Title: Canadian Grand Prix Tickets at Tickets4Race.com
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2The Canadian Grand Prix (French Grand Prix du
Canada) is an annual auto race held in Canada
since 1961. It has been part of the Formula One
World Championship since 1967. It was first
staged at Mosport Park in Bowmanville, Ontario as
a sports car event, before alternating between
Mosport and Circuit Mont-Tremblant, Quebec after
Formula One took over the event. After 1971,
safety concerns led to the Grand Prix moving
permanently to Mosport. In 1978, after similar
safety concerns with Mosport, the Canadian Grand
Prix moved to its current home on Notre Dame
Island in Montreal. In 2005, the Canadian Grand
Prix was the most watched Formula One GP in the
world. The race was also the third most watched
sporting event worldwide, behind the first place
Super Bowl XXXIX and the UEFA Champions League
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