Title: AOL IMAP Settings on iPhone - Tips
1AOL IMAP Settings on iPhone
2AOL IMAP Settings on iPhone
iPhone / iPad provides very good support to AOL
IMAP email services, like Gmail, MS Exchange,
Yahoo Mail, AOL mail, Outlook and many others. We
have showed you the automatic way to add AOL
email account to iPad before in an early article.
In this iPad mail setup guide, we will discuss
how you can manually setup AOL mail account on
iPad Air, iPad mini and other iPad models.
3On this page, we will discuss about AOL Mail
settings for the iPhone. So without wasting time
lets get started. 1. First, choose the settings
Option in Your iPhone 2. Then scroll down the
Menu and select Mail, Contact, Calendar
Option. 3. Now add a tap account and choose
another Mail AOL. 4. Add a taped match and Enter
the following information Name Your
Name Email Your AOL Email Address Password
Your AOL Email Password
4Details Enter AOL 1. Select the IMAP from the
incoming mail server and enter the following
informationHostname imap.aol.comUsername
EmailPassword Your Email Password
2. Scroll down the Menu and, go to under Outgoing
Mail Server, Fill the following information
Hostname smtp.aol.com Username Enter Your Email
Username Password Fill Your Email Password
3. Save the Setting and select your email address
in the next screen.8.Scroll down and select
Option SMTP under the outgoing mail
server.9. Select the main server gtgt then select
smtp.aol.com and fill this informations as shown
belowSSL SSL
4. Server port 587 gtGo to the previous screen.
Choose Advanced and check that information is
correct SSL SSLgtServer port imap.aol.comgt
After that go back to the screen. Restart your
iPhone to finish the AOL Mail Setup Setting.
5Hopefully you able to solve your problem. If you
still facing a problem, then all you have to do
is Call to AOLs technical executive
6Email Support Assistant AOL Visit US-
www.aolsupport247.com Toll Free- 1 (800)