Title: Best RPO Industries - Vanator
1Industries We Serve
2About Vanator RPO
- Vanator - Best RPO Services Company with Global
presence in USA, Canada, London and India takes
pride in being one of the fastest-growing and
leading recruiting service providers with a
client demand from all over the world. Our
Industry Experts possessing over two decades
worth of experience came together to give birth
to Vanator. Bringing about a revolutionary change
in the industry of recruitment outsourcing area
and works with a motive of bringing revolutionary
change in RPO Industry. Vanator RPO can help you
with IT Recruitment, VMS Recruitment,
Permanent/Full-time staffing, 24/7 Sourcing
Support, Recruiting Support, Screening Support,
etc. In our business, IT staff augmentation
recruitment is our main service domain.
3Industries We Serve
4Thank you
Contact Us
H-157, Ground Floor, H Block, Sector 63, Noida,
Uttar Pradesh 201301
Phone 91 120-4182969 , 1 203-220-2294
Email Id info_at_govanator.com