Title: How To Lock Your Bicycle Properly (1)
1How To Lock Your Bicycle Properly
2Get the Right Bicycle LockCheap locks can be cut
open with ease. Thieves can spot a cheap lock
when they see one, and these bikes are usually
their easiest targets. You can find superior
locks at bike shops or sporting goods stores.
3How to Lock your BikeAfter purchasing a lock
with a fairly good review, some of you may need
help with the daunting task of how best to secure
your bike with your new found lock. The task may
not be all that daunting if you have a few
important tips under your sleeve.
- Pop out the front wheel, if your bike has a
quick-release front wheel. Then lock it up with
the rear wheel.
- Secure the wheels and frame to a steady object,
one that cannot be moved. Using a U lock or D
lock, secure the back end of your bike to another
- If you find your U lock to be too small to fit
around every object, then just use it on the rear
wheel and the stationary object but place it
"inside" the triangle formed by the three back
sections of the bike's frame.
4Finding a Sturdy Support to Lock Your Bike
5Article written byhttps//www.mountainbicycleworl
d.com/how-to-lock-your-bike/name Mountain
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