Title: Level Set Experiments in Folding and Kinking
1Level Set Experiments in Folding and Kinking
- Giles Hunt, Chris Budd and Jonathan Boon
- Centre for Nonlinear Mechanics (CNM)
- Bath Institute for Complex Systems (BICS)
- University of Bath UK
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3Jon and Chris in Bude
4Setting the Scene
- Linear elasticity (plus friction)
- Thin-skin structures (plates and shells)
- (localization, spatial chaos, cellular
- or serial buckling)
- Mechanics of layered structures
- (parallel folding, kink-banding)
5Thin-skin Mechanics (eg Plates and Shells)
6Axially Compressed Cylindrical Shell
circumferentially periodic axially localized
7Destab./Restab. Leads to Cellular Buckling
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10Somewhere in Alaska
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12Experiments on layers of paper (courtesy of
Ahmer Wadee, Rorie Edmunds, Jonathan Boon)
Lateral load
13In-between States
14Level Sets
15Singularities Lead to Lockup
Lagrangian formulation
Eulerian formulation
Serial folding
16Level Sets and Kink-Bands
Salient and re-entrant corners
Different lockup mechanism
17Comparative Models
18Comparisons with Experiments
19Thin samples
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21Solid Mechanics
A few numerical experiments (courtesy of Hans