Title: Stonil Capsule For Kidney Stones
1Remove Stones from Kidney and Gall Bladder
- Natural Remedies To Prevent Dissolve Kidney
2Eliminate kidney stones effectively
- Stonil capsule is a unique herbal formulation
of time-tested and - proven herbs known for their abilities to
improve the functioning of - kidneys and eliminate kidney stones
painlessly. Stonil capsule not - only removes kidney stones and relieves
associated pain but also prevents - future formation of these stones by
supporting kidneys function and - allowing them to naturally keep minerals
dissolved in urine.
3Benefits of Stonil Capsule
- Eliminate kidney stones effectively
- Disintegrate the stone so that stone material
completly breaks down and is able to move out
easily - Completly flush out all dissolved particles
painlessly-to make sure all urinary tracts are
thoroughly cleansed and free from blockage - Keep kidneys from forming stones again-By
supporting kidney function and allowing them to
naturally keep minerals dissolved in urine
4How Does Stonil Capsule Work
- A regular course of Stonil capsule acts as a
tonic on the entire - urinary system and nourishes other parts of
the body. Take - one or two capsules of Stonil twice a day
(one after breakfast - and another after dinner) with plain water
regularly for 3 to 4 - months to dissolve kidney stones.
5Risk factors
- Family or personal history
- Dehydration
- Certain diets
- Being obese
- Digestive diseases and surgery
- Other medical conditions
6Symptoms of Kidney Stone
- Severe pain in the side and back, below the ribs
- Pain that radiates to the lower abdomen and groin
- Pain that comes in waves and fluctuates in
intensity - Pain on urination
- Pink, red or brown urine
- Nausea and vomiting