Title: African Fashion Dresses (1)
- Incorporative
- Bold Colors
- Safe Prints and Patterns
- Beautiful print Dresses
2Easy to incorporate into your everyday style
- African fashion has grown in popularity with many
fantastic designers and bloggers in this area.
The best thing is, you can really make it unique
to your sense of style.
3Bright, bold and beautiful
- One of the best things about African fashion is
the array of bold statement colours and prints.
You can either make your whole outfit bright,
bold and beautiful or just choose a statement
piece to incorporate into your look to add a new
element of interest to that black blouse.
4Starting fashion-focused businesses
- Fashion is a very popular sector for many
starting a new business, as this is one of the
lowest cost, most well-known businesses that can
be started on the continent.
5Social media has enabled greater exposure of
African clothing
- The ease and reach to which things can be shared
and people can be reached has lead to a much
broader range of tastes being served. This can be
referred to as the Long Tail of African Fashion
so to speak.
6Thank You
- Website https//www.sikaa.com/