Title: IS 556 Project Management
1IS 556 Project Management
- DePaul University CTI
- Spring 2004-2005
- John Fisher
- John Fisher
- M.S. DePaul University 1989
- CIO and SVP - SmithBucklin Corporation
(www.smithbucklin.com) - Previously CNA Insurance and Continental Bank
- Phone (312) 527-6792
- E-mail jfisher_at_cti.depaul.edu or JFisher_at_sba.com
- Office Hours By appointment (500 - 545 Monday)
- Class Web Page http//dlweb.cti.depaul.edu
- 1 Minute Introduction Be Brief
- Name, Work Experience especially Project
Management - Or, two issues you want to explore in the class
3Class Overview
- Administrative Information
- Textbooks
- On Time, Within Budget, 3rd Ed, E. M. Bennatan,
John Wiley - Software Project Survival Guide, Steve McConnell,
Microsoft Press - Case Studies
- Class Times, Assignments, Grading, Handouts
- One Minute Paper Feedback to me
- Course Format Discussion and Case Study
- Discussion of textbook chapter(s)
- Break
- Case Study
- Web resources
- Class web page, http//dlweb.cti.depaul.edu
- www.gantthead.com, www.Techrepublic.com
- Other resources your company or one you know
4About the Class
- Lecture and discussion format
- Discussions revolve around case analysis
- Grading is based upon
- Case Study Project - 30
- Case Case Presentation/write-up (10) and
individual case write ups (20) - 30 - Final Exam - 30
- Class Attendance/Participation 10
5What We Will Cover Today
- Course Overview and Logistics
- What is Project Management?
- Software Project Management Issues
- Starting A Project Team
6What This Course Will Cover
- How to handle large and small projects
successfully - Industry best practices
- Issues that can make a project succeed or fail
- Corporate culture
- Role of the user
7More Of What We Will Cover
- Resistance to Technological change
- External factors, including vendor relations
- Proposals and contracts
- Tools and techniques for project estimating and
scheduling - Project assessment
- Project approaches or models
8Case Studies
- Creating a Web Site for Medisys, Ivey 98E011.
- Xerox Sales Activity Management, Ivey 99E015.
- HCL America, HBS 9-396-030.
- Concordia Casting Company, HBS 9-192-151.
- Timberjack Parts Software Selection, HBS
9-398-085. - Vandelay Industries, HBS 9-697-037.
- Bank of Ireland, HBS 9-399-012.
- BellSouth Enterprises, 9-193-150.
- Ford Motor Company, 9-198-006
9About Business Cases
- A case is . . .
- a point in time snapshot of a business or IT
related issue, problem or situation. - Cases are meant to . . .
- stimulate critical thinking and problem solving
skills. - Generally speaking, cases consist of 10-20 pages
of text and exhibits. - Cases are generally based upon reality, within
certain privacy parameters. - Generally speaking, there is not an established
right or wrong answer for any given case,
however minimum expectations exist.
10Tips About Cases
- Not every detail or exhibit contained in a case
may be relevant. - Think big picture - The problems or issues w/i a
case may not relate directly to a specific class
session. - much more likely to relate to the class/subject
matter as a whole. - Every case generally includes an array of
business, technical and project management
related issues.
11Case Write-Ups
- Students will work in groups of 5 and complete
- Case write-ups (Individually)
- must review the weekly case and prepare a
write-up based upon the case. (1-2 pages
typed). (Due before class.) - Case Presentation (As a group)
- Each non-distance group must present 1 case to
class and lead discussion. - Each distance group must select a case to
specialize in. Write up for that case would be
4-6 pages. - One or two case readings are assigned for every
regular class meeting. - Think and write like a business person, not a
student completing a homework assignment! - Write in the third person, as a trusted advisor
to the main actor or character in a case.
12Case Write-Ups
- As a general rule each case will contain
business, technical and project management
related issues. - For instance, consider that
- Any software development (or software package
selection and implementation) project poses
specific risks to business objectives. - Technical challenges pose specific risks to
project objectives and to business objectives. - Resource capabilities (such as staff
availability, expertise and productivity) pose
specific risks to project objectives.
