Title: Case Studies of Active Galaxies NearInfraredOptical Data, MultiParticle Simulations
1Case Studies of Active GalaxiesNear-Infrared/Opti
cal Data, Multi-Particle Simulations
Julia Scharwächter
- ESO fellow since May 2005
- Duty station La Silla
- PhD in Feb 2005
University of Cologne, Germany - PhD Supervisors Andreas Eckart, Susanne
2The Host of 3C 48 (z 0.37)
Where is the counter tidal tail?
Stockton Ridgway 1991
Counter tidal tail?
? Multi-particle simulations
5 arcsec
3New Solution via Merger Simulation
Scharwächter, Eckart, Pfalzner, et al. 2004
Counter tidal tail in front of the main
body of the host galaxy
3C 48 (ISAAC) Zuther et al. 2003
Time evolution of the merger simulation
Rotation of the merger remnant
Density visualization
4The Host of I Zw 1 (z 0.06)
Foreground star e.g. Stockton 1982
Companion galaxy? e.g. Canalizo Stockton 2001
? ISAAC imaging and spectroscopy
5Color Composites
Tidal bridge
Star formation
Red companion
Scharwächter, Eckart, Pfalzner, Saviane, Zuther,
subm. to AA
6Ongoing Projects I
- QSOs with disturbed morphologies
at 0.2 lt z lt 0.4
(ISAAC, NACO) with J. Zuther, A.
Eckart, R. Schödel - Emission line gas in QSO host galaxies (NACO SDI)
with V. Ivanov, L. Tacconi-Garman, J. Zuther,
J. Reunanen, J. Kotilainen
Double structure
1.6 µm
1.575 µm
1.625 µm
7Ongoing Projects II
- Stellar kinematics and populations in two
galaxies from the NUGA sample (VIMOS IFU)
with M. Krips,
F. Combes,
S. García-Burillo
NUGA (NUclei of GAlaxies) IRAM PdBI CO survey
for investigating fueling mechanisms in a sample
of nearby Seyfert and LINER galaxies