Title: Innovative Cereal Bioconversion
1Innovative Cereal Bioconversion
Dr Ruohang Wang Satake Centre for Grain Process
Engineering The University of Manchester
2Satake Centre for Grain Process Engineering
- History
- Following an initiative from the Satake
Corporation of Japan, the Department of Chemical
Engineering at UMIST established the UKs first
Centre for Grain Process Engineering in May 1994. - Purpose
- To provide, in the context of a major British
university, a postgraduate teaching and research
service to the cereal grain processing industries.
Currently the Centre houses three academic staff,
one RF, two PDRA, and nineteen postgraduate
research students.
3Research strategy
- The focus of grain process engineering research
is on whole processes and unit operations for
food, feed and non food uses.
- The key research areas of the Centre are
4- Novel Uses of Cereals
- Value-added components and platform chemicals via
biorefinery - Functional food (prebiotics, probiotics and
As the fossil fuel supply shrinks, essential
petroleum-dependent products are rendered either
unavailable or unaffordable. Economys
improvement is reflected by a increase in energy
consumption (e.g. Chinese oil imports rose by 30
percent last year).
Whilst renewable energy might come from a variety
of sources, many renewable chemicals must come
through photosynthesis. The most intensive crops
are those based on starch (i.e. cereals). The
oil-based economy might be converted to a
cereal-based economy. Currently, the barrier is
an economic one that can be addressed by process
7Current grain bioprocessing
8Novel concept for grain bioconversion
Bioprocessing to glucose-, nitrogen-, and
mineral-rich streams by a single fungal
Bacterial yeast fermentation
9Prediction met Facts
Prediction powerful fungal hydrolytic enzymes
would cause the accumulation of small molecular
nutrients in cereal flour suspension.
10Novelty(Simultaneous hydrolysis of major cereal
11A step forward(further application of the
12A discovery(Fungal autolysis)
- Fungal autolysis degrades macromolecular cell
components to release small molecular nutrients. - Lysozymes released from fungal cells accelerated
subsequent autolysis.
13From cereal to a generic fermentation feedstock
14Achievements and further development
- Over 96 of the wheat starch was hydrolysed into
glucose. - More than 98 of the phosphorus in wheat was
released into the medium. - But only less than 50 of the wheat protein
nitrogen was converted into free amino nitrogen.
15Further development
A microbial consortium is expected to combine all
required hydrolytic power from various strains of
micro-organisms for better bioconversion of all
wheat components.
16Application of the feedstock(Incubation of
Pediococcus halophilus)
The feedstock contained everything required for
supporting a massive production of 6.6 g l-1 dry
P. halophilus cells.
17Application of the feedstock(ethanol production
by Saccharomyces cerevisiae ? Mr Najmul Arifeen )
Theoretical conversion ratio from glucose to
ethanol 51.1 An actual conversion ratio of
62.5 probably indicated (1) a contribution from
the carbon skeleton of amino acids to ethanol
production (2) co-existence of other fermentable
sugars in the feedstock.
Further improvement is possible if yeast growth
is limited by a larger inoculum size and by
improving the hydrolysis of wheat protein.
18Application of the feedstock(Pigment production
by Monascus purpureus ? Dr Rosa Domínguez )
19Application of the feedstock(PHB production by
Ralstonia eutropha ? Miss Yunji Xu )
20Application of the feedstock(Succinic acid
production by Actinobacillus succiniogenes ? Miss
Carol Lin )
21Other processes
- Sophisticated fractionation, extraction,
reaction, enhancement and bioconversion for total
processing - Agile, versatile, responsive processing
- Food and non-food co-processing