13Case HW Write-Ups
- The analysis of each case should specifically
focus on identifying the challenges faced by the
persons and/or organization contained within the
context of this course the project management
dimensions are of primary interest. - But do not forget that
- Every software related project is first and
foremost a business related project. - Every software related project is also a
technical or engineered solution to a business
14Case Write-Ups
- One possible approach or strategy for analyzing
business cases is to a make a three pass
review - Quickly read or skim the case to familiarize
yourself with the case and to perhaps also
identify any immediately obvious issues at this
point in your analysis and understanding. - Then read the case again, this time searching for
and noting specific issues or problems look for
the red flags. - Now look at the case again and consider what was
not said or discussed in the case that perhaps
should/could/would improve upon the chain of
events unfolding in the case.
15Case Presentations
- Each group will lead class in discussion in one
case. - Presentation should present
- Basic facts of the case
- Technical/business/Project management challenges
faced - Lead discussion on next steps/recommendations
- Case to present and date will be randomly
assigned to each group.
16About the Class Project
- Class projects represent a challenging way to
learn about a particular subject on an in-depth
basis. - Student groups are expected to apply their
research work in the form of recommendations to
solving the issues related to a particularly
significant issue or problem and in making
substantive recommendations. - Think of the classroom audience as an executive
steering committee and the instructor as the
executive sponsor of your project.
17Class Project Deliverables
- Project Write-Up
- Consists of 15 typed pages (longer papers will
have points deducted) - An expanded version of a case write-up
- Project Management Documentation
- (i.e. C/B analysis, Charter, Schedules, Budgets,
Org Chart, Resource Plan, WBS Chart, Status
Reports, Issues Log) - PowerPoint Presentation
- This is an executive level overview of the
project write-up - Presentations are limited to 30 minutes per team.
At 30 minutes, your time will STOP and will be
graded upon what was presented.
18Class Project Presentations
- Each project team will make a presentation of
their research findings to the rest of the class.
- The last 2 class meetings of the quarter is
devoted to student project presentations. - Each project team can consist of both classroom
based and virtual team members. The virtual
team members are the Distance Learning (DL)
students enrolled in this class.
19Project Groups
- Teams are an integral part of most organizations
- Teams, when functioning properly, will produce
better work than individuals - It is critical to have the team get together in
person for one or two sessions at the beginning
of the term - Peer review sheets are used to determine if all
team members contribute equally - If there are issues, try to work them out, and
let me know
- Early in your career, you are paid for what you
can do - Later in your career, you will be paid for what
you can say - Communication is a key to success in any field or
organization - Classroom presentations are an opportunity to
practice in a controlled and sympathetic
21Class Project Topics
- These topics selected must be germane to project
management or to software development (possibly
IT), in general. - Class project teams must be formed by our next
class meeting. - Your group must determine a spokesperson who will
send me the names of the people in your group via
email - I will post the groups on the COL course site
22Project Topic Approval
- Regardless of what topic is selected, students
must obtain instructor approval of the topic
selected. - Specific topics will be awarded to project teams
on a first requested, first approved basis. - An e-mail topic approval request will suffice.
- Submit topic request by fourth class meeting.
- Presentations on the last 2 nights of class of
the quarter.
23DL/COL Students
- Requirements for both Physical and Virtual (DL)
students are similar in this class. - DL students may participate in the group project
by becoming part of a group with classroom
students - DL students may offer a paper and PowerPoint
presentation in lieu of classroom presentation
24All Students
- All assigned case write-ups for this class are to
be submitted electronically for review and
grading purposes in the COL/DL web site. - Case write-ups are due on the day class meets
(before class starts) - Late work is subject to a loss of up to 50 of
its assigned point value.
- Problems, Questions or Issues
- E-Mail is the best and quickest way to reach me.
