Title: Houses For Sale In Forrestfield WA
We are proud to present an opportunity that will
suit many buyers. Whether you are new to the
market or an astute investor this home is sure to
impress. This comfortable 4 bedroom, 2 bathroom
brick and iron home has all the benefits of a
central location close to the airport and an easy
commute to the city.
An easy care, 3 bedroom, 2 bathroom property
located in the heart of The Vines. The home
features ducted air conditioning, plenty of bench
space in the kitchen and open plan living/dining.
- EMAIL midland_at_realestateplus.com.au
- WEBSITE http//www.realestateplus.com.au
- ADDRESS11 The Crescent Midland WA 6056
- PHONE NO (08) 9274 5000
- FAX NO (08) 9274 5752