Title: Claims Reaching One In A Million
1Claims Reaching One In A Million
They say crime doesnt pay, but what about how
much it costs? Will you be shocked to discover
the rise in car crime has led motor insurers in
the UK paying out a staggering 1million a day?
This has been a knock-on effect of a concerning
growth in vehicle crimes in the country. Where,
according to the Association of British Insurers,
keyless car crime, amongst other areas, play a
pivotal role in the increase of claims.
2It can be hard to appreciate the scale of the
problem. There is a new car theft claim around
every six minutes. Whats more, there has been an
upsurge in the cost of car theft, or items stolen
from vehicles. Motorists have seen it go up by
almost 30 year on year. Over the past 12 months.
There were over 50,000 claims, reaching record
levels of 376 million, amounting to 1 million a
day. This follows in line with the escalation in
vehicle crime in the UK which, going by Home
Office statistics, has seen the number of car
thefts increase by approximately 50 in the past
five years. The Association of British Insurers
states there were in excess of 8 billion paid in
motor claims last year. This covers areas such as
personal injury, property damage, and theft.
Adding up to a rise by almost half a billion from
the year before. It has also seen motorists paid
out an estimated more than 4 billion.
3The massive amounts motorists spend on car
insurance is a sign of how many vehicles are
susceptible to keyless relay theft, alongside
other threats to their cars or vans motorists
face every day. Leading to a heightened interest
in car security. Be assured we at Cheap Car Key
Scotland have our fingers on the pulse of the
latest innovations. If you have lost or damaged
your car keys, or have been locked out of your
vehicle, we can provide the most efficient
solutions at a knockdown price. We can keep your
car safe and outwit the criminals. For the best
insurance against theft, contact Cheap Car Keys
Glasgow, Scotland.
The Original article Published at cheapcarkeysscot