- I will create an FAQ page for the class as/if
questions arise. I will add to this page any
questions and any answers that are germane to the
class at large.
26Week 1 - What we will learn
- What are projects, project management and project
managers. - What is so special about software projects
- Starting with he project team
27What is Project Management?
- The planning, organizing, directing and
controlling of company resources for a relatively
short-term objective that has been established to
complete specific goals. (Kerzner - PM A systems
Approach To Planning, Scheduling Controlling -
- the art of directing coordinating human and
material resources throughout the life of a
project by using modern management techniques to
achieve predetermined objectives of scope, costs,
time quality and participant satisfaction. (PMI
BOK, 1996)
- The application of knowledge, skills, tools
techniques to project activities in order to meet
or exceed stakeholder needs and exceptions for a
project.(Cleland, PM - Strategic Design
Implementation, 1999.)
28What Is A Project?
- Any undertaking that has a definite, final
objectives representing specified values to be
used in the satisfaction of some need or desire.
(Ralph Currier Davis)
- simply a cluster of activities that is
relatively separate and clear cut. Building a
plant, designing a new package, soliciting gifts
p 500,000 for a men's dormitory are examples.
(Newman - The Process of Management Strategy,
Action, Results, 6th Edition. - Prentice Hall,
- A project is a sequence of tasks with a beginning
and end that are bounded by time, resources and
desired results. Baker and Baker. The Complete
Idiots Guide to Project Management., Alpha Books
- 1998.)
29What is a Project?
- Focused Activities
- Usually has definite start end times, some
specific mission or objective and is usually
time and cost bound. - Focused Resources
- Organize resources to create some product or
service that is unique in some way. - Focused Objectives
- The activities or steps usually have specific
objectives completed within a set of
Characteristics Goal directed Collaborative Planne
d Finite
30Different Types of Projects
- Developing a New Release of Software
- Running a political campaign
- Building a bridge
- Development of Italian High-speed train
- Re-engineering a business process
- A military campaign
- Executing a surgical procedure
31Which projects for your organization?
- What will the project cost?
- What time is required?
- What technical performance capability is needed?
- Will the project results fit into the
organizational strategies?
Strategic Fit
T I m e
C o s t
Technical Performance
Operational Fit
32What is A Project Manager? Kerzner - Project
Management a Systematic Approach
- responsible for coordinating and integrating
activities across multiple, functional lines. - Needs to have
- Strong communication skills
- familiar with operations of each line
organization - management as well as technical skills
- PM may have increasing responsibility, but very
little authority. can force them to negotiate
with upper-management as well as functional
management for control of company resources.
33More On PM Role Thomas A. Stewart, The
Corporate Jungle Spawns a New Species The
Project Manager, Fortune, July, 10, 1995, pp
- Project managers are a class of managers that
fill niche that used to be filled by mid-level
management - Thomas A. Stewart, The Corporate Jungle Spawns a
New Species The Project Manager, Fortune, July,
10, 1995, pp 179-180. - The role tends to include
- dedicated to delivering project on time within
cost and performance specification - Interfaces with people doing actual work (e.g.,
technologists, construction worker, tactical
units, etc) - Setting priorities for project team members
without direct line-of-management control - Reporting status to management
34More On PM Role
- Project Management is industry independent
project managers are not - The techniques and tools of project management
are used in many industries - project managers must
- know how to operate in the select business and
environment - understand the tasks being accomplished
- gain respect of project members
- must understand the project management, business
management and technical aspects of project being
35SIGs within The PMI
- Aerospace Defense
- Manufacturing
- Automation Systems
- Marketing Sales
- Automotive
- Metrics
- Configuration Management
- New Product Development
- Consulting
- Oil, Gas Petrochemical
- Design-Procurement-Construction
- Pharmaceutical
- Dispute Management
- Quality in PM
- Diversity
- Real Estate Development
- E-Business
Education Training Risk Management Environmental
Management Service Outsourcing Financial
Services Students of PM Global Communications
Technologies Troubled Projects Government Utility
Industry Hospitality Management Web Information
Systems Women in Project Management International
Development Retail
36Software Project Manager Role ...
- Ensure software is developed
- On time
- On budget
- Meet requirements
- Project Manager
- Often does not have direct reports
- Often has direct software experience
- May or may not make time, budget and requirement
37Role of Software Project Manager
- Leadership and Guidance
- Technical leadership
- Planning
- Customer Relations
- Client management
- Senior management liaison
38Possible PM Skill Mix
For Example an 8 Person RD Project
Project Management
39Another Possible PM Skill Mix
For example, 70 person Software Development.
Project Management
40Project Management Functions
- Project Definition, Project Planning, Project
Control . . . - Project Definition - What is being done with who
- What is the Projects Objectives
- purpose,
- goals and
- constraints
- What are The Basic Project Management Controls
- Who is involved and what are their roles.
- What is the chain of command.
41Project Management Functions
- Project Planning - Details of how to meet the
goals - What Risks Need to Be Managed
- What is the Schedule
- How long will this all take?
42Project Management Functions
- Project Control - How to keep project moving
towards its goals. - Progress Management
- Communication
- Corrective Action
43Project Management Functions
- Sponsor
- Stakeholders
- Project Rules
- Objectives
- Risk Management
- Detailed Planning
- Scheduling
- Responsibility Matrix
- Communication Plan
- Charter
- Risk Plan
- Schedule
- Budget
- Resource Plan
- Measure Progress
- Communication
- Corrective Action
- Project Closure
Corrective Action
44What we will learn
- What are projects, project management and project
managers. - What is so special about software projects
- Starting with the project team
45Hi-Technology Projects
- Hi-tech projects are much more software-based
- Track record for industry is not good.
of project
46Project Costs
- 1995 US spending on IT projects
- 250B
- 175,000 projects
- 50B on cost overruns
- 81B on cancelled projects
- But look at a success
47Example of a problem
- On Time Within Budget p 11
- NCI Phone Co.
- What is wrong here from a project management
viewpoint? - Other examples?
48Some Software Problems Issues
- Requirements
- Incomplete
- Inflexible
- Employment issues
- Retaining people
- People conflicts
- Resource contention
- Customer issues
- Changing requirements
- too demanding
- Not available
49 Software Project Issues Continued
- Estimate issues
- Cost estimates - hardware, software, resources
- Time estimates - External/internal deliverables
- Development Process Issues
- Poor testing
- Bad or no documentation
- Lack of change management
- Inflexible or poor software design
- Difficult software integration
50 Software Project Issues Continued
- Release issues
- Missing features
- Unnecessary features
- Misinterpretation of feature operation
- Missing necessary features
51More Software Problems
- Inability to close projects
- Feature / contract disputes
- Last minute changes
- Testing failure
- Staff drift
- Lack of rollout planning
52Bill of Rights pp.7-8Software Project Survival
Customer/project team often conflict and not
respect each others rights.
- Customer Bill of Rights VS Project Teams
- Customer
- To set project objects (and have them followed)
- To know project length and cost
- To make reasonable requirement changes and know
costs - To clearly know project status
- To hear on-going risk assessment affecting cost,
schedule and quality. - To have access to project deliverables
53Bill of Rights pp.7-8
- Project Team Bill of Rights
- To know project deliverables and to clarify
priorities - T o know what project to build and a clear
product definition - To have access to customer, manager, marketer or
others making decisions about functionality - To work project phases in a technically
responsible way (in particular, not start coding
too soon.) - To approve effort and schedule estimates (to
provide cost/schedule estimates, and revise when
requirements change.) - To have status accurately reported.
- To be free from frequent interruptions and
54What We Will Cover Today
- Course Background and Logistics
- What is Project Management?
- Software Project Management Issues
- Starting A Project Team
55Kinds of Stakeholders
- Five key areas to think about
- Project Manager -
- Project Team
- Functional Management
- Sponsor
- Customer
- How are all these stakeholders involved and how
satisfy them all?
56Ident Your Stakeholders?
- Project Stakeholders - Anyone having a stake in
the success of the project - Customers, engineers, vendors, technicians,
management - Sometimes they are easy to identify. Other times
need to ask - Who are the customers?
- Who will make a contribution?
- Who has a stake in the project?
- A Primary task when starting a project
- Who are the project stakeholders?
- What political/technical/organization issues do
they bring? - Do they all agree on the goals of the project?
- Do they agree that there is a project?
57StakeHolder Project Manager
- Need to assess your own role.
- What is the extent of you authority
- How clear is your role?
- How clear are other responsibilities with
relationship to this one? - Who controls your priorities?
- Project manager leads project even when working
with people with more formal authority.
58StakeHolder Project Team
- Who will do the tasks of project?
- How clear are roles?
- How solid is their commitment?
- How will inform major minor players? (can be
large numbers?) - Will need to identify tasks, dependencies
roles. - May be people wanting to be on team that are not
appropriate. - PM may need to recruit the team
- The person with formal authority who is
ultimately responsible for the project. - Typically has authority to stop the project
- May be a senior executive or junior manager
- Their support is key since
- They empower the PM to manage the project
- The sponsors authority can greatly help the PM
in projects that cross function lines.
60Sponsor Duties
- A Champion for the Project!
- Issue the Project Charter
- Assist in building the responsibility matrix
- Review and Approve the SOW
- Review Project Status
- Advise the PM
- Help Management The Projects Priority VS other
projects - Advises Project manager and helps overcome
organization obstacles - From a fortune 500 study . . . Having a known and
active sponsor was the number 1 reason for success
61Stakeholder Functional Management
- More likely to have area responsibility instead
of 1 project. - E.g., engineering, testing, internal auditing
- Their support a critical success factor for
- Assembly of team
- Helping with political resources
- Timely decision making - may have decision power
for portions of the project that effect project - E.g., DB rollout requirements required cooper of
people at diverse sites
62Stakeholder The Customer
- Typically the persons or group paying for the
project. - Get final say on the requirements for project
- Must differentiate between vital few and
significant many - Who will make final decisions?
- There may be only 1 or 2 easily identified
customers(e.g., a contract job) - There may be 1000s of contractors (e.g., car
manufacture, consumer software). May need
customer reps.
63Stakeholder Management
- Project manager must carefully look at
stakeholders - identify the proper stakeholders
- understand the nature of stakeholder interest
- evaluate the impact of stakeholder behavior on
the project - What do you need them to do?
- How will ensure they will do it?
64Stakeholder Management - II
- Politics and stakeholder concerns definitely
effect projects - communicate project so all stakeholders
understand rationale - appropriately identify sponsors and assure they
fully endorse the project - sell project to stakeholders (particularly
non-believers) - Concentrate on benefits and sponsorship backing.
65 66Example Stakeholder Management
- Example - multi-organizational project to
develop a single point of contact for people
moves - - real-estate starts move (space management)
- porters physically move,
- networking and desktop team set up PC
- Phone team adjusts number
- Desktop/networking department head wants
single-seamless process for moves. - Real-estate DH supports but does not have time
for project reviews but provides a engineer.
67Some Final Stakeholder Thoughts
- PM Sometimes Can Control Who Becomes a
stakeholder - Question different roles if it is appropriate
- Manage Upward - Need to lead your stakeholders
(including sponsor - what do you need out of the
sponsor?) - Consider Assembly Of Project Board Of Directors
- Review status
- Help With Key Decisions
- Key Communication
- E.g., Program management For Consultant
Deployment. - Board of director meeting each month.
- Review costs, schedule, decisions and .
68How can we fix the problems?
- Iterative approach
- Continuous change
- Flexibility
- Client/user buy-in
- Realistic planning
- Adherence to some basic principles
- What are projects, project management and project
managers. - What is so special about software projects
- Starting with the project team