Title: ECOSYSTEM INFORMATICS Development of Postgraduate Curriculum
Postgraduate Curriculum
01.09.2007 - 31.08.2009 http//ecoinformat
Consortium Members Contractor Institution Aristot
le University of Thessaloniki, Greece The
Division of Hydraulics and Environmental
Engineering, Department of Civil Engineering,
Faculty of Engineering - Thessaloniki,
Greece Coordinating institution Ss. Cyril and
Methodius University Faculty of Electrical
Engineering and Information Technologies Skopje,
Macedonia Partner institution I Universität
Oldenburg Germany,Department of Computer
Science, Oldenburg Germany Partner
institution II Jozef Stefan International
Postgraduate School , Ljubljana -
Slovenia, Department of Knowledge Technologies,
Ljubljana - Slovenia Partner institution
III Universitat Pompeu Fabra Barcelona,
Spain International Trade Business School of
Pompeu Fabra University in Barcelona - Spain
Objectives of the project1. To develop a
new, up-to-date, one (two)-year postgraduate
curriculum in Ecosystem Informatics at the
University "Sts. Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje,
based on the European Credit Transfer System and
in accordance with the Bologna Declaration, aimed
to establish the European Higher Education
Area2. To fulfil the conditions necessary for
offering a Master Degree Title in Ecosystem
Informatics which is to be implemented jointly on
the basis of an agreement between the University
"Ss.Cyril and Methodius" in Skopje, Aristotle
University of Thessaloniki - Greece, Universitat
Oldenburg Germany, Institute Jozef Stefan
Slovenia and ESCi University Spain. 3.
Development of e-learning material for developed
Eco-Informatics courses as a part of blended
learning approach. 4. Establishing state-of-the
art laboratory fro Eco-Informatics.