Title: Launch Business like GoJek in Cambodia
1Gojek Clone App flow Development
2Splash Screen
Cubejek User
Cubejek Provider
3Login/Signup Screen
Login with Facebook Login with Google Login with
Signup with Facebook Signup with Google Signup
with Email
4Service Providing (Landing) Screen
50 on demand Services like dog walking, car
wash, massage, tow truck, etc offer in single app
5Taxi Booking App
Heres the complete flow of Taxi clone that is
the part of 50 on demand services.
This a easy and user friendly way to book a taxi
Moto Ride
Taxi Ride
User clicks on moto ride option and put pick up
drop location.
Taxi ride works same as regular taxi booking
6Driver Online
- Driver gets online in order to start accepting
ride. - The application will only send the requests to
the drivers available in that area.
7Request Part
Rider mentions pick up drop location and select
the type of ride and payment option to send
Driver see all the details in his screen. They
accept or decline the request within a time frame.
8Go To Wallet
- User and Service provider both have app wallet.
- Both can check wallet balance and can add money
to wallet.
9Other new Features are Added in App
Gender Based Rides
The app allow rider to choose female driver as
their ride driver.
10Other new Features are Added in App
Handicap Accessibility
This facility for handicapped or especially
disabled people. Here rider can choose a ride or
vehicle that is specifically modified for
handicapped people.
11Want to Build your own Gojek Clone
Start your on demand Gojek clone business in
Cambodia. Contact us and we will provide you the
best Cambodia startup solutions.
1 (858) 427-0668(Worldwide)