Title: How To Fix An iPhone That Keeps Shutting Off
1How To Fix An iPhone That Keeps Shutting Off
- iPhone has plenty of remarkable features and
uses. However, no technical device in this world
is perfect. And same is the case with iPhones.
Sometimes, it faces some significant issues like
it keeps turning off by itself.
2Reasons behind an iPhone turning off again and
again www.office.com/setup
- There can be many reasons behind an iPhone that
turns off randomly by itself.OFFICE.COM/SETUP - For instance, problems because of corrupted
applications and water damage. However, most of
the time the issue is of the battery. - Luckily, there are some ways through which you
can get to know your battery is creating the
problem. One such technique is that if your
iPhone shuts down most of the time at 30
charging level, then you can make out that there
is some fault in your battery.
3Ways to solve the issue of an iPhone that keeps
shutting off randomly
- For iPhone 8 and iPhone X Firstly, press and
then, release the increasing volume switch. After
that, press and then, release the decreasing
volume switch. Lastly, do a long press on the
switch that is located at the side. - For iPhone 7 press the decreasing volume
switch and side switch together. - In the rest of the iPhones Press on the Home
switch and side switch together. - Then, continue to press the switches till the
display becomes black, and the symbol of Apple is
put before you. Office.com/setup
- Firstly, click on Settings.
- Then, click on Notifications.
- After that, individually click on every
application that is placed over there. - Next, try moving the Allow Notifications slider
for turning it off. - Then, do updating of the OS.
- After the update gets over and your device gets
restarted one more time do step till step 2. - Lastly, switch on the notifications one more time
for every application for which you earlier you
switched off the notifications. - www.office.com/setup