Title: Why should you Quickly Repair a Car Dent
1Why Should You Quickly Repair a Car Dent?
2Its human nature to put off small, seemingly
unimportant tasks like a small dent on your
bumper, or maybe the driver side door.
3 It is always an unknown matter - whats
happening to your car underneath the dent?
4Here are some good reasons for fixing a small car
dent when they occur, and not when it eventually
gets worse and cost you more.
- Potential for rust
- Damage to the paint
- Lower resale value
- Cheaper repairs
- Safety
5Potential for rust
6Cracks caused by the impact that created the dent
can allow water to seep underneath the paint and
clear coat where it will reach the unprotected
metallic part of the car.
7Water will cause the metal to oxidize, causing
rust spots and depending on the size of the dent
and the extent of the damage to the paint, you
may not initially notice the rust.
8Damage to the paint
9When you ignore the car body paint damage that
can occur with a car dent, the damage will
invariably get worse.
10 When the dent is severe enough to have damaged
the sealant as well, peeling paint can leave bare
metal exposed, which will eventually rust.
11Lower resale value
12No matter how well your car runs, the exterior
appearance will still impact the price a buyer is
willing to pay.
13Nothing lowers the value of a used car like
unfixed dents and paint damage, including the
rust spots caused by them.
14Cheaper repairs
15 When you get a dent on your car, fixing it right
away will invariably cost less than if you wait
for a longer period.
16It doesnt take long for rust spots to appear or
paint to start flaking away, especially if you
live in areas with a severe weather.
18Safety comes first and even small dents can
sometimes mask underlying structural damage that
isnt obvious on the surface.
19 When you get in a bumper collision that damages
the quarter panel, it could bend the underlying
metal and lead to front- or rear-end instability.
20 www.oriona2.com
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