Title: Buy Legal Leads - ZipBrands
- We help you find new clients using our proven
consumer platforms.
2Buy Legal Leads
- So you've joined Prepaid Legal, made your list of
100 friends and family members and invited them
all to lunch - all to no avail. Maybe you even
purchased some Prepaid Legal Leads? You've done
all that your upline has told you... but you're
not getting anywhere. - How would you like to generate your own leads?
Even better... what if you could get those leads
for FREE? - As with any network marketing business it's
difficult making money when you don't have
interested prospects in your business. Prepaid
Legal is no different. The key to generating
Prepaid Legal Leads is this...
3Exclusive Real Estate Seller Leads
- Zero in on your target market.
- Who is your target market? Your target market
could be network marketers... (as they are
already open to the network marketing business
plan) - People searching "Prepaid Legal" online are
probably in your target market as well.
4Real Estate Lead Providers
- Set yourself apart from your competition.
- How do you set yourself apart from your
competition? Don't advertise your business!
Advertise something of value... Network Marketing
is about building relationships. Give them
something that will help them improve themselves
or their business. Some ideas... - How to market online
- How to start a WordPress blog
- How to create a capture page
- How to use social media
- There are so many different things that you can
do. Pick a skill to master and teach that skill
to others.
5Real Estate Lead Generation Service
- Use a Sales Funnel.
- To market online you need a sales funnel, a
process that will take your prospects through a
funnel that will separate the tire kickers from
those who are genuinely interested. By using an
email auto responder you can automate the process
of your content being delivered to your
prospects. - So to sum it all up the key to marketing your
Prepaid Legal business online is marketing to
other network marketers and putting them through
your sales funnel. Building relationships with
them is crucial to getting them to join your
business. You'll never have success marketing
your Prepaid Legal business with a replicated
6Home Purchase Leads
- The bottom line is that you need to promote
YOURSELF! Do not promote your Prepaid Legal
business! Once you learn how to promote yourself,
you'll have no problem generating an unlimited
number of prepaid legal leads! Learning how to
promote yourself can be one of the biggest
challenges you'll face. You need to "give without
thought of getting anything in return". To many
people that is the polar opposite of what they've
been doing their whole lives. Think about it...
do people with jobs do their jobs first in hopes
of getting paid? No they do the job after they
know how much they are getting paid.
7Real Estate Lead Programs
- A great personal example that "give without
thought of getting anything in return" is my
experience with LinkedIn. I answered several
questions about my niche and have helped others
to accomplish their goals without asking for a
penny. Well that help turned into a nice pay day
on 2 little jobs for a single client. I wouldn't
have made that money if I had been looking out
for my bottom line. If you want help with that
concept I suggest reading "The Greatest Salesman
In The World" by Og Mandino or "Think Grow
Rich" by Napoleon Hill. Both of these book will
help you grow in so many ways... and help you
create a tribe of people that look to you as an
expert and a leader.
8Lead Providers
- If you want to learn how you can promote yourself
online you need to understand attraction
marketing.For more info You can contact us at
877-489-4859 or https//www.ZipBrands.com
9Thank you
- https//www.ZipBrands.com
- support_at_zipbrands.com
- 877-489-4859
- 5701 Lindero Canyon Rd, Westlake Village, CA 91362