Title: Express Trade Towers sector 132 Noida 9899920199
1Express Trade Tower 2 Sector 132 Noida 9899920199
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2Express Trade Tower 2 Sector 132 Noida 9899920199
Express trade tower 2 sector 132 is strategically
located in the middle of expressway.This location
is surrounded by J.P hospital, DPS School, Step
By step school and various other corporate parks.
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3Express Trade Tower 2 Sector 132 Noida 9899920199
This project is spread over 5 acres of land and
having 4 towers 2 towers are G8 10 floors
while the middle two towers are of G8 story
height. On the ground floor retail area there are
Dominos, Haldiram, HDFC Bank, Yes Bank, ICICI
Bank and other cafes are functional here.
Please visithttps//propliners.in/express-trade-to
4Express Trade Tower 2 Sector 132 Noida 9899920199
Please visithttps//propliners.in/express-trade-to
5Express Trade Tower 2 Sector 132 Noida 9899920199
Please visithttps//propliners.in/express-trade-to