not. 2)Evaluate the
importance quality of service has to
20CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com 3)Er
ror messages are a key part of an overall
interface design strategy of guidance for the
user. Discuss strategies to ensure integrated,
coordinated error messages that are consistent
across an application. 4) Choose the one topic
covered in Chapter 11 (error messages,
non-anthropomorphic design, display design,
window design, and color) that creates the biggest
21CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CIS
524 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 3 Assignment 3 Direct
Manipulation Early computer systems relied on
command line interfaces to perform all actions.
Today, the majority of systems use direct
manipulation rather than a command line
interface. The goal of designing a direct
manipulation interface is to make use of the
22CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Sys
tem Documentation" Please respond to the
23CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Onl
ine Communities" Please respond to the
following Evaluate online tutorials and online
communities in regard to helping users. Create an
argument for the approach you find to be the most
effective and explain why.
24CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Onl
ine Communities" Please respond to the
25CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com 1)
Your company has been hired to design a product
that will provide searches of textual documents
and database querying. Your design team has not
26CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com CIS
524 WEEK 8 ASSIGNMENT 3 Assignment 3 Direct
Manipulation Early computer systems relied on
command line interfaces to perform all actions.
Today, the majority of systems use direct
manipulation rather than a command
27CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Sys
tem Documentation" Please respond to the
28CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Onl
ine Communities" Please respond to the
following Evaluate online tutorials and online
communities in regard to helping users. Create an
argument for the approach you find to be the most
effective and explain why.
29CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com "Onl
ine Communities" Please respond to the
following Evaluate online tutorials and online
communities in
30CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com
For more classes visit www.snaptutorial.com 1)
Your company has been hired to design a product
that will provide searches of textual documents
and database querying. Your design team has not
developed a product like this before. Examine the
challenges associated with searching in textual
documents and database querying. Describe how
the five-stage search framework shared in Chapter
13 could be used to overcome those
challenges. 2)Assess current multimedia
document search techniques
31CIS 524Education Organization / snaptutorial